Bump. I am quite curious to see what people think about ESTjs here, in terms of their anger. Do people still stand by their statements? Or have your views changed?

I find these comments interesting:

Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
Yikes. I suppose the INFjs are supposed to calm them down?

Do you think that Si subtypes are softer or calmer?
Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes View Post
Public displays of anger are quite appropriate for ESTjs. The term "onslaught" has been connected to this type for a reason. Often enough I've seen mentioned "bulging eyes", "demonic rage" or "throbbing veins in the forehead" in connection with ESTjs on this site. I don't find any of it inappropriate.
Quote Originally Posted by eunice View Post
[responding to april]

I thought so too. The Te subtype descriptions made me feel that they are more stern and serious than Si subtypes. As for ESTj showing public display of anger, it sounds kind of scary. I think I will crawl under the chair if an ESTj ever showed this public display of anger infront of me and everyone else. As long as he doesn't show domestic violence, I think I still can take it.
Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
I don't know what should or should not happen, either, but if you yelled at or otherwise expressed anger toward me, depending on the subject, I'd likely either get angry back at you (though it wouldn't be a very demonstrative anger), ignore you, or go away and quietly cry. If it wasn't really directed at me, I might try asking questions to get you to calm down. I, of course, don't know yet if that would actually work, but it would be an initial reaction.

EDIT: I was thinking more of a one-on-one interaction when I wrote the above. With regard to a public display, I think Eunice's idea of hiding under a piece of furniture has a lot of merit.