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Thread: Expat's socionics type test

  1. #121
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    I would like to learn a new skill and go for classes. I would like to go back to school and learn subjects which I have always wanted to learn but didn't have the chance to. One such example is a course in Traditional Chinese Medicine. During my free time, I would work with fellow physicians to provide volunteery consultation to the poor. I felt inspired after watching a documentary regarding it on TV.

    On the other hand, I would also engage in sports with my loved ones, or perhaps learn a new sport with either my friends or family.

    I would also continue living in the same house that I am currently living in (before I retire).
    Similar to your other friend -- Delta vibe. Probably not INFj.

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    I would be still doing whatever I am doing now. Moreover, I would be travelling around the world in order to see what the world is like and try the different stuff in the respective countries. Since I am very rich, I would sponsor my friends and family to join me as well.
    It sounds boring but I think ENFp too, although ESTj or ISTp is not impossible.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  2. #122
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    why a charity? Is it something you care about? You'd really like a charity?
    Someone a few years ago convinced me that I should give money/work for charities despite them being wasteful and sometimes achieving the complete opposite for what they where designed for.
    It feels good to give and do something for people who have less than you, especially if you have extra money left over which would just make people who didn't really need it end up with it (family, lawyers etc). Which would be the situation if I retired rich.

    I would give away quite a bit of my money now (well, when I'm being paid) if I knew what would happened to the money. I basically just don't trust charities.
    So even if I where to get involved in charity work I would have to be in the mess of it myself to watch over it. And that's probably why I would want a charity.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Five

    I said that I would like to help others. Surely that counts as 'people'?
    Yes, but it did not seem the way a Fe ego type would put it, to me at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by Five
    So from this, INTj, ISTj, ISFj, INFj, ESTj are plausible types.
    Do you think that there is a large enough possibility that I might not be ISTj that I should reconsider my type? Or do you think that it will not be necessary?
    I was just interpreting the result of this particular test, trying not to be influenced by our previous discussions -- however, if you want to be "sure" of your type, the only way is to thoroughly understand every type, so you see clearly which one you are.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  4. #124
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I asked my husband but his answers weren't that good:

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    That's never going to happen. I'll never get to retire.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    We'd move home to Australia and I'd bring some American muscle cars with me to race and as street cars. Plus I'd do a full restoration of a Holden Torana. I would never live in the snow again.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  5. #125
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    Expat, thanks for taking the time and effort to give such quick responses. They are two of my close friends, and they agreed with the ENFp descriptions. Knowing that they belong to Delta not only explains why we got along so well, it also emphasized how Socionics is manifested in my daily life. It's kind of scary to realize that my close friends primarily come from Delta (and a couple of them from Alpha), and the whole idea about quadra interactions do exist IRL. It just makes me appreciate Socionics even more.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by electric
    Someone a few years ago convinced me that I should give money/work for charities despite them being wasteful and sometimes achieving the complete opposite for what they where designed for.
    It feels good to give and do something for people who have less than you, especially if you have extra money left over which would just make people who didn't really need it end up with it (family, lawyers etc). Which would be the situation if I retired rich.

    Quote Originally Posted by electric
    I would give away quite a bit of my money now (well, when I'm being paid) if I knew what would happened to the money. I basically just don't trust charities.
    So even if I where to get involved in charity work I would have to be in the mess of it myself to watch over it. And that's probably why I would want a charity.
    I'm not sure how to interpret this, except to say that overall you still seem Alpha.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  7. #127

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    Many thanks, Expat.


  8. #128
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    Let's try this

    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    I plan on spending my retirement exactly the same way I spend my life now
    This sounds kind of static? Perhaps can rule out Ni and Si types? Well at least Ni types.

    I will be financially comfortable, have a clean house, and the means to plan and enjoy leisurely travel and luxury. I will take frequent cruises, eat out a lot, and devote free time to whatever my hobbies are.
    Kind of sensory but well hard to say much for sure. There is some Si involved I guess.

    I will also donate money to scientific research foundations and societies that feed starving countries.
    Hard to say anything about this. Perhaps something to do with Fi but would point more to Delta Fi than Gamma Fi. Could be Alpha too. Hard to see Beta/Gamma here.

    If I am *rich* during retirement, I will do the above, but in a bigger, more efficient house. I will also fly via chartered airplanes. I will order gourmet foodstuffs and cook extravagant meals in my state-of-the-art kitchen. I might purchase a second house in Britain and assimilate myself into the culture. I could picture myself in an antique classic-style British study, the kind I picture C.S. Lewis working in, quietly writing whatever I happened to want to write about, and sipping tea that my stereotypical old housekeeper brewed up for me (I'll probably overpay her so she'll like me more).
    Some sensory stuff going on here. Lot's of references to sensory things like better airplaces, gourmet food, state-of-the-art kitchen etc. However I think there is again more Si than Se involved here and not necessarily in ego block but as a subconscious need. Assimilating into a new culture (as a goal) is somehow kind of strange concept to me so it leaves me puzzled. Several references to people like C.S.Lewis and old housekeeper support F>T perhaps. Or not.

    EDIT: I just realized that the term "retirement" is not something which applies to my life, as I never plan to "start living" at the age of 50+. I will probably never have a long term job. Any work I put forth will be for personal reasons. As such, what I wrote above can be considered to mean "what I can possibly see myself doing when I am around the age of 60."
    Somehow I'm still getting a Delta vibe or perhaps Alpha vibe. I have problems seeing Beta/Gamma. If we assume that probably he is static it leaves ENFp/INFj, ENTp/INTj. From there on it is kind of hard. I have used to think him as IJ but that somehow doesn't sound very IJ. I say one of ENFp/INFj/ENTp/INTj. I don't say anything more right now.

    Now don't take this too seriously I just wanted to try this

  9. #129
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    Well the problem with imagining yourself in retirement is that it's unpleasant. It's like imagining yourself with cancer. I pretty much just described what I want now, with the assumption that I'd still have it later on.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    Well the problem with imagining yourself in retirement is that it's unpleasant. It's like imagining yourself with cancer. I pretty much just described what I want now, with the assumption that I'd still have it later on.
    I think this is kind of static statement too. Trying to achieve a certain state and then keep it forever unchanged. I would pretty much at least rule out the Ni-types INTp, INFp, ENFj, ENTj. Other than that I'm just wildly speculating. I guess IJ types are known as the most static but e.g. ENFps can be surprisingly static so being static doesn't yet prove you are IJ.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fever
    i'll have lost my mind by then... so...
    Hmm...I wonder what this means...I guess it points to NF. I don't see T there and the sensors are generally not that worried about losing their mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by fever
    probably running around naked in some old folks home molesting a bunch of old toothless guys with big ears!
    This sounds pretty much irrational sensory behavior to me. So NF from the first. SP from the second. Fp seems most likely.
    ISFp, INFp, ESFp, ENFp would be my guess.

    And remember that the official analysis comes from Expat I'm just practicing. Trying to learn to use this approach to type some real life people I know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fever
    i'll have lost my mind by then... so...

    probably running around naked in some old folks home molesting a bunch of old toothless guys with big ears!
    I think at least an ENFp could do something as crazy as that. They can do almost anything and not be ashamed. That's , I think. They can also be cruel to someone and just laugh at it. Or then my experience of the type is a bit extreme.

  15. #135

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    Quote Originally Posted by fever
    Quote Originally Posted by jas05
    I think at least an ENFp could do something as crazy as that. They can do almost anything and not be ashamed. That's , I think. They can also be cruel to someone and just laugh at it. Or then my experience of the type is a bit extreme.
    that sounds more ESFp actually or a non-type-related thing. apparently u have not met some of the great ones... the kind that love helping others, advocating, motivating them, etc. i wouldn't let one bad egg spoil the whole bunch!

    what type do u think u r? that might help explain a little.
    I'll leave that unknown for a while if Expat wants to do some analysis about the things I wrote earlier.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by jas05
    1) My personal priorities include working in a organization which teaches people to live a better life. That doesn't mean being more wealthy but instead living by better moral standards and thus living a more happy life. So my retirement plans would be greatly affected by the status I'd have in that organisation then. I'd wish having a lot to do in that field.
    Delta vibe so far, slight chance of Gamma.

    Quote Originally Posted by jas05
    To mention some other things, I would really like to have time to study things. Not really anything special, just to read and think and understand the world around us. Also having some nice friends would be cool. Some friends who are intelligent and interested in similar things with me so I'd have a lot of interesting discussions with them. Also some friends who would be nice company to just be with and to do something social occasionally (go to a concert, to have dinner with, go to movies or something like that). That kind of social interaction is essential to know some people who can be analyzed (and their mutual relationships), and to feel nice and comfortable sometimes.
    Ethical, again Delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by jas05
    To answer to the question how I'd spend my day, I'd probably plan myself a lot to do. I cannot say anything specific, but things that are interesting. Like those I mentioned above. I'd also like learning something new, something I'm not very skilled in. For that reason I'm at the moment into photography and music, too, in addition to my logical interests (computers, mathematics, studying). I don't care that much where I would live. Maybe I'd prefer a city to countryside but I don't have a house of dreams really. A house of my own would be nice as I could build all useless but funny technical things there, but, on the contrary, there is quite a lot to care about there compared to living in an appartement.
    Not Si ego. More Ne.

    Quote Originally Posted by jas05
    2) I don't think it would change a lot if I were wealthy. I'd be interested in same things as they are not really money-related. What would I do with the money? I'd have the possibility to buy myself things always when I feel I really need it. That's nice, but I'm not that enthusiastic about it. For the most of the money, I'd probably use it for helping my friends (if they have a real need), for something that is good and useful for some society I consider worth it, and save for my children (if I'm ever to have any).

    EDIT: Having read others' posts, here is something I must add:

    a) If I had the money, I would really move to some warm country from this cold Finland. Winter is nice (you can go playing ice hockey) but coldness is not. I like warmth. I'm not sure, however, if I managed in a different culture. I might feel lonely.
    b) Discussing with the old farts what went wrong with the world. That would be interesting.
    c) The idea about starting a business and employing the poor ones would be nice.
    Overall I get an ethical Delta vibe, ENFp or INFj, more likely ENFp -- even if I am reaching that conclusion very often lately.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  17. #137

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Overall I get an ethical Delta vibe, ENFp or INFj, more likely ENFp -- even if I am reaching that conclusion very often lately.
    OMG, I've been thinking myself as an INTj always. I've never got any other result from a MBTI or a Socionics test. ENFp I don't say you're wrong, but it seems so weird to me. I first came to know MBTI, so it might have misled me. Or (if INTj) then I didn't describe my enough.

    I tried to be as sincere as I could, while trying to forget any stereotypical behavior connected to INTjs.

    And one thing to mention, I'm extraordinarily intelligent measured by Cattel & Cattel Culture Fair Intelligence Test. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with Socionics types or behavior. From my (quite little) experience in Finnish Mensa, intelligent people do not have very much in common besides that they seem all to be quite weird and like those puzzles used in intelligence tests.

  18. #138



  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by jas05
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Overall I get an ethical Delta vibe, ENFp or INFj, more likely ENFp -- even if I am reaching that conclusion very often lately.
    OMG, I've been thinking myself as an INTj always. I've never got any other result from a MBTI or a Socionics test. ENFp I don't say you're wrong, but it seems so weird to me. I first came to know MBTI, so it might have misled me. Or (if INTj) then I didn't describe my enough.

    I tried to be as sincere as I could, while trying to forget any stereotypical behavior connected to INTjs.
    Actually your first paragraph did contain something that would be characteristic of IJ: "instead living by better moral standards and thus living a more happy life".

    In that case, I would suggest you are INFj which was my second choice -- however *shrug*¨maybe you are INTj in Socionics, too, and my test simply failed this time.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  20. #140

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Actually your first paragraph did contain something that would be characteristic of IJ: "instead living by better moral standards and thus living a more happy life".

    In that case, I would suggest you are INFj which was my second choice -- however *shrug*¨maybe you are INTj in Socionics, too, and my test simply failed this time.
    Hmm, I'll consider that. Thanks a lot, by the way.

    role would make a lot more sense than PoLR, I think.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    I asked my husband but his answers weren't that good:

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    That's never going to happen. I'll never get to retire.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    We'd move home to Australia and I'd bring some American muscle cars with me to race and as street cars. Plus I'd do a full restoration of a Holden Torana. I would never live in the snow again.
    Yeah not that helpful --

    A high focus on Si is obvious, and if were to go about stereotypes I'd say that the focus on restoring cars is ISTp -- but, apart from that, to say the obvious just the Si focus is very visible. Perhaps an ENTp would have replied like that as well.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  22. #142

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    Write operas or something like that...some big project. Try to figure out Socioncs , come up with new theories. Seek to make the world a better place. Go hiking and take lots of pictures. Maybe get politically active in some way.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.[/quote]

    Same as before...but possibly with more resources to put into it.

  23. #143

  24. #144
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    I would like to live in a small town, far from the noisy and contaminated city. I would have a big house, perhaps in the border of the town, so I can have a big garden I would mantain myself.

    In this garden I would plant fruit trees, so at any time I am hungry, I could go and grab fruit. That alone would keep me fit (trying to grab fruit from a tall tree is tricky for an older person) and also would be quite healthy, as fruit rarely causes harm to the body.

    I would have a pool, made out of stone, with a system to heat the water and give hydro-massage. I would spend a bit of my time on such pool to relax if I for whatever reason need to calm down and distract from troubles.

    I would make a room on the house as my "library". On it I would have not only books, but movies and music as well. In such room I would put a decent sound system with at least one speaker in each corner of the room and a subwoofer and a tweeter, because I'm quite sensible to sound dissortion.

    I would have annother room inside the house to place my tools and some materials to make house repairs and such, maybe even building some "toys" like an electric helicopter and such.

    In the yard there would be a place for a grill, so I could invite some friends time to time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    I would buy a very large (1 square kilometer or so) place outside the city, where I would build a set of houses for my family and for other friendly families as well.

    Inside the house complex I would make some recreational areas, both for adult and for children. For example, I would build a large pool, some sport fields (football, bascketball, etc). A theater, in the case someone likes to put a show for the rest, or simply an auditorium.

    Inside the terrain I would set a small woods, maybe even a small lake with a "fake" waterfall. Inside the water I would put fishes and other water animals, maybe even eadable, so we can go fishing time to time.

    Around the terrain I would put a running track, with trees on both sides to cover you from the sun, lighting for the ocasion you want to do a walk by night, asound system, in the case you want to put music or simply call someone who is too far to hear you screaming, water fountains.

    In annother section of the terrain I would set a very large "shop" with all kinds of machines and tools for building anything I wish. Milling machines, lathes, CNCs, hand tools, electronic tools like oscilloscopes, wood manufacturing, etc. Inside the shop there would be a subterranean warehouse with one or two levels below the ground and store all kind of things I consider useful, from raw materials like metal bars, rods and sheets to screws, different classes of wood, etc. I would have there also all kinds of manufactured goods, like more tools, bikes, whatever I might need. I wouldn't hesitate to have in my warehouse millions in goods.

    Inside the house I would have guns and train everybody to handle them.

    I would also have a house on the beach, maybe a yatch and a plane.

    Well, this is what I would have. Now, I would hire several persons, like a cook, a bunch of maids and a home master, an engineer to help me with my shop, a personal assistant that doubles as a bodyguard and driver, some cinephiles and audiophiles to recommend me movies and music.

    But above all, I would make a school, in which I would teach, or at least supervise. In this school, there would be no grades like in regular schools. There would be a set of "shops" with a teacher skilled in the area, so you can learn whatever you wish, at any time you wish. There would not be pressure for anyone to learn anything; you will learn because the things you learn have a real value for you, either because you see them applied or simply because you like it. There would be a few principles in such school:

    * Liberty. Each person is its sole master. For this reason it is strictly forbidden to teach any religious belief that goes against self-sufficiency and self-empowering, like christianism.
    * Cooperation: Persons do more togheter than what they do alone. Also, in a society, the benefit of a person is benefit for all, and trouble for a person is trouble for all.
    * Science. Everyone must understand how exactly the universe works.
    * Ethics. Everyone must be taught not only to behave properly, but also why it is important.
    * Art. Everyone must understand that life has no practical purpose. We express this reality through artistic qualities, like beauty, which enriches life and makes it worth living.

    There will be a fund, so each member of the school can start a business if they wish so. People would be encouraged to keep in touch with other members of the school and teachers, if they desire to. Everyone will be welcome at any time in the school.

    In general, I would make a school in such a way, it becomes the center of the whole society.
    [] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)

    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    In that case, I would suggest you are INFj which was my second choice -- however *shrug*¨maybe you are INTj in Socionics, too, and my test simply failed this time.
    Before, I used to think I'm intuitive subtype INTj. According to http://oldforumlinkviewtopic.php?, it's not very far away from INFj intuitive subtype. I have yet to decide between those two. Could be either.

    Another thing about subtypes and temperaments. I thought it could make sense that IJ intuitive or sensory subtypes would seem sometimes more EP than IJ thinking or feeling subtypes. Am I right?

    About clubs, I used to consider between intellectual and humanist even before this surprising delta thing you are telling me.

  26. #146
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    Hahahaha...this a lot like what I gave Diana for an answer!

    1) I'd buy a decent sized house/loft/condo somewhere that would let me be near my closest friends; that's top of the list. Preferably near or in a decent sized city so I wouldn't run out of things to do. I'd invite people over, host nice little parties for my close friends, cook everyone good food (preferably with some help ), and sit around rehashing the good times we've had. I'd probably want to write a book, most likely either adventure fiction or an autobiography. Or an adventure that is an allegory for my life I'd probably do lots of traveling, mostly for sight-seeing and general adventurousness.

    2) I would probably go buy a big ass house on the coast of SoCal, deck it out with all kinds of nice, comfy, expensive stuff, and invite my best friends to live with me. We'd all learn to surf, sail, boat, scua dive, etc. We'd go to theme parks and ride rides, eat at a different expensive restaurant every night, smoke lots of really dank reefer, hang out and drop acid at the house during the weekends (this part is tentative, assuming, of course, that I'm old when I retire), and generally just chill. We'd make appearences at clubs, chill in the VIP rooms, be admired by everyone, throw huge parties, and just generally live lavish. We'd travel to all kinds of exotic places, go on safaris, and basically do anything that involves a sense of adventure and novelty.

    So adventure is kinda key

    Oh, and we would hang out with Snoop Dogg
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  27. #147

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Voyce
    So adventure is kinda key
    Maybe it's gamma, however...

  28. #148
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Voyce
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    Hahahaha...this a lot like what I gave Diana for an answer!

    1) I'd buy a decent sized house/loft/condo somewhere that would let me be near my closest friends; that's top of the list. Preferably near or in a decent sized city so I wouldn't run out of things to do. I'd invite people over, host nice little parties for my close friends, cook everyone good food (preferably with some help ), and sit around rehashing the good times we've had. I'd probably want to write a book, most likely either adventure fiction or an autobiography. Or an adventure that is an allegory for my life I'd probably do lots of traveling, mostly for sight-seeing and general adventurousness.

    2) I would probably go buy a big ass house on the coast of SoCal, deck it out with all kinds of nice, comfy, expensive stuff, and invite my best friends to live with me. We'd all learn to surf, sail, boat, scua dive, etc. We'd go to theme parks and ride rides, eat at a different expensive restaurant every night, smoke lots of really dank reefer, hang out and drop acid at the house during the weekends (this part is tentative, assuming, of course, that I'm old when I retire), and generally just chill. We'd make appearences at clubs, chill in the VIP rooms, be admired by everyone, throw huge parties, and just generally live lavish. We'd travel to all kinds of exotic places, go on safaris, and basically do anything that involves a sense of adventure and novelty.

    So adventure is kinda key

    Oh, and we would hang out with Snoop Dogg
    I see EP, Si, Se, Ne, and Fi.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  29. #149



  30. #150
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    "closest friends" "best friends"

    Never said it was a strong case

    Oh, and the VIP room stuff harks back to the preference for small groups.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  31. #151
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
    Write operas or something like that...some big project. Try to figure out Socioncs , come up with new theories. Seek to make the world a better place. Go hiking and take lots of pictures. Maybe get politically active in some way.

    Same as before...but possibly with more resources to put into it.
    All I get is an introvert vibe. Sorry, too little information. IP would be consistent with the "oh well it doesn't really matter" impression.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  32. #152
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    I would like to live in a small town, far from the noisy and contaminated city. I would have a big house, perhaps in the border of the town, so I can have a big garden I would mantain myself.

    In this garden I would plant fruit trees, so at any time I am hungry, I could go and grab fruit. That alone would keep me fit (trying to grab fruit from a tall tree is tricky for an older person) and also would be quite healthy, as fruit rarely causes harm to the body.

    I would have a pool, made out of stone, with a system to heat the water and give hydro-massage. I would spend a bit of my time on such pool to relax if I for whatever reason need to calm down and distract from troubles.
    Lots of Si so far -- "need to calm down" is a slight hint of extroversion.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    I would make a room on the house as my "library". On it I would have not only books, but movies and music as well. In such room I would put a decent sound system with at least one speaker in each corner of the room and a subwoofer and a tweeter, because I'm quite sensible to sound dissortion.

    I would have annother room inside the house to place my tools and some materials to make house repairs and such, maybe even building some "toys" like an electric helicopter and such.

    In the yard there would be a place for a grill, so I could invite some friends time to time.
    Yeah lots of Si.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    I would buy a very large (1 square kilometer or so) place outside the city, where I would build a set of houses for my family and for other friendly families as well.

    Inside the house complex I would make some recreational areas, both for adult and for children. For example, I would build a large pool, some sport fields (football, bascketball, etc). A theater, in the case someone likes to put a show for the rest, or simply an auditorium.

    Inside the terrain I would set a small woods, maybe even a small lake with a "fake" waterfall. Inside the water I would put fishes and other water animals, maybe even eadable, so we can go fishing time to time.

    Around the terrain I would put a running track, with trees on both sides to cover you from the sun, lighting for the ocasion you want to do a walk by night, asound system, in the case you want to put music or simply call someone who is too far to hear you screaming, water fountains.

    In annother section of the terrain I would set a very large "shop" with all kinds of machines and tools for building anything I wish. Milling machines, lathes, CNCs, hand tools, electronic tools like oscilloscopes, wood manufacturing, etc. Inside the shop there would be a subterranean warehouse with one or two levels below the ground and store all kind of things I consider useful, from raw materials like metal bars, rods and sheets to screws, different classes of wood, etc. I would have there also all kinds of manufactured goods, like more tools, bikes, whatever I might need. I wouldn't hesitate to have in my warehouse millions in goods.
    Yeah lots of Si.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    Inside the house I would have guns and train everybody to handle them.
    Slight Delta vibe.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    I would also have a house on the beach, maybe a yatch and a plane.

    Well, this is what I would have. Now, I would hire several persons, like a cook, a bunch of maids and a home master, an engineer to help me with my shop, a personal assistant that doubles as a bodyguard and driver, some cinephiles and audiophiles to recommend me movies and music.
    Aha, that sounds like Si-dual seeking and Te or Ti dual-seeking -- I mean, I would never have thought of asking cinephiles to recommend me movies or musing. No logical type.

    So far, Alpha or Delta SF seems certain - that is, the Si ethical types.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    But above all, I would make a school, in which I would teach, or at least supervise. In this school, there would be no grades like in regular schools. There would be a set of "shops" with a teacher skilled in the area, so you can learn whatever you wish, at any time you wish. There would not be pressure for anyone to learn anything; you will learn because the things you learn have a real value for you, either because you see them applied or simply because you like it. There would be a few principles in such school:

    * Liberty. Each person is its sole master. For this reason it is strictly forbidden to teach any religious belief that goes against self-sufficiency and self-empowering, like christianism.
    * Cooperation: Persons do more togheter than what they do alone. Also, in a society, the benefit of a person is benefit for all, and trouble for a person is trouble for all.
    * Science. Everyone must understand how exactly the universe works.
    * Ethics. Everyone must be taught not only to behave properly, but also why it is important.
    * Art. Everyone must understand that life has no practical purpose. We express this reality through artistic qualities, like beauty, which enriches life and makes it worth living.
    The idea sounds Delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    There will be a fund, so each member of the school can start a business if they wish so. People would be encouraged to keep in touch with other members of the school and teachers, if they desire to. Everyone will be welcome at any time in the school.

    In general, I would make a school in such a way, it becomes the center of the whole society.
    Yeah, Delta ethical, Si-dual-seeking. ENFp or INFj.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  33. #153
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by he died with a felafel
    Overall, question #1 seems the most difficult to me. I would like to have quit smoking by then ( ) and have managed to maintain a healthy lifestyle (healthy food, balanced physical activities/work outs).
    I would move to Barcelona (assuming the "spirit" of the city hasn't changed), preferably with my spouse/boyfriend/sth. (wouldn't like to live alone). Maintain contact with quite a few of the people i've met/befriended in my lifetime (a few of them thus far are worth seeing again and keeping in touch with)- that would also involve visiting them (hence, some travel involved and very welcome) for short-periods of time or inviting them to visit (focus on the short period of time here too coz too long can spoil the pleasure of seeing them - or might burden me/them). Thus far, i haven't had the chance to "keep them in the loop".
    Hmm, IJ or EP temperament seems likely; and ethical.

    Quote Originally Posted by he died with a felafel
    Regular trips to the beach (a clean one) would help with my peace of mind and body. Would dedicate quite some time to swimming - have always wanted to learn the butterfly swimming style - perhaps i'll be able to even become a professional at that . While at "learning" mode, perhaps i can also start playing drums - don't ask, but i've always found the drummers fascinating.
    It suggests extroversion.

    Quote Originally Posted by he died with a felafel
    Maybe i would also start a business of my own (or with my spouse)- cinema related. Perhaps an indipendent movie theater.
    Also, start finding out what all this religion hike's all about. And if it helps my peace of mind, i could be the regular old lady going to church (preferably when no one else is there.
    Finances permitting, i would donate some money to public schooling, to my boarding school, and perhaps to some form of arts foundation supporting young artists (none of this in the US, i think).
    Well, i'd just like to have a normal, healthy, balanced life.
    The Delta vibe again -- or perhaps Gamma ethical.

    Quote Originally Posted by he died with a felafel
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    I thought this'd be easier, but it isn't, sigh. Perhaps same as above, but more "intense". Invest in any potential new technologies, invest in science research (primarily health-related), invest in pharmaceuticals, invest in education. Of course, all of this would require comprehensive learning and research of my own. And also, kick Bill Gates' arse. [/quote]

    I would guess ENFp or ESFp; if not, ISFj or INFj. Gamma or Delta ethical seems certain.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  34. #154
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat

    Aha, that sounds like Si-dual seeking and Te or Ti dual-seeking -- I mean, I would never have thought of asking cinephiles to recommend me movies or musing. No logical type.

    So far, Alpha or Delta SF seems certain - that is, the Si ethical types.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    But above all, I would make a school, in which I would teach, or at least supervise. In this school, there would be no grades like in regular schools. There would be a set of "shops" with a teacher skilled in the area, so you can learn whatever you wish, at any time you wish. There would not be pressure for anyone to learn anything; you will learn because the things you learn have a real value for you, either because you see them applied or simply because you like it. There would be a few principles in such school:

    * Liberty. Each person is its sole master. For this reason it is strictly forbidden to teach any religious belief that goes against self-sufficiency and self-empowering, like christianism.
    * Cooperation: Persons do more togheter than what they do alone. Also, in a society, the benefit of a person is benefit for all, and trouble for a person is trouble for all.
    * Science. Everyone must understand how exactly the universe works.
    * Ethics. Everyone must be taught not only to behave properly, but also why it is important.
    * Art. Everyone must understand that life has no practical purpose. We express this reality through artistic qualities, like beauty, which enriches life and makes it worth living.
    The idea sounds Delta.

    Yeah, Delta ethical, Si-dual-seeking. ENFp or INFj.
    I'm sorry to tell you that I asked my father and wrote what he said. He's INTj.

    Ethicals understand people at people level, never forget that. You got confused by Fi role, but my dad is Ti dominant. It's the ability to see what people is, and not what people does, what matters about typing.

    Also, he wants people to recommend him artistic material because art is largely based on Fe, which is subjetive judgements.
    [] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)

    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

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    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    How would I spend my retirement? I think with these circumstances, (without the richness and all) that I wouldn’t retire. I would make a business I could do at home or like write, and stuff. I would like to have a large family, and so I would also want a lot of money coming in so we can all enjoy ourselves, and do the things we want to do, and at the same time have money for the important stuff.
    I don’t think I’d like to stay at home all the time, so I’d be a teacher. Probably elementary, so I can have a hand in helping the children get off to a good start.
    I don’t know where I’ll live, maybe someplace with a high amount of culture.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.

    As a rich person, I wouldn’t have to worry about money, so I would probably travel and make sure I experience all the world. I’d also probably collect stuff. And I’ll learn to fence, and other stuff like that, to make sure I’m healthy and rich.
    If I have kids, I wouldn’t travel as much until they were grown, but of course we’ll go on vacations and such. I would encourage my kids to get into instruments and languages, and stuff. If I have a large business or restaurant, I’d also try to get them into that, so they can inherit it. I’d like a family business. Or just something to make sure my family stays rich and safe after I’m dead, without having to rely on my money, which of course I would leave to them.

    (I don’t know what to put other than what I’ve given. It also might be subject to change, seeing how I’m only fifteen, and really have no idea what retirement is.)

  36. #156

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    I'm sorry to tell you that I asked my father and wrote what he said. He's INTj.
    I'm not sure whether I'm INTj or INFj, but the first part and the beginning of the second part sounded very unfamiliar to me. I couldn't imagine myself describing such things as having all those pleasures. Showing off your wealth as in the answer for question 2 sounded quite disgusting to me. The idea about the school, however, could be something I might come up with.

  37. #157
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    I'm sorry to tell you that I asked my father and wrote what he said. He's INTj.

    Ethicals understand people at people level, never forget that. You got confused by Fi role, but my dad is Ti dominant. It's the ability to see what people is, and not what people does, what matters about typing.

    Also, he wants people to recommend him artistic material because art is largely based on Fe, which is subjetive judgements.
    Whatever -- I stand by my analysis, anyway the clearest thing, as I pointed out many times, is the Si-focus which is overwhelming. I still have a problem with INTjs asking other people to tell them what films to watch and what music to hear, unless it was an specific request, such as, "I'm feeling depressed today, please recommend me a good comedy that will make me laugh" but that is not how I interpreted what he said.

    This, however:

    * Liberty. Each person is its sole master. For this reason it is strictly forbidden to teach any religious belief that goes against self-sufficiency and self-empowering, like christianism.
    * Cooperation: Persons do more togheter than what they do alone. Also, in a society, the benefit of a person is benefit for all, and trouble for a person is trouble for all.
    * Science. Everyone must understand how exactly the universe works.
    * Ethics. Everyone must be taught not only to behave properly, but also why it is important.
    * Art. Everyone must understand that life has no practical purpose. We express this reality through artistic qualities, like beauty, which enriches life and makes it worth living.
    I was interpreting it in the context of Delta NF's take on people, but I can also see it as Ti statement of sorts.

    Anyway, if your father is INTj, he sure went out of his way to focus 90% on Si.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    Ethicals understand people at people level, never forget that. You got confused by Fi role, but my dad is Ti dominant. It's the ability to see what people is, and not what people does, what matters about typing.
    I can't make any sense of this. "Ethicals understand people at people level" -- what does that mean? Also, where do you suppose I "got confused by Fi role"? Again, 90% of the answers were Si. The "ethical" and "Delta" bits were fragments.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apres
    How would I spend my retirement? I think with these circumstances, (without the richness and all) that I wouldn’t retire. I would make a business I could do at home or like write, and stuff. I would like to have a large family, and so I would also want a lot of money coming in so we can all enjoy ourselves, and do the things we want to do, and at the same time have money for the important stuff.
    I don’t think I’d like to stay at home all the time, so I’d be a teacher. Probably elementary, so I can have a hand in helping the children get off to a good start.
    I don’t know where I’ll live, maybe someplace with a high amount of culture.
    Some Te focus, the rest is mixed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Apres
    As a rich person, I wouldn’t have to worry about money, so I would probably travel and make sure I experience all the world. I’d also probably collect stuff. And I’ll learn to fence, and other stuff like that, to make sure I’m healthy and rich.
    If I have kids, I wouldn’t travel as much until they were grown, but of course we’ll go on vacations and such. I would encourage my kids to get into instruments and languages, and stuff. If I have a large business or restaurant, I’d also try to get them into that, so they can inherit it. I’d like a family business. Or just something to make sure my family stays rich and safe after I’m dead, without having to rely on my money, which of course I would leave to them.

    (I don’t know what to put other than what I’ve given. It also might be subject to change, seeing how I’m only fifteen, and really have no idea what retirement is.)
    Some Si, some Ne, some Te.

    Delta or Gamma, perhaps ISTp or INTp but I'm guessing.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  39. #159
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    I'm sorry to tell you that I asked my father and wrote what he said. He's INTj.

    Ethicals understand people at people level, never forget that. You got confused by Fi role, but my dad is Ti dominant. It's the ability to see what people is, and not what people does, what matters about typing.

    Also, he wants people to recommend him artistic material because art is largely based on Fe, which is subjetive judgements.
    Whatever -- I stand by my analysis, anyway the clearest thing, as I pointed out many times, is the Si-focus which is overwhelming. I still have a problem with INTjs asking other people to tell them what films to watch and what music to hear, unless it was an specific request, such as, "I'm feeling depressed today, please recommend me a good comedy that will make me laugh" but that is not how I interpreted what he said.

    This, however:

    * Liberty. Each person is its sole master. For this reason it is strictly forbidden to teach any religious belief that goes against self-sufficiency and self-empowering, like christianism.
    * Cooperation: Persons do more togheter than what they do alone. Also, in a society, the benefit of a person is benefit for all, and trouble for a person is trouble for all.
    * Science. Everyone must understand how exactly the universe works.
    * Ethics. Everyone must be taught not only to behave properly, but also why it is important.
    * Art. Everyone must understand that life has no practical purpose. We express this reality through artistic qualities, like beauty, which enriches life and makes it worth living.
    I was interpreting it in the context of Delta NF's take on people, but I can also see it as Ti statement of sorts.

    Anyway, if your father is INTj, he sure went out of his way to focus 90% on Si.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    Ethicals understand people at people level, never forget that. You got confused by Fi role, but my dad is Ti dominant. It's the ability to see what people is, and not what people does, what matters about typing.
    I can't make any sense of this. "Ethicals understand people at people level" -- what does that mean? Also, where do you suppose I "got confused by Fi role"? Again, 90% of the answers were Si. The "ethical" and "Delta" bits were fragments.
    To notice not only what is present, but also what is absent. If you look at the text carefully, there are almost no references to other people, which shows it is a person who focuses in objetive and not subjetive information. Even when he speaks about people, he does so with some sort of detachment, as if people were more a concept than a group of individuals. That are the kind of subtleties that ethicals notice and logicals do not.

    Also, you use deductive method (from parts to whole). You're assuming that functions work alone by the way you type. However, the mind, from socionics perspective, is a system of functions which work togheter. It's not the same Fi linked to Se than linked to Ne. So here it works better the inductive method (from whole to parts).

    I'll post about Fi later.
    [] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)

    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

  40. #160
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    To notice not only what is present, but also what is absent. If you look at the text carefully, there are almost no references to other people, which shows it is a person who focuses in objetive and not subjetive information. Even when he speaks about people, he does so with some sort of detachment, as if people were more a concept than a group of individuals. That are the kind of subtleties that ethicals notice and logicals do not.
    First, for the record, I disagree with such simplistic assertions as "ethicals notice and logicals do not", whether referring to ethicals, logicals, rationals, etc.

    Second, what you point out about there not being reference to other people is a valid point, but, again, the description focused almost entirely on Si. If there is little direct evidence of Fi, there is little evidence of Ti, as well. The most correct assessment is that the only thing that's really clear from it is Si quadra value. I'd be surprised if most INTjs would have focused so much on Si as that.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    Also, you use deductive method (from parts to whole). You're assuming that functions work alone by the way you type. However, the mind, from socionics perspective, is a system of functions which work togheter. It's not the same Fi linked to Se than linked to Ne. So here it works better the inductive method (from whole to parts).
    I'm assuming nothing of the sort. You're assuming that you understand what I'm doing with this exercise. I type according to what's more obvious (to me). Sometimes it is indeed one specific function, sometimes it's the temperament, sometimes it's a combination of functions. What I call "quadra vibe", as I have mentioned many times in my analyses, is precisely the impression of several functions together.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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