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ISFjs are among the most loyal and family oriented of the types, they love family and can provide well for them. They can have good memories, and excellent analytical abilities. They can make very good councilors, and may possess an excellent empathetic understanding of others. They tend to be exceptionally self-sacrificing. However, they also have a habit of devaluing their own accomplishments, feeling as though they are worthy of no reward. Many become prone to severe workaholics tendencies, constantly finding reasons to clean and arranging items for work or for leisure; regardless, they can often even feel under appreciated for their valiant enthusiastic efforts.

ISFjs tend to be very orderly, they rarely need to ever to clean up; this can be manifested in the way that they dress. For example, it is rare to find an ISFj that does not own some sort of designer suit or dress, as they love to flaunt themselves about in beautifully matched attire, even for informal events. They can also be exceptionally meticulous, constantly searching for new and different ways to arrange items in the most perfect fashion. They have an eye for defects, which can sometimes become an object of obsession. ISFjs can become intrigued by certain specific color combinations, like black and white. In the extreme, this can manifest itself in peculiar ways. For example, an ISFj might get so involved with matching colors, that he or she has to restain and bleach the wood in his or her house to maybe a pasty white, replace their carpet with black and white tile, and tear out the grass in the front yard to replace with black and white pebbles, carefully placed selected types of trees, and maybe some odd type of plant or cactus. They may place similar expectations on their guest, asking them to perform certain ethical rituals before entering; like taking off their shoes or showing some other similar form of etiquette.

ISFjs can be exceptionally sympathetic to other people's problems and very supportive and non-condemning, but only if and after they have approved of a person in accords to their logic; they have an have an eye to notice when people do not abide by their own logical and ethical norms. When they dislike someone, some may gossip and spread exaggerated rumors about him or her or may discriminate out of biased judgment; they may even go so far as to shun those who do not discriminate against the same people they discriminate against. However, despite of their apparent incoherent lack of empathy for those considered flawed and unworthy of their respect and admiration, they do make loyal companions to those in which they have found a closeness. ISFjs place high importance on personal individual loyalties, and tend to stick with them through thick and thin. Even in the workplace, it is common for an ISFj to quit a cherished job when a favored boss or co-worker must leave.

ISFjs may not favor what they perceive to be laziness in people; they see little value in the partaking of activities that disturb their own perceived logical order of things, and they may be quick to formulate plans to provoke others to work. They may use their ethical evaluations and logic to intentionally trap others in such a way that they can place certain preconceived expectations upon them, in order to cause them to conform to their orderly logic.

ISFjs tend to make very good host and hostesses, and always make sure that everything that has been prepared is of the best quality and of an orderly style; they always make sure that others are entertained, and they almost always find something good to discuss. When they joke, they provoke an awe of seriousness, only to hit you with a sudden unexpected punch line; they can seem charming in a somewhat subtle way.