Quote Originally Posted by drd252
I thought I was an INTj for the longest time, but I do act more like an INTp, unless I'm at a party or online, then I tend to act more extroverted.
I can act pretty extroverted in social settings, the only conditions being that I have a lot of energy at the time and it's with people I know well. I myself used to wonder whether or not I was an extrovert, but I think the best thing to remember is that being an introvert doesn't necessarily mean being reserved all of the time. If you're driven to be in social settings (online or offline) for most of your free time, chances are you'd be an extrovert, but if you prefer to spend more time on your own, even if just to recharge your energy, then chances are you'd be an introvert.

I dunno, I could be wrong, but that's my understanding of it at least.