Aww, aka... how are you? I relate to much of what you post, not a surprise.

Hmm, I don't really know how to give advice on this... I haven't had a romantic relationship with Semi-Dual before... plus I'm still not sure if I'm ENFj or INFp, so forgive me.

But in regards to Duality and you have 2/3 romantic relationships and them all failing... don't get too worked up about it. I put way too much faith in Socionics at one point and it totally fucked me over. Just because two people are Duals doesn't mean at all that they'll work out, in any sort of way. I swear even Conflictors could be in a relationship together, if certain things are aligned. I mean there are people of the same type that I know, 4 ENTps for example, and they are all so different and my relationship with all of them differ so completely... sure, some shallow surface things seem similar, but I am so glad that I've finally come the realization that Socionics isn't the be all and end all, you know? Just took me some time... this is why I started disliking the whole thing, because 1. I am not quite so intellectual enough to keep a steady balance between the theoretical and what is real/applied ...