Somehow it started to nother me, so I decided to come back and post something concerning the subject.

I'll try to describe how I percieve time and how I think this is Ni.

To the following exersice.:

Time is moving. Go into some mall where there is lots of people. Lots of action. Where everything happens quickly and changes all the time. Find yourself a seat from where you can follow it all. Try to observe the movement. How nothing is still. How people walk, meat each-other, how the elevators go up or down. How someone passes someone by. How someone stops at the same time. Feel how people have diferent tempo. Feel how everything in the mall has its own tempo and is changing and moving. Stoping, passing by, slowing down, sudden voice of a commercial and so on. Try to obserb into the movement.

This is Ni in my opinion.

And the following is a Buddhist exersice to understand how there is nothing but emptiness. Things are real and aren't. They are real, because you percieve them. They aren't because they have their history and the future. Them being in here is nothing but a moment in their passing.