Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
When I ask someone about something, and they don't want to talk about it, I simply say that "if you want you can tell me when you are ready, because I would really like to know." Or if it's something that they don't want to talk about ever, so long as it's something that doesn't affect me, then I have to respect that. LSEs and ESEs don't work that way, and I do think they have to be "trained" to be patient and actually trust. This is how it could workout at the beginning level:
1) "Do you trust me?" -> "Yes"
2) "I'm going somewhere today and I will be back in (time frame), and I won't tell you what I did until I get back" -> "..."
3) When you get back, you say what it was.
4) Increase the time frame and go back to (1).

This might drive them a little crazy, pay no mind to the complaining. It's for their own good. Another thing is to always, always, "grill back." I don't believe in vengeance, but you sometimes have to treat people as they treat you so they can realize what they are doing if it's going too far. Also, a good thing would be to never disclose things that are uncomfortable for you to talk about, unless they disclose something as well, and THEY have to do it first. I'm serious in that there has to be some sort of training involved, and things that you just have to impose in order for things to work out. The paranoia things has to be worked out in some way or another.
Yeah, that makes sense.