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Thread: Vi me Perhaps?

  1. #41
    Cone's Avatar
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    The way you speak is very INTPish.
    Indeed. The whole "you guys are great! (please don't kill me)" approach is very INTpish. If you get friendly with them, they'll feel guilty about telling you you're wrong or an idiot.

    Which you are not, by the way!

    Your INTp friend,

    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  2. #42


    "Which you are not, by the way! "

    Fantasizing here, Cone?

  3. #43



  4. #44


    Did you ever happen across the thought that I might be your ex Steve? You know IcePick, I ah can't say that I'm not some times homicidal, but hey who isn’t? As for my "You guys are great (don't hurt me) that is generally what I do when I first meet people who are worthy of my kindness. I dated this Psychologist briefly that was very much into socionics. He seemed to think that I could change between types but that I was primarily INTp. I never asked him to elaborate on that subject. I wish that I had.

  5. #45


    Sorry, I'm not sure how two posts came about.

  6. #46
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    Woot for double post. You are INTP. You write exactly like an INTP girl I know, who is also sexy, although Korean.

    Answer me this:

    When someone makes a joke who don't really get, do you sort of raise your eyebrows at them?

    When you feel annoyed at someone do you criticise them with a transparent mask of casualness?

    Do you like non-rhyming poetry?

    Are you well read in a bunch of obscure writers who you quote and ask your friends if they know about all the time?

    Do you ever actually call any of your friends, or do you wait for them to call you?

    Do you bail out of prearranged social get-togethers on account of "not being up to it"?

    Are you good at math, yet lack large portions of common sense?

    Do you always think there's "more to it"? (EVEN WHEN THERE. IS. NOT.)

    Do you dress conservatively to avoid attracting "unwanted attention," yet enjoy getting wasted at parties whilst hallucinating on mushrooms and making out with scene kids? Do you behave this way because you over analyze everything by daylight and long to experience a state of pure being because it is the only way for you to truly feel?

    If you answered yes to three or more of these then congratulations, you're INTp!!!

  7. #47



  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    Woot for double post. You are INTP. You write exactly like an INTP girl I know, who is also sexy, although Korean.

    Answer me this:

    When someone makes a joke who don't really get, do you sort of raise your eyebrows at them?

    When you feel annoyed at someone do you criticise them with a transparent mask of casualness?

    Do you like non-rhyming poetry?

    Are you well read in a bunch of obscure writers who you quote and ask your friends if they know about all the time?

    Do you ever actually call any of your friends, or do you wait for them to call you?

    Do you bail out of prearranged social get-togethers on account of "not being up to it"?

    Are you good at math, yet lack large portions of common sense?

    Do you always think there's "more to it"? (EVEN WHEN THERE. IS. NOT.)

    Do you dress conservatively to avoid attracting "unwanted attention," yet enjoy getting wasted at parties whilst hallucinating on mushrooms and making out with scene kids? Do you behave this way because you over analyze everything by daylight and long to experience a state of pure being because it is the only way for you to truly feel?

    If you answered yes to three or more of these then congratulations, you're INTp!!!
    Oh yeah, thats me. But Christ I sense some animosity here Darling. I'm sorry I'm INTp? heh

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