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Thread: Expat's socionics type test

  1. #81
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    I did have a plan of playing a trick on you Expat, but I think I'm too lazy for it. I was planning on organizing someone giving you an answer that someone else wrote. Like if Gilligan were to give you FDG's answer, would you see a lot of in it? I think you would.

    If anyone wants, you can send your answer on my PM and I can post it in this thread anonymously. You can later tell Expat if he guessed the type or not.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I did have a plan of playing a trick on you Expat, but I think I'm too lazy for it. I was planning on organizing someone giving you an answer that someone else wrote. Like if Gilligan were to give you FDG's answer, would you see a lot of in it? I think you would.
    I think you're wrong. If that had happened, I would wonder about the obvious Se > Si. Where would I see Ne? Because of "activities, teaching, etc?" I might say "just a bit of Ne", but I would be suprised at the low emphasis on it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    If anyone wants, you can send your answer on my PM and I can post it in this thread anonymously. You can later tell Expat if he guessed the type or not.
    Fine by me.

    As for "guessing the type" -- that's not the point. I'm trying to analyze people's answers. If you give me a honest and considered answer as to what you'd like to be doing, I can tell you what type I think it indicates. If it's very different from the type you think you are, perhaps your answer wasn't good, perhaps you mistyped yourself, perhaps I interpreted it wrongly. No problem with that.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  3. #83

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    I like this test and because I feel myself bored at the moment, I'll try to answer.

    1)Well, realisticly speaking. I'd live in a city and in an apartement. The house has to be beutiful, but in a modernistic way. Lots of class. Comfortable inside. Antique furniture. Modern technology like the last step TV and music system. I would spend a lot of my time alone. Reading diferent books from the great names, like Kant, Hesse, Byron, Camus' . I would meditate. Eat healthy food, like the Asian cuisine. Also write something, perhaps poetry with religious background. My wife has to be understanding. Not liking to be pushy. Sensitive. Likes to reveal her inner life in an intimate atmosphare. Musical. I guess we could to some music together, also interpret our dreams. I think I will also travel a lot, into diferent places on Earth to get to understand diferent cultures and history of art.

    2)But if I will become rich. Then I would live in an ancient house in our beautifull Old Town. Have a library of unique and ancient books. I would have real estate in diferent countries in EU. I would spend our cold winters in somewhere in the Southern Europe. I would be belonging into some club of famous and remarcable thinkers.I would be famous as a wise man. I would have done some important scientific discoveries in the field of psychology earlier my life. I would also be a famous classical writer. People would respect my life work for the society and the world.

    That's all!
    Semiotical process

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    1)Well, realisticly speaking. I'd live in a city and in an apartement. The house has to be beutiful, but in a modernistic way. Lots of class. Comfortable inside. Antique furniture.
    So far some focus on Si at least --

    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    Modern technology like the last step TV and music system. I would spend a lot of my time alone.
    Not a Fe dominant type, probably not EP either --

    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    Reading diferent books from the great names, like Kant, Hesse, Byron, Camus' . I would meditate. Eat healthy food, like the Asian cuisine.
    Here is Si again -- and perhaps not an ethical type altogether. More concern with great names than with specific subjects? Ni or Ne, not Te?

    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    Also write something, perhaps poetry with religious background. My wife has to be understanding. Not liking to be pushy. Sensitive. Likes to reveal her inner life in an intimate atmosphare. Musical. I guess we could to some music together, also interpret our dreams. I think I will also travel a lot, into diferent places on Earth to get to understand diferent cultures and history of art.
    Introvert. Fi or Fe?. Ni, a bit of Ne. Dislike for Se.

    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    2)But if I will become rich. Then I would live in an ancient house in our beautifull Old Town. Have a library of unique and ancient books. I would have real estate in diferent countries in EU. I would spend our cold winters in somewhere in the Southern Europe. I would be belonging into some club of famous and remarcable thinkers.I would be famous as a wise man. I would have done some important scientific discoveries in the field of psychology earlier my life. I would also be a famous classical writer. People would respect my life work for the society and the world.

    That's all!
    Ah, some concern with Fe, as quadra value or as a creative function. Ne or Ni.

    I would say -- introvert, Alpha-Beta, but more likely Alpha than Beta due to focus on Si and dislike for Se. Probably Ni or Ne in ego.

    INTj or INFp (and I don't really know how you type yourself).
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  5. #85
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    These are answers to the two questions from people I know in real life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Person 1
    Question 1) Take dancing lessons with my husband. Continue working on finding a cure/safe control for my migraine headaches, and then share this solution with other migraine sufferers. Continue my studies in ASL, on a part-time, non-credit basis. Learn other languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, etc.). Continue my violin and art studies, becoming proficient enough in each to teach. Sell prints of my artwork. Convert one bedroom of our house into a studio/sewing room.

    Question 2) Enable infertile couples of moderate incomes to adopt internationally (pay their airfare and expenses, etc.). Continue working on finding a cure/safe control for my migraine headaches, and then share this solution with other migraine sufferers. Travel, comfortably, with my husband and bring along each of my children in turn with their spouses and families. Buy an easy-to-care-for home with space for a garden, pleasant landscaping, near my family. Continue my studies in ASL and learn other languages. Continue my music studies, adding and purchasing other instruments, like viola, cello, harp, flute, clarinet, french horn... Pay for art, music, and foreign language lessons for my grandchildren if they want them. That might also possibly include things like ballet and martial arts. Buy safe, reliable, easy-to-care-for vehicles for my husband and me. Eat organic, healthy, varied food, possibly delivered to our home.
    Quote Originally Posted by Person 2
    Question 1) If I were a little old retired lady making the same sort of income as I am now, I'd probably live in a dumpy little apartment all by myself, I'd work at the library, volunteer at different places, and have a nice little routine. Probably everyday I would be doing something a little different, but each week it would be the same. For example: maybe Tuesdays and Thursdays I'd help out at the library, while Mondays I'd go grocery shopping, and Wednesdays and Fridays I'd tutor. Or something like that. I'd probably read books like crazy and go for walks in the park. I'd probably volunteer at a soup kitchen or something like that.

    Question 2) If I were a rich retired little old lady I'd be traveling the world visiting missionaries and helping out as best I could. I'd probably be donating my money to different organizations and having people live in my home. I'd probably adopt twenty children or something... or start a school. Maybe write a book. I'd still read like crazy and have some sort of set schedule. If I had family I'd be visiting them and taking them all over the world with me. I'd probably live in Montana... or Scotland... but I don't know how rich I am yet. Horses, I'd love to own horses and have a baby grand piano. I'd truly have time to practice the piano. And bake! I'd love to bake food for people, make my own bread... have someone else do all the cleaning. My house would have a twisted stair case that children would slide down... and a pool.

    I think, if I were poor I would give more; if I were rich I'd be a little more selfish and do more for myself.

    I just don't think I'd settle down and really retire. I'd just start doing more things and helping more people if I could.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  6. #86
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    Default hmm

    (1) I'm not sure, but I imagine it would just be spent doing all the things I'd LIKE to spend time on right now but have no opportunity to do. Reading, writing, composing music, maybe animation. But I'd want to do it at my own pace, since at any other pace it seems... less... good. More constrained, so it ends up a little bent or something such.

    And I definitely would spend more time just thinking, because I'm way behind on that right now.

    (2) I doubt I would do things any differently if I were rich, just with better materials. (Top of the line animation software (or whatever we use by then ), a larger library, really really nice pencils, etc.) Chances are I'd have a lot left over, which I would use to found some excellent school of some progressive sort so the kids get their learnin'. Word.
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

    Retired from posting and drawing Social Security. E-mail or PM to contact.

    I pity your souls

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    Quote Originally Posted by Person 1
    Question 1) Take dancing lessons with my husband. Continue working on finding a cure/safe control for my migraine headaches, and then share this solution with other migraine sufferers. Continue my studies in ASL, on a part-time, non-credit basis. Learn other languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, etc.). Continue my violin and art studies, becoming proficient enough in each to teach. Sell prints of my artwork. Convert one bedroom of our house into a studio/sewing room.
    Si>Se, general Delta NF vibe. ENFp or INFj.

    Failing that, Alpha SF, ESFj or ISFp.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    Question 2) Enable infertile couples of moderate incomes to adopt internationally (pay their airfare and expenses, etc.). Continue working on finding a cure/safe control for my migraine headaches, and then share this solution with other migraine sufferers. Travel, comfortably, with my husband and bring along each of my children in turn with their spouses and families. Buy an easy-to-care-for home with space for a garden, pleasant landscaping, near my family. Continue my studies in ASL and learn other languages. Continue my music studies, adding and purchasing other instruments, like viola, cello, harp, flute, clarinet, french horn... Pay for art, music, and foreign language lessons for my grandchildren if they want them. That might also possibly include things like ballet and martial arts. Buy safe, reliable, easy-to-care-for vehicles for my husband and me. Eat organic, healthy, varied food, possibly delivered to our home.
    Same things as above, but "safe, reliable, easy-to-care-for vehicles" reinforce that Si is not in the ego -- rather in the super-id.

    So, ENFp or INFj, reinforced. The way she writes is also more Te than Ti.

    If I'd had to guess, I'd say INFj with a strong focus on the HA. The temperament seemed to me to be more "settled" than with an EP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    Quote Originally Posted by Person 2
    Question 1) If I were a little old retired lady making the same sort of income as I am now, I'd probably live in a dumpy little apartment all by myself, I'd work at the library, volunteer at different places, and have a nice little routine. Probably everyday I would be doing something a little different, but each week it would be the same. For example: maybe Tuesdays and Thursdays I'd help out at the library, while Mondays I'd go grocery shopping, and Wednesdays and Fridays I'd tutor. Or something like that. I'd probably read books like crazy and go for walks in the park. I'd probably volunteer at a soup kitchen or something like that.
    I'm guessing Te>Ti, rational.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    Question 2) If I were a rich retired little old lady I'd be traveling the world visiting missionaries and helping out as best I could. I'd probably be donating my money to different organizations and having people live in my home. I'd probably adopt twenty children or something... or start a school. Maybe write a book. I'd still read like crazy and have some sort of set schedule. If I had family I'd be visiting them and taking them all over the world with me. I'd probably live in Montana... or Scotland... but I don't know how rich I am yet. Horses, I'd love to own horses and have a baby grand piano. I'd truly have time to practice the piano. And bake! I'd love to bake food for people, make my own bread... have someone else do all the cleaning. My house would have a twisted stair case that children would slide down... and a pool.

    I think, if I were poor I would give more; if I were rich I'd be a little more selfish and do more for myself.

    I just don't think I'd settle down and really retire. I'd just start doing more things and helping more people if I could.

    Same as above, plus ethical. INFj or ISFj, however, the continuous references to "set schedule" suggest more ISFj to me.

    ENFp is also possible, but overal she seems more rational.

    Actually persons 1 and 2 are rather similar.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  8. #88
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    Default Re: hmm

    Quote Originally Posted by Elro
    (1) I'm not sure, but I imagine it would just be spent doing all the things I'd LIKE to spend time on right now but have no opportunity to do. Reading, writing, composing music, maybe animation. But I'd want to do it at my own pace, since at any other pace it seems... less... good. More constrained, so it ends up a little bent or something such.

    And I definitely would spend more time just thinking, because I'm way behind on that right now.
    Seems like EP temperament to me. If not, still extravert, so EJ.

    Not that much focus on Ne. More like Si?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elro
    (2) I doubt I would do things any differently if I were rich, just with better materials. (Top of the line animation software (or whatever we use by then ), a larger library, really really nice pencils, etc.) Chances are I'd have a lot left over, which I would use to found some excellent school of some progressive sort so the kids get their learnin'. Word.
    Si focus, including a flavor of caregiver. Alpha/Delta vibe.

    Si EJ. ESFj or ESTj.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  9. #89

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    To tell the truth, other than moving back home if I ever retired, I have never really thought about how I'd live my days if it ever happened.
    Here's what I can see that would make me happy though...
    I'd probably move back to my home town in Tennessee and buy a nice house right outside of town on a few acres of land, I'd probably have a dog, cat, and a couple horses. During the day I'd probably spend most of it working on something at the house, making something out of wood, working on and restoring a car. Then I'd probably go visit a friend or two just to see how they're doing. I'd go to town and sit around at the Dairy Queen eating a chicken strip basket while talking about "old times" with my friends and any family that may be left at that time. I would probably babysit any grandchildren I may have and be the one who shows them how to shoot a bb gun and go fishing with them a lot. After picking my wife up from Bingo, I'd spend my nights sitting on the porch in a rocking chair, hopefully a wife that I've been with for 20+ years.
    and maybe my kids would come over every once in a while and eat supper with us. As long as I kept myself busy and had people to care for, then I'd be happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    Most of the first answer would work, but there'd be a lot more traveling and I would have a bigger house and a nicer car/truck. I'm sure I would go on a bunch of cruises and have a few places all over the world where I could stay for a few weeks at a time. Although, if I were very wealthy, I'm pretty sure I'd own some kind of business and run it myself until the day I passed

  10. #90
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    To tell the truth, other than moving back home if I ever retired, I have never really thought about how I'd live my days if it ever happened.
    Here's what I can see that would make me happy though...
    I'd probably move back to my home town in Tennessee and buy a nice house right outside of town on a few acres of land, I'd probably have a dog, cat, and a couple horses. During the day I'd probably spend most of it working on something at the house, making something out of wood, working on and restoring a car.
    Si Si Si Si Si (you make me ill :wink: )

    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    Then I'd probably go visit a friend or two just to see how they're doing. I'd go to town and sit around at the Dairy Queen eating a chicken strip basket while talking about "old times" with my friends and any family that may be left at that time. I would probably babysit any grandchildren I may have and be the one who shows them how to shoot a bb gun and go fishing with them a lot. After picking my wife up from Bingo, I'd spend my nights sitting on the porch in a rocking chair, hopefully a wife that I've been with for 20+ years.
    and maybe my kids would come over every once in a while and eat supper with us. As long as I kept myself busy and had people to care for, then I'd be happy.
    Si Si Si Si, slight hint of extroversion. Some Fe?

    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    Most of the first answer would work, but there'd be a lot more traveling and I would have a bigger house and a nicer car/truck. I'm sure I would go on a bunch of cruises and have a few places all over the world where I could stay for a few weeks at a time. Although, if I were very wealthy, I'm pretty sure I'd own some kind of business and run it myself until the day I passed
    The same, Si extravert, Si EJ. Not clear between Alpha or Delta, ESFj or ESTj; more focus on Fe than Te overall though.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  11. #91
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    Default Re: hmm

    I have only read the first post of this thread in order not to let the answers affect my answer...

    So here are the answer for me and my wife:

    a) (not filthy rich)
    - Spend time with grand-children and family
    - Go a lot to opera, concerts, art exhibitions etc. cultural things
    - Travel (mostly cities with active atmosphere and lot of culture to inhale not beach vacations or something)
    - Take part in non-profit organizations in order to keep socially active as well as promote some agendas in the society (socializing is probably as important if not more than promoting the agendas because you'd have to be filthy rich to actually get into circles where you could make a big difference)

    b) (filthy rich)
    - Same but doing it BIG
    e.g. instead of just spending time with grand-children etc try to invest in them and their future, take family to luxury vacations, travel to cultural targets but make it more luxurious, network with other people with money/power and try to have effect on future society (assuming rich people have more influence even when old socializing would be less important than actually having effect on society).

    a) (not filthy rich)
    - Spend time gathering information and trying to understand world from different perspectives (scientific, religious, political, business)
    - Play online games (lol)
    - Perhaps write something (trying to publish it somewhere). Books, articles, opinions, ...

    b) (filthy rich)
    - Same as above but in addition...
    - Invest in things which I want to promote (like start a foundation where scientific researchers, business start-ups, even religious groups could ask for funding for their great new ideas). Try to focus on those people who really have revolutionary ideas and can't get funding from typical conservative venture capitalists etc.

    Perhaps (in both cases) I would also travel to see some historically important places just to deepen my understanding of those happenings and get a more personal experience. However I would probably not travel TOO much.

    If I still have a wife, children and grand-children I of course spend some time with them (however I don't make that a major thing). Like if my wife wants to travel to Paris I would just go with her (I wouldn't do this alone). If I'd be single with not much family I might isolate myself somewhat and not seeking for new relationships especially if I was filthy rich. Just focusing on my own intellectual pursuits.

    Generally I would devote myself to seeking new information and understanding which interests me (now I have to devote a lot of time in learning information which would help me make money but when I retire I wouldn't have to do that anymore).

    Also I would like to interact with people in the form of playing competitive games (preferably in the net). If I'd be filthy rich right now I would probably play a lot of online games. I'm not sure what kind of games I can play when old but well Not first person shooters I guess but perhaps some strategy games or card games or something.

    In addition to this I could do something spontaneous like if I wake up some day and feel like doing something then I would just go and do it (especially if I was single and filthy rich). However this would be exceptional behavior not a norm. Occasionally I need to do something very different in order to "clear my head" and sort of get distance to daily routines etc. I often can change strategic directions after these "take offs". They are often inspired by boredom and the feeling that I'm not making progress and need a break and need to change something.

    Edit: I forgot about food and excersize. I would probably try to do a lot of physical training and try some healthy diets etc. I might have inherited this from my father. Actually there is a chance I might change from intellectual pursuits to health pursuits. Trying to be the healthiest old man out there. Or divide my time between health and intellectualism. Depends on external conditions (e.g. whether I'd still be able to do something physical or not).

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    haha, as I said, It's not something I ever really think about much, that's pretty much a fantasy of what I hope life would be like after retiring. so, it's safe to say now that my type is
    When writing that I pretty much pictured what life was like when I still lived there. When I worked at DQ I had regulars that would order the same food every day and sit at the same tables. It was their first stop when they went into town and it was usually their last stop before they went home at night, it was to these guys what a hair salon is to gossiping women. I always thought it would be cool to be one of those guys when I

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    So, ENFp or INFj, reinforced. The way she writes is also more Te than Ti.

    If I'd had to guess, I'd say INFj with a strong focus on the HA. The temperament seemed to me to be more "settled" than with an EP.
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    INFj or ISFj, however, the continuous references to "set schedule" suggest more ISFj to me.

    ENFp is also possible, but overal she seems more rational.

    Actually persons 1 and 2 are rather similar.
    Hmm, interesting. We've previously typed Person 2 as an ESFj, and considering everything else I think it fits (I might even put her as a sensory subtype). I'm not sure yet what type Person 1 is, but I do know that while she likes the ESFj for her character, she says she finds her personality a little hard to deal with sometimes. Also, I tend to get along a little better with the ESFj, though I love them both.

    Anyway, thank you for the analysis, and I hope you don't mind if I throw a couple more at you occasionally.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    Hmm, interesting. We've previously typed Person 2 as an ESFj, and considering everything else I think it fits (I might even put her as a sensory subtype). I'm not sure yet what type Person 1 is, but I do know that while she likes the ESFj for her character, she says she finds her personality a little hard to deal with sometimes. Also, I tend to get along a little better with the ESFj, though I love them both.

    Anyway, thank you for the analysis, and I hope you don't mind if I throw a couple more at you occasionally.
    Well, I'd trust that first typing since there was so much more information, and ESFj would also fit it (as I mentioned after the first question).

    No, I don't mind, bring it on.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  15. #95
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    So, when I'm going to get my test results?

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    In my retirement I would probably get a low paying job working in one of those cinemas which play movies you don't really see at your local commercial cinemas. In an ideal world I would like to own one so I could see films whenever I want and maybe have a restaurant to eat at whenever I want.
    I would probably like to live in a place which is close to where everything is happening (so I could be close to culture resources like cinemas etc.), but not as hectic as some busy city centres.
    How would I spend my day? Go to work, do what needs to be done, go home to family (if I have any) watch T.V, read a couple books, spending a lot of time figuring out things I haven't figured out yet, develop a mad ass dvd collection or video games collection (or whatever the fad I get caught up with then). Maybe have friends over to show off all the cool things I have/have learnt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    I would prepare the business (assuming I’ll have a business) for working without me. I’m very suspicious of charities so I’ll probably avoid giving the money away until I find a cause that I seriously believe in and a charity which I trust to spend the money well. Since I probably won’t find one I’ll have to probably make a charity myself.
    I’d do pretty much the same thing and live in pretty much the same place I would do if I didn’t have all the money. But maybe work less physically on the small businesses and spend more time watching films, charity work if I’m doing it etc.

  17. #97
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    edit i haven't thought about this enough.

  18. #98

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    Default Re: My test

    Dear Expat,

    Thank you for posting your test.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    I would like to spend my time quietly but usefully, in a stable environment. I would seek to cultivate myself and be of service to others, including family and friends.

    For example, I would keep to a routine if I could, and live simply (i.e. keep disciplined and prioritise, using my time well). I would keep myself occupied with anything, from gardening, going for walks, reading, crosswords, martial arts, writing, religion, art, or any hobbies. I would also try to be of service to my community, like being involved in charity work. I might also go travelling. The key point is that I would do something useful for myself and others.

    I would probably prefer to live in the country or the suburbs, and near nature or a park.

    To be honest it is not something that I have thought about much. I will cross this bridge when I come to it.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    Same as above, but I would make sure that I used my wealth well. This probably means using it for the good of others, but I would also ensure that I had enough to get by.


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    I am not sure how I would answer this test presently. I'll think about it when I have time.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    I plan on spending my retirement exactly the same way I spend my life now: doing whatever I want. I will be financially comfortable, have a clean house, and the means to plan and enjoy leisurely travel and luxury. I will take frequent cruises, eat out a lot, and devote free time to whatever my hobbies are. I will also donate money to scientific research foundations and societies that feed starving countries.

    If I am *rich* during retirement, I will do the above, but in a bigger, more efficient house. I will also fly via chartered airplanes. I will order gourmet foodstuffs and cook extravagant meals in my state-of-the-art kitchen. I might purchase a second house in Britain and assimilate myself into the culture. I could picture myself in an antique classic-style British study, the kind I picture C.S. Lewis working in, quietly writing whatever I happened to want to write about, and sipping tea that my stereotypical old housekeeper brewed up for me (I'll probably overpay her so she'll like me more).

    EDIT: I just realized that the term "retirement" is not something which applies to my life, as I never plan to "start living" at the age of 50+. I will probably never have a long term job. Any work I put forth will be for personal reasons. As such, what I wrote above can be considered to mean "what I can possibly see myself doing when I am around the age of 60."

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    If I wasn't rich, I'd spend a lot of my time learning about anything that currently interested me, writing music, listening to music, following baseball, going out to eat as much as my budget could allow, and pretty much that would be it.

    If I were rich, I'd travel a lot more, going to as many countries as I could find interest in, live in a mansion (which would probably have a batting cage in it), and hire tons of workers to cook and clean for me. Not much different from other rich people, I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    I am not sure how I would answer this test presently. I'll think about it when I have time.
    I can take your test result evaluation slot

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    So, when I'm going to get my test results?
    Tomorrow or whereabouts -- I haven't forgotten.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    So, when I'm going to get my test results?
    Tomorrow or whereabouts -- I haven't forgotten.
    Oh, please take your time. This is voluntary work after all. I'm not trying to really pressure you about it I was mostly afraid that you hadn't even noticed or already stopped analyzing the results since there are already like a zillion posts in this thread and more keeps coming.

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    I am not sure how I would answer this test presently. I'll think about it when I have time.
    Here it is:

    Striving for personal perfection in whatever the best forms I can find. Incorporating whatever aspects I can find. Of course my own value will come into play -- -- but I will legitimately seek to incorporate all necessary measurements and evaluations to have objectives and goals that are truly important, and not just abstract personal judgments. I cannot turn away angles of consideration, and finding new levels of understanding is difficult and painful yet the only thing I seem to spend my time on contentedly.

    Everything else is just a matter of what environment I am presented in. Relationships, work, random situations, whatever.

    I have found this much out for myself so far.

    And then, when I am old and can no longer do any pushups, I will be perfectly content with whatever death I come to, if I should manage that much. Once I am of an invalid status (to my own end), and contribute or offer anything more (Fi obligations to others), I will consider myself expired and ready to move on to the next stage.

    The amount of money I have is inconsequential.

    PS: there is a very crisp clarity to this as I just came off of a rather telling trauma.

    PPS: (!) I have just realized that I live the scientific method
    1. Define the question
    2. Gather information and resources
    3. Form hypothesis
    4. Perform experiment and collect data
    5. Analyze data
    6. Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypotheses
    7. Publish results
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    The amount of money I have is inconsequential.
    Bullshit, I'm calling you out on this one; explain yourself.

    PPS: (!) I have just realized that I live the scientific method
    1. Define the question
    2. Gather information and resources
    3. Form hypothesis
    4. Perform experiment and collect data
    5. Analyze data
    6. Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypotheses
    7. Publish results
    Doesn't everyone do that?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    The amount of money I have is inconsequential.
    Bullshit, I'm calling you out on this one; explain yourself.
    What is there to explain? Am I going to seek less perfection when I am rich, "because I don't have to"? I doubt you understood what I said if that is your sincere response.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  28. #108

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    The amount of money I have is inconsequential.
    Bullshit, I'm calling you out on this one; explain yourself.
    What is there to explain? Am I going to seek less perfection when I am rich, "because I don't have to"? I doubt you understood what I said if that is your sincere response.
    I read that as saying money would be inconsequential to how you would live your life, which sounds nice but it's more like one of those things people say. There's nothing wrong with money. Money is just a symbol that let's you do things you want to do. With less money, you have less means to do things in your retirement.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  29. #109
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    I think I know what UDP means. I hardly ever feel the need to go out and buy something. In fact, it's hard to find anything I want to buy when I have extra money. Music is the only thing I buy, really (even though it's not necessary to buy it).

    Of course money is necessary for food and whatnot, but that's not the point. Just give me an internet connection and I'm good.

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    Default Re: hmm

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    I have only read the first post of this thread in order not to let the answers affect my answer...

    So here are the answer for me and my wife:

    a) (not filthy rich)
    - Spend time with grand-children and family
    - Go a lot to opera, concerts, art exhibitions etc. cultural things
    - Travel (mostly cities with active atmosphere and lot of culture to inhale not beach vacations or something)
    - Take part in non-profit organizations in order to keep socially active as well as promote some agendas in the society (socializing is probably as important if not more than promoting the agendas because you'd have to be filthy rich to actually get into circles where you could make a big difference)

    That's not enough, I'm afraid, except that it seems EJ temperament, or at least extroverted.

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    b) (filthy rich)
    - Same but doing it BIG
    e.g. instead of just spending time with grand-children etc try to invest in them and their future, take family to luxury vacations, travel to cultural targets but make it more luxurious, network with other people with money/power and try to have effect on future society (assuming rich people have more influence even when old socializing would be less important than actually having effect on society).
    The concern with networking suggests to me someone with some confidence and focus on , so in principle I would rule out role and PoLR types.

    So, EXFj I would guess - but it's really not much. EXFp is also possible.

    As follow up questions -- why the mention on networking? Is she used to accomplishing goals through that method?

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    a) (not filthy rich)
    - Spend time gathering information and trying to understand world from different perspectives (scientific, religious, political, business)
    - Play online games (lol)
    - Perhaps write something (trying to publish it somewhere). Books, articles, opinions, ...

    b) (filthy rich)
    - Same as above but in addition...
    - Invest in things which I want to promote (like start a foundation where scientific researchers, business start-ups, even religious groups could ask for funding for their great new ideas). Try to focus on those people who really have revolutionary ideas and can't get funding from typical conservative venture capitalists etc.
    Well, from that, I get a slight Ne vibe. NeFi as well as NeTi.

    There is a bit of easy-goingness in the first part that could suggest irrationality or perhaps Si>Se.

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Perhaps (in both cases) I would also travel to see some historically important places just to deepen my understanding of those happenings and get a more personal experience. However I would probably not travel TOO much.
    Historically important places, in principle, suggests Ni or Si.

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    If I still have a wife, children and grand-children I of course spend some time with them (however I don't make that a major thing). Like if my wife wants to travel to Paris I would just go with her (I wouldn't do this alone). If I'd be single with not much family I might isolate myself somewhat and not seeking for new relationships especially if I was filthy rich. Just focusing on my own intellectual pursuits.
    That doesn't sound at all like a Fi person, at least not accepting Fi.

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Generally I would devote myself to seeking new information and understanding which interests me (now I have to devote a lot of time in learning information which would help me make money but when I retire I wouldn't have to do that anymore).
    Sounds logical.

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Also I would like to interact with people in the form of playing competitive games (preferably in the net). If I'd be filthy rich right now I would probably play a lot of online games. I'm not sure what kind of games I can play when old but well Not first person shooters I guess but perhaps some strategy games or card games or something.
    At face value it sounds Alpha. Very much so.

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    In addition to this I could do something spontaneous like if I wake up some day and feel like doing something then I would just go and do it (especially if I was single and filthy rich). However this would be exceptional behavior not a norm. Occasionally I need to do something very different in order to "clear my head" and sort of get distance to daily routines etc. I often can change strategic directions after these "take offs". They are often inspired by boredom and the feeling that I'm not making progress and need a break and need to change something.
    This sounds like EP, although diluted by the "not the norm".

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Edit: I forgot about food and excersize. I would probably try to do a lot of physical training and try some healthy diets etc. I might have inherited this from my father. Actually there is a chance I might change from intellectual pursuits to health pursuits. Trying to be the healthiest old man out there. Or divide my time between health and intellectualism. Depends on external conditions (e.g. whether I'd still be able to do something physical or not).
    At face value it would mean valueing Si, but not necessarily Si quadra.

    Overall, my observations are --

    Alpha, focus on Ne but also Ni, not much Fi, logical, apparent EP temperament.

    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by electric
    In my retirement I would probably get a low paying job working in one of those cinemas which play movies you don't really see at your local commercial cinemas. In an ideal world I would like to own one so I could see films whenever I want and maybe have a restaurant to eat at whenever I want.
    I would probably like to live in a place which is close to where everything is happening (so I could be close to culture resources like cinemas etc.), but not as hectic as some busy city centres.
    How would I spend my day? Go to work, do what needs to be done, go home to family (if I have any) watch T.V, read a couple books, spending a lot of time figuring out things I haven't figured out yet, develop a mad ass dvd collection or video games collection (or whatever the fad I get caught up with then). Maybe have friends over to show off all the cool things I have/have learnt.
    I would guess Si>Se, and Fe>Fi. Alpha.

    Quote Originally Posted by electric
    I would prepare the business (assuming I’ll have a business) for working without me. I’m very suspicious of charities so I’ll probably avoid giving the money away until I find a cause that I seriously believe in and a charity which I trust to spend the money well. Since I probably won’t find one I’ll have to probably make a charity myself.
    I’d do pretty much the same thing and live in pretty much the same place I would do if I didn’t have all the money. But maybe work less physically on the small businesses and spend more time watching films, charity work if I’m doing it etc.
    Yeah, Si>Se.

    Alpha or Delta, I think more Alpha although there is a bit of Delta. Probably not ethical type. Not ESTj.

    I guess ENTp, INTj, ISTp.

    Follow-up question -- why a charity? Is it something you care about? You'd really like a charity?
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Five
    I would like to spend my time quietly but usefully, in a stable environment. I would seek to cultivate myself and be of service to others, including family and friends.

    For example, I would keep to a routine if I could, and live simply (i.e. keep disciplined and prioritise, using my time well). I would keep myself occupied with anything, from gardening, going for walks, reading, crosswords, martial arts, writing, religion, art, or any hobbies. I would also try to be of service to my community, like being involved in charity work. I might also go travelling. The key point is that I would do something useful for myself and others.

    I would probably prefer to live in the country or the suburbs, and near nature or a park.

    To be honest it is not something that I have thought about much. I will cross this bridge when I come to it.
    Focus on routine - rational, not clear whether EJ or IJ, but probably ENFj and ENTj - Ni types - can be discounted.

    The rest points in all directions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Five
    Same as above, but I would make sure that I used my wealth well. This probably means using it for the good of others, but I would also ensure that I had enough to get by.
    No mention of people, friends etc - ego types are unlikely.

    So from this, INTj, ISTj, ISFj, INFj, ESTj are plausible types.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  33. #113
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    Default Re: hmm

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    The concern with networking suggests to me someone with some confidence and focus on , so in principle I would rule out role and PoLR types.

    So, EXFj I would guess - but it's really not much. EXFp is also possible.

    As follow up questions -- why the mention on networking? Is she used to accomplishing goals through that method?
    I think this was a good test I can sense that there is some new knowledge here. New point of view which has not been explored yet and I "feel" that the results could very well fit. There is not a sense of "not in a million years!" more like "hmm..why not?".

    About my wife's type...I'm quite sure we can rule out EP temperament for her. Only EJ or perhaps IJ are possible (don't let this statement affect your analysis it's just an opinion based on experience. I think she is one of the most J person I've met, lol).

    About the networking and accomplishing goals through that...
    - She doesn't consider herself to be a natural born networker but she feels that knowing and networking with the right people has just proven to be the best way to move things forward and get things done (I would think "get things done" is same as accomplishing goals). She claims that she has "learned" to network because it seems to work. So I guess you could call it goal-oriented networking (she doesn't really network "just for the sake of it" like many ExFp types probably would). After a goal is achieved some of the people may become long lasting personal contacts but often much of the network is kind of left where it is. This doesn't mean she "uses and dumps people" she just thinks that the relations were of business nature and only if there is exceptional personal magnetism she will keep on nourishing and building the relationship further. She keeps business relationships and personal relationships very much separated even though she can activate old business relationships if a new goal needs that to be done. She also expects other people to understand the difference between "business partner" and "friend". She just doesn't sort of keep calling and sending emails and SMS messages to all people she has met or worked with just to "keep the network warm". However she has many useful contacts and she is not afraid or insecure to use them when needed.

    I'm not sure if this is more ESFj(Si) or ESTj(Si). And how to distinguish between ENFj and ESFj? Reinin dichotomies? (might work between ESFj and ESTj too. I must check that). Actually I don't think ENFj is an option. Nothing really points to that. And she loves baking and is a lot into aesthetic stuff etc. which doesn't seem Si-PoLR. She has a lot of ESFj qualities I admit but she is not openly emotional in the way some extreme ESFjs are. Perhaps she is more into networking than extreme ESTjs are. So I don't know. I think activity between us would perhaps make more sense than benefactor but I think both are possible.

    As for myself. I can see ENTp as very possible. Only thing that has really been keeping me from that is my ex-boss who I kind of think was ENTp doesn't seem like an identical to me (not impossible but we just had some disagreements which would suggest we are not identical). However I know it is a bad idea to use "measure sticks" i.e. people to measure yourself against. Especially because ex-boss could well have been ENTj. I don't really know much ENTps or ENTjs to know for sure. I know (unconfirmed) one of each. And I guess I don't have Fi Fi PoLR and leading Ne might contribute to the lack of self-perception as there is really no "self" other than the continuously changing model of "self" which I construct with NeTi (or something). Perhaps this is why I so hate a question "Tell me something about your _self_" in job interviews...also I have enormous problems with activating my personal contacts (e.g. in business environment). Like calling someone and asking for a favor etc. This might be related to Fi-PoLR and the inability to know where I stand with anyone (like would the answer be "of course I can do that for you!" or "who the hell do you think you are coming here asking ME to do you favors!")

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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    I plan on spending my retirement exactly the same way I spend my life now: doing whatever I want. I will be financially comfortable, have a clean house, and the means to plan and enjoy leisurely travel and luxury. I will take frequent cruises, eat out a lot, and devote free time to whatever my hobbies are. I will also donate money to scientific research foundations and societies that feed starving countries.

    If I am *rich* during retirement, I will do the above, but in a bigger, more efficient house. I will also fly via chartered airplanes. I will order gourmet foodstuffs and cook extravagant meals in my state-of-the-art kitchen. I might purchase a second house in Britain and assimilate myself into the culture. I could picture myself in an antique classic-style British study, the kind I picture C.S. Lewis working in, quietly writing whatever I happened to want to write about, and sipping tea that my stereotypical old housekeeper brewed up for me (I'll probably overpay her so she'll like me more).

    EDIT: I just realized that the term "retirement" is not something which applies to my life, as I never plan to "start living" at the age of 50+. I will probably never have a long term job. Any work I put forth will be for personal reasons. As such, what I wrote above can be considered to mean "what I can possibly see myself doing when I am around the age of 60."
    I am not sure yet how to break this down.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    Striving for personal perfection in whatever the best forms I can find.
    That's the Enneagram 1 statement, applicable to IJ temperament.

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    Incorporating whatever aspects I can find. Of course my own value will come into play -- -- but I will legitimately seek to incorporate all necessary measurements and evaluations to have objectives and goals that are truly important, and not just abstract personal judgments. I cannot turn away angles of consideration, and finding new levels of understanding is difficult and painful yet the only thing I seem to spend my time on contentedly.
    If anything, a Ne vibe.

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    Everything else is just a matter of what environment I am presented in. Relationships, work, random situations, whatever.

    I have found this much out for myself so far.
    Introvert, I would guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    And then, when I am old and can no longer do any pushups, I will be perfectly content with whatever death I come to, if I should manage that much. Once I am of an invalid status (to my own end), and contribute or offer anything more (Fi obligations to others), I will consider myself expired and ready to move on to the next stage.
    Some Ni.

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    The amount of money I have is inconsequential.

    PS: there is a very crisp clarity to this as I just came off of a rather telling trauma.

    PPS: (!) I have just realized that I live the scientific method
    1. Define the question
    2. Gather information and resources
    3. Form hypothesis
    4. Perform experiment and collect data
    5. Analyze data
    6. Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypotheses
    7. Publish results
    Your writing is Ti, not so much what you are saying.

    Enneagram 1, IJ, Ne, Ni, Ti.

    INTj or ISTj, the former being more likely.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  36. #116
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    Default Re: My test

    My friend's answers:

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    I will volunteer as a social worker and help the needy. I will enjoy myself too but in a conservative manner such as an occasional meal at an expensive restaurant or indulge myself with good coffee and spend my time in fashion palours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    I will donate to charity and visit third world countries. At the same time, I would definitely splurge on myself and have a hell of a time. Moreover, I will travel around the world and own a lot of pets.

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    My friend's answers:

    I will volunteer as a social worker and help the needy. I will enjoy myself too but in a conservative manner such as an occasional meal at an expensive restaurant or indulge myself with good coffee and spend my time in fashion palours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    I will donate to charity and visit third world countries. At the same time, I would definitely splurge on myself and have a hell of a time. Moreover, I will travel around the world and own a lot of pets.

    If I had to guess, I'd say ENFp.

    EDIT: ESFj is also possible.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat


    If I had to guess, I'd say ENFp.
    Yup. My friend thought the ENFp descriptions fitted her best. It took her some time to adjust to the idea that she is an extravert as she always associated extraversion with outgoingness and rowdiness.

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    Default Re: My test

    One last person here. Another friend of mine and I don't really know which type she prefers:

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    I would like to learn a new skill and go for classes. I would like to go back to school and learn subjects which I have always wanted to learn but didn't have the chance to. One such example is a course in Traditional Chinese Medicine. During my free time, I would work with fellow physicians to provide volunteery consultation to the poor. I felt inspired after watching a documentary regarding it on TV.

    On the other hand, I would also engage in sports with my loved ones, or perhaps learn a new sport with either my friends or family.

    I would also continue living in the same house that I am currently living in (before I retire).

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    I would be still doing whatever I am doing now. Moreover, I would be travelling around the world in order to see what the world is like and try the different stuff in the respective countries. Since I am very rich, I would sponsor my friends and family to join me as well.

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    Dear Expat,

    Thank you so much for your time and effort. We all appreciate it.

    Regarding my results:

    No mention of people, friends etc - ego types are unlikely.
    I said that I would like to help others. Surely that counts as 'people'?

    So from this, INTj, ISTj, ISFj, INFj, ESTj are plausible types.
    Do you think that there is a large enough possibility that I might not be ISTj that I should reconsider my type? Or do you think that it will not be necessary?

    Thank you again.

    Kind regards,

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