In what ways are INFjs you know different from IxFps?
In what ways are INFjs you know different from IxFps?
my infj friend has expressed strong dislike of expressive hand movements, which i have seen belonging to Fe people in my own observations and when she points out to me certain people too. Somehow i think IxFps are bitchier than INFjs This is seen in the emotional outburst or tone of their outbursts. I think when INFjs outburst they still seem subdued.
I also think INFjs can cut off relationships much faster than IxFps.
Last couple of times i was drunk i was accused of clicking too much, because whenever i would say something i thought was important, i would raise my voice and click my fingersOriginally Posted by Ms. Kensington
Socionics - INFx
it doesn't count if you were drunk
INFjs look more serious and boring than IXFps on first impression. INFjs spend more time worrying as compared to IXFps, whereas IXFps have a "live and let live"attitude and are more effective in taking things one step at the time. IXFps are more materialistic than INFjs and love to own expensive stuff and talk about them. IXFps talk about and try hard to find rich boyfriends, but INFjs couldn't care less. But the INFjs are always the ones who end up getting the rich ones (note: ESTjs ) instead without trying at all.
At least that's what observed from my friends and acquiantances. :wink:
ISFps don't want rich boyfriends (or they wouldn't be ENTp's, who don't care about money all that much, duals).
Yeah, I agree with this, to a certain extent. After all, it's a good balance for ExTps which are probably the most confrontational out of all types.Originally Posted by fever
ISFps from what I've seen are kind of proud of being able to make the money by themselves? In regard to the the "rich boyfriend". I also think it's rather shallow to associate "finding a rich boyfriend" to a given type, frankly.
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
It's not an association, it's an observation. Regarding that, is it possible you mistyped or misunderstood their intentions somehow? From experience if there is anything INFp-s want it's independency, financial especially. I don't really see why they would want to find somebody to take care of them, to be dependent on. Every INFp I've seen is a hard core individualist.
If I were making my own steady income I'd feel 80% better about myself.
INFp's are bitches.
INFj's all have halos.
ISFp's all look like dolphins.
Dats how.
SEE Unknown Subtype
6w7 sx/so
[21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
[21:29] hitta: and not dying