Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
He also attempts to point out his reasonings upon request.
Yeah, I remember when I used to do that... you know, before I realized that the people here would attempt to drag me into 7 hour debates if I began answering their posts point by point. No matter what I'd say, they'd get further away from my main point trying to argue details that are barely relevant to what I was trying to say and often based on miscommunications. I must admit that it's often tempting to answer their initial responses to something I've said by explaining my reasoning or clearing up communications, but I've learned from experience for a handful of them, this is entirely useless as no amount of explaining will get them to stop trying to engage me in a debate, and that they do not even wish to understand the actual point of what I'm saying because they'd rather use this forum as the porn for their mental masturbation. So now, unless I'm having a bad/off day, I just let them go look for stimulation from someone else and think what they want to about my reasoning.