Quote Originally Posted by Rick
Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
2.The perfect retirement. I would own a huge medieval style castle with a butler, maid, the whole works... I'll have my personal physical instructor, cook, day-planner. I won't have to worry about forgetting myself on the couch for month just getting fat. I'll have hired people who make sure I get things done and at the end of the day I'll feel like I have accomplished something. Occasionally I'll invest in some scientific study of my field. I'll probably have somewhat less friends compared to the previous future, because the hired help tires me out and lets me live out some of my talking needs. I think I'll be very good to my closest helpers, basically a friend, but rather distant with the cleaners, etc. My cook consults with my physical instructor about the calories and such and prepares yummy treats accordingly. Mmmm...
I love this ... a whole team of hired slave-drivers (do I sense in the Super Id?...)
lol! Yes, I think you're seeing Se in super ID.
oh, now I see where Expat got the from. I thought it was just because I need someone to tell me to start doing things, otherwise I'll just slack off. ...I know I'm trying to reduce my number of meaningless posts, but I just had to mention that this really made me laugh.