I got more of an ENTP vibe from this description. They seem more distracted and scattered, where as the ENTJ is more focused, does things in order and likes to complete each task, and tends to be more polite. Also, I think ENTPs would be more confrontational when challenged, versus ENTJ, in my experience. The ENTJ will argue logically but seems kinda calmer to me, like they're focused on the idea but aren't really taking it personally if you disagree. And ENTPs can get more emotional if you disagree, and so can get more upset about it.

But that's just from ENTPs and ENTJs I know irl, so it could be different for individuals. But my guess would be ENTP.

Quote Originally Posted by XoX
What's the best way to tell ENTp from ENTj in a work environment? I think I have to work with a person who is one of those but so far I can't tell which. I would guess ENTp but I'm not sure. Any quick hints to tell the difference?

Edit: Very "driven" i.e. works very fast and can context-switch easily. Always on the move. Goes to a meeting, comes back and works very fast for 15 minutes then goes to another meeting and comes back and again switches easily to new task and works very fast. Often when wants something from people goes to them and small talks with them a bit (smiling and joking) but then quickly changes tone to official to request what they were after. Is somehow very official and careful of what to call people (never ever uses nicknames etc). Uses a very "respecting" tone with people at least in official situations. Is somewhat official in talking style and doesn't really talk on too personal level. Uses phone a lot and easily. Can organize contacts and people well but is also technologically competent. Can seen a bit distant every now and then and eyes wonder around all the time when not concentrated on a task. When runs a meeting is VERY fast (to the point that I can't follow what happens and is decided) and quite confrontational when challenged. Often before a meeting greets people with smile and welcomes them etc but when the meeting ends can "forget" about manners and just suddenly leave and confuse people a bit with this. Sort of "hot"-"cold" behavior.