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Thread: Expat's socionics type test

  1. #41
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    First and most importantly, still having sound health -- free from pains and degenerative ailments. I want to look and feel stunning and alive. Hopefully there will be no need for me to undergo major surgeries like a heart bypass.
    The first person who mentions that -- I'd say Si>Se preference at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    If it is within my financial means, I will probably secure a quiet and comfortable dwelling in an unpolluted and safe suburb that has everything nearby: a medical centre, a park, a business complex, eateries and a mall that sells everything so that I don't have to travel far.
    Again Si --

    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    I don't have to own a large house as a single storey bungalow will do. And, it has to have a garden with shady trees and tea roses. There will be a sound-proof room in my house (as to not disturb the neighbours) and this is where I house my baby grand piano and a wonderful sound system. This is the music room. I will install speakers in some corners of my house so that I can listen to music wherever I am. Some cats and maybe a beagle as well will be adopted by me but they will be groomed by someone else . Very cliche.
    The same --

    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    Professional-wise, I see myself working among young children and youths, maybe in the field of education (but not the boring high school kind) or rehabilitation. I will, with much hope, have grown a quite sizeable portfolio in order to fund my epicurean and charitable interests.
    Si and Ne, ethical type too --

    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    I find it odd that I don't picture myself having kids of my own. All that comes back to me in this instant is a blank. I guess I stand some chance of becoming an old lady who stays alone in her cosy sanctuary. A contented one who has her nephews and nieces (and later their own children) coming over to stay at her house during the holidays or when their parents need someone to babysit them.
    Same, but I'm slowly getting an static vibe.

    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    What else is there besides music, books, young people, shopping disease... etc etc. Maybe I will refine my cooking skills and continue improving my Italian and Mandarin.
    Si, Ne, ethical -- perhaps Te too. Overall a strong Delta vibe, too. If not that, Alpha.

    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    Everything above stands but I will get a second home in another country.

    My to-do list will expand to include funding conservation, medical research and those independent news agencies. A walk-in wardrobe will not kill either .

    And, I want to step into Burj al Arab just to see what all da hype is about! Does the atrocious price justify the experience?
    I see Delta F as most likely. ENFp or INFj. The last sentence suggests ENFp rather than INFj.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  2. #42

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    both situations would probably be the same, so i will only focus on one description.

    to a large extent i'm unsure. i want to go somewhere warm. i hate the cold. exactly where, i have no idea. besides that, location doesn't matter hugely. in an ideal situation, i would be able to do nothing but laze around by playing games, read some things, and mostly occupy myself with low key activities. i might be involved in some sort of academic classes/something as well. the only thing that i really feel i would wish to do other than that is participate in a musical ensemble of some sort. exactly what type and level of music would depend on my present preference and ability. a spouse/significant other/companion/somebody would be necessary to handle all of the boring mundane tasks such as cleaning, which i would tend to put on hold and then forget about, if not simply ignore.

    obviously, everything here subject to drastic changes.

  3. #43

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    ideally, overseeing or being involved with the mental life of a charitable or profitable organization with global reach. Spending time in the wilderness, meditation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    Use it to bring attention to charitable causes. This could include investments in my mental resources like additional degrees or skills that require training, travel expenses, care to loved ones in my absence, etc.

    edit: I find it hard to expound on this. It seems I am never at a loss for words in describing objects but this was hard..

  4. #44
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    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.

    This is hard to answer, as I already consider myself as "partially retired". I don't work, and it's highly unlikely that I will ever work more than a partial part time job again.

    It's also hard in that I currently feel as if my life is on hold until my daughter moves out on her own.

    However, after she's 18yo (8 more years woohoo!!), my life will renew. And that is where I will start my "retirement" expectation description.

    Richard will still be working, unfortunately, so the traveling will have to wait. Until then, I'll likely take some courses, maybe even try for an upside-down degree. I see myself doing lots of studying, and lots more observing people during interactions. I used to see myself helping others figure out what types of job skills, job motivations, and recreation outlets they'd actually enjoy and/or be good with. However, I seem to have lost that drive since coming to Socionics. There was a time when I wanted to be a recreational guide...but then I had a baby. I don't figure that in 8 years I'd be successful in just entering that field after being so long away from the kinds of things I used to love doing. It's more of a ....young person's field. However, a tour guide is still a possibility. Whatever "busy-work" I take on will have to include working with adults during their leisure (or off) time and having the ability to offer information or guidance in skill development.

    I'll probably continue as I am now, cycling through various projects, never fully completing anything, and thinking I know enough about it to share with others.

    I want to move back into a medium-sized town. It's only been 1 1/2 years since we've moved to this house, but I'm sick of the isolation already. I love having a home, but I prefer easy access to stores, libraries, and trails, walking or bicycling from place to place. Richard wants to move right into a downtown or big city. But that would be just too much noise and visual clutter for me. I need space....but not too much space...hehehe. (and he just wants the voyeur aspects of it....get your heads out of the gutter!)

    After Richard's retired (hopefully I can convince him to retire early), I want us to travel. Get a motorhome and visit different areas of the country, go up to canada, alaska, maybe mexico..not sure cuz i don't respond well to heat.

    Before I die, I want to swim with the Atlantic Manta Rays...the large ones....yum.... *eyes big and shiny and dreamy*

    I'd also like to travel to Denmark, Sweden, and Norway...and study up some more about the Viking Eras. Richard would like to visit Germany again, so I suppose I can allow us to squeeze that in. As well as visiting any friends I might have in Europe. For some reason, I see a trip to Europe as pretty much a one time thing, unless the Viking studies go well.

    As for the second question, I don't see it ever applying to me. Nor do I particularly crave it. If it happens that a large flow of money comes our way, it happens, but I've got better things to do than waste time/energy seeking it out. And even if it were to happen, it'd likely be spent on a better place, though nothing mega-fancy, nice furniture, more education, tons of books, and Richard's games and crafts. I admit though, I'd like a maid....actually two maids. So they each can have some time off to enjoy life, yet our house is still always cleaned for us.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    In repsonse to Rick's comment.

    I am the kind of person that likes to be with people and need to have things going on around me, but I do not want to get involved in them. The way I always see it is, I blend into the environment and come into form only when needed. Generally, I only need a person or two to connect to for emotional support.

  6. #46
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    Default Re: My test

    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  7. #47
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I'll spend my time traveling around to many different areas with Peter (and Travis/any future children, if they're a part of a particular business deal we're going there for or want to see the people we're traveling there to see). Location won't be an issue in spending time with family and friends. Of course, however, we won't fly public airlines. For most of my life I'll have an "upper middle class" house with a large fenced in yard that we'll live in (nothing luxurious), but as time goes by I'll add homes in various "favored" locations of travel. I'll own apartments buildings in all of those areas and turn one or two of the units into a suit that the on site management company will keep up for us in our absence and have ready for us upon our arrival to the area. I anticipate being involved in a couple "causes" to incite change in people's lives. For example, there's a "Future _ of America" club for high schools that I have in mind. I won't know exactly what I'll be doing in that regard until I'm actually there though. I'm hoping to avoid staying out of the public eye as much as possible.
    Low focus on Si, higher on Se. Probably Ni>Ne. Extrovert. Logical. Low Fe apparently. From that, ENTj or ESFp as second choice.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  8. #48
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by normal
    1) reading some books, playing some games (cards, Role playing games, videogames, sport) and spend some time with my friends.
    Maybe i became musican or writer (thing that i like, even with my "supposed" old age.) I really like my future job, i found it fun. Meet new places, do new things.
    Ne focus, perhaps extroversion; a general Alpha vibe.

    Quote Originally Posted by normal
    2) Same above but if i have more money, i would spend it to make a bar or something. I always wanted to make a bar/pub. I want to go to another country. Travel its always a constant word in my life. I really enjoy travel to another places, take pictures and do things like that. Anyway, even in my country, a large mount of territory its somewhat expensive to travel. -_-

    But, everythings that i would do with my money would depend of my mood. I tend dream my future, but i dont got it none of them. But at least, there's things that i truly want to do. travel really make me feel good.
    Irrationality, focus in Si, confirmation of Alpha vibe and EP temperament.

    Likely ENTp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    Tricky question, since I don't want to spend too much time dreaming about retirement when I don't even know if I'll marry or if I'm going to live past my 40s.
    Dynamic perhaps --

    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    But in short, I don't want to stagnate. I want to keep up an active lifestyle for as long as possible -- mentally, geographically, physically. Moving from country to country every 1-2 years,
    EP perhaps; anyway extroversion, also EJ.

    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    saving people from impending disaster. And in my spare time, continue learning the skills necessary to successfully confront more situations and extricate people from crises.
    Yeah, it sounds like EJ. Ni?

    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    That's essentially what I dream -- or have nightmares -- about. Much like a mercenary in an RPG: accept and embark on new missions, gain EXP, acquire new weapons and party members, restore the peace by defeating monstrous boss, leave in search of another destitute place, repeat until Game Over.
    Same, but EP is still possible --

    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    I also like the idea of being a private tutor.
    Ethical, perhaps Fi specifically. Ne? Not very significant.

    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    I prefer secluded and tranquil surroundings over urban, ideally surrounded by a forests (Sweden, anyone?). But it doesn't matter, since I'll eventually get bored and develop an itch to move elsewhere. Close access to the library and park required.
    Again extroversion --

    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    Would like to spend the day immersed in reading or working. I enjoy the thrill of being able to work on something for hours without taking breaks, and hope to have someone around to help me begin and maintain that state of concentration so that I can get more things done.
    Logical? Not enough -- Se in superid? Yeah.

    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    Even if I turn out to be wealthy, not much would be different. But if I were that wealthy, I'd donate money to research institutions.
    (After reading niffweed's post, which I relate very much to, I think I'll hire someone -- a husband? -- to take care of coma-inducing things like tidying, the laundry, and cooking nutritional meals 3 times a day. And maybe threaten to feed me, since I often "forget" to eat )
    Low focus on Si, again Se in super-id.

    To me the clearest traits are extroversion, Se in super-id and dislike for Si.

    A Beta or Gamma extrovert. I'm guessing Ni EJ.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    to a large extent i'm unsure. i want to go somewhere warm. i hate the cold. exactly where, i have no idea. besides that, location doesn't matter hugely. in an ideal situation, i would be able to do nothing but laze around by playing games, read some things, and mostly occupy myself with low key activities. i might be involved in some sort of academic classes/something as well. the only thing that i really feel i would wish to do other than that is participate in a musical ensemble of some sort. exactly what type and level of music would depend on my present preference and ability. a spouse/significant other/companion/somebody would be necessary to handle all of the boring mundane tasks such as cleaning, which i would tend to put on hold and then forget about, if not simply ignore.

    obviously, everything here subject to drastic changes.
    Dynamic. Introvert. Probably also irrational. Not Se or Si in ego. Very similar to snegledmaca generally, except reference to companionship. Ni IP, more likely INTp than INFp IMO.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  11. #51
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    ideally, overseeing or being involved with the mental life of a charitable or profitable organization with global reach. Spending time in the wilderness, meditation.
    Introvert. Si? Ne? General Delta vibe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    Use it to bring attention to charitable causes. This could include investments in my mental resources like additional degrees or skills that require training, travel expenses, care to loved ones in my absence, etc.

    edit: I find it hard to expound on this. It seems I am never at a loss for words in describing objects but this was hard..
    Ne. More Delta. Te.

    INFj is most likely.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  12. #52
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    ms k sounds 1ish to me. I don't see the case for Delta>Alpha.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    TRichard will still be working, unfortunately, so the traveling will have to wait. Until then, I'll likely take some courses, maybe even try for an upside-down degree. I see myself doing lots of studying, and lots more observing people during interactions. I used to see myself helping others figure out what types of job skills, job motivations, and recreation outlets they'd actually enjoy and/or be good with. However, I seem to have lost that drive since coming to Socionics.
    Ethical, perhaps Ne. Delta?

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    There was a time when I wanted to be a recreational guide...but then I had a baby. I don't figure that in 8 years I'd be successful in just entering that field after being so long away from the kinds of things I used to love doing. It's more of a ....young person's field. However, a tour guide is still a possibility. Whatever "busy-work" I take on will have to include working with adults during their leisure (or off) time and having the ability to offer information or guidance in skill development.
    Ethical, Ne but Ni too.

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    I'll probably continue as I am now, cycling through various projects, never fully completing anything, and thinking I know enough about it to share with others.

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    I want to move back into a medium-sized town. It's only been 1 1/2 years since we've moved to this house, but I'm sick of the isolation already. I love having a home, but I prefer easy access to stores, libraries, and trails, walking or bicycling from place to place. Richard wants to move right into a downtown or big city. But that would be just too much noise and visual clutter for me. I need space....but not too much space...hehehe. (and he just wants the voyeur aspects of it....get your heads out of the gutter!)
    Not sure if that means anything. Ni?

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    After Richard's retired (hopefully I can convince him to retire early), I want us to travel. Get a motorhome and visit different areas of the country, go up to canada, alaska, maybe mexico..not sure cuz i don't respond well to heat.
    More Ni than Ne?

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Before I die, I want to swim with the Atlantic Manta Rays...the large ones....yum.... *eyes big and shiny and dreamy*
    Ni I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    I'd also like to travel to Denmark, Sweden, and Norway...and study up some more about the Viking Eras. Richard would like to visit Germany again, so I suppose I can allow us to squeeze that in. As well as visiting any friends I might have in Europe. For some reason, I see a trip to Europe as pretty much a one time thing, unless the Viking studies go well.
    Low Si, more Ni?

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    As for the second question, I don't see it ever applying to me. Nor do I particularly crave it. If it happens that a large flow of money comes our way, it happens, but I've got better things to do than waste time/energy seeking it out. And even if it were to happen, it'd likely be spent on a better place, though nothing mega-fancy, nice furniture, more education, tons of books, and Richard's games and crafts. I admit though, I'd like a maid....actually two maids. So they each can have some time off to enjoy life, yet our house is still always cleaned for us.
    Low focus on Si, also low on Te?

    Irrational, ethical, strong Ni and Ne, low Si and no visible focus on Se, low on Te.

    A bit contradictory. INFp or ENFp, highly intuitive subtype.

    Not sure why I'd get opposing quadras The low focus on Si would tip it towards INFp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  14. #54
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    Default Re: My test

    *removed at UDP's request*
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  15. #55
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Expat, what are you using to decide if something is "Ni"?
    I don't understand some of the conclusions you drew, perhaps you would explain them to me?

    possible degree seeking
    observing people
    observing interactions
    (old) desire to help others enjoy/improve their lives more
    loss of passion
    Ethical, perhaps Ne. Delta?

    (old) desire to help others enjoy their lives more
    (realistic) awareness that old desire no longer a viable option
    possible track for fulfilling some aspects of old desire
    original desire to help a select group of people
    Ethical, Ne but Ni too.

    list of irrational behavior
    this one doesn't need explaining

    sick of isolation
    desires easy access to locations
    desires physical movement to locations
    avoiding too much noise
    avoiding visual clutter
    desires comfortable balance between space and "other"
    Not sure if that means anything. Ni?

    awareness that have to wait before pursuing another desire
    desire to travel "locally"
    avoiding discomfort of heat may be more important than desire to travel
    Ni I think.

    desire to possibly travel non-locally
    desire to pursue a non-local interest
    awareness that may have to fit in someone else's desire during pursuit of own interests
    possible vision of trip and timing....or possible unsureness of comfort level of non-local travel
    interest pursuit might overcome possible discomfort of non-local travel
    Low Si, more Ni?

    inability to envision monetary wealth
    low desire for pursuit of monetary wealth
    preference for personal enjoyment over monetary pursuit
    desire to use monetary wealth for increased comfort without show
    desire to use monetary wealth for pursuit of interests
    desire for clean home without the personal work involved
    desire for "workers" to have ability to pursue own interests
    Low focus on Si, also low on Te?
    It seems to me, that most of what you listed as "Low Si" and/or "More Ni" actually stems from seeking Si
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilligan
    ms k sounds 1ish to me. I don't see the case for Delta>Alpha.
    I'm typing exclusively with base on the retirement input, not on any other information. I also think that Delta> Alpha is slight.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Expat, what are you using to decide if something is "Ni"?
    It's difficult. If I see a sense of "limitless possibilities, all more or less of the same 'value' ", I think it's more Ne. If I have the impression of a more "fixed" possibilty, I think of Ni.

    However, especially for Ne or Ni dominants, I think there are overlaps.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Expat, what are you using to decide if something is "Ni"?
    It's difficult. If I see a sense of "limitless possibilities, all more or less of the same 'value' ", I think it's more Ne. If I have the impression of a more "fixed" possibilty, I think of Ni.

    However, especially for Ne or Ni dominants, I think there are overlaps.
    sorry, i was editing my response to you while you wrote this, would you please read my response above to your response?
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilligan
    ms k sounds 1ish to me. I don't see the case for Delta>Alpha.
    yeah I thought about it, and what I would do in my retirement is only partially what i most enjoy doing, its what i think i should be doing. So what I'd be doing then, retirement being near death, is different from what I'd do now with a lot of money. Older, I would feel like I should be working to help people/being involved in something bigger than myself. Myself I would most want to reach some sort of mental/soul nirvana, so if I don't get that at the moment of my death I would be working toward that or putting myself in the position to sit in it by meditating.

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat

    I see Delta F as most likely. ENFp or INFj. The last sentence suggests ENFp rather than INFj.

    This is a really cool 'free-association' kind of test to determine one's type by the way .

  21. #61
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    Sorry but I will just ignore your breaking-down in items, since that's not how I did it -- my explanations refer to the original text.

    I have to explain how I saw it in my own terms, not following yours

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    (old) desire to help others enjoy their lives more
    (realistic) awareness that old desire no longer a viable option
    possible track for fulfilling some aspects of old desire
    original desire to help a select group of people
    Ethical, Ne but Ni too.
    I see Ni in the sense of continuity, of cause-and-effect sequence. It's more in how you put it than in what you were saying.

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    sick of isolation
    desires easy access to locations
    desires physical movement to locations
    avoiding too much noise
    avoiding visual clutter
    desires comfortable balance between space and "other"
    Not sure if that means anything. Ni?
    Ni, if any, it's not in what you just broke down above, but in the awareness of the consequences of the move down the line. However, that could also be seen as a Ne "jump".

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    awareness that have to wait before pursuing another desire
    desire to travel "locally"
    avoiding discomfort of heat may be more important than desire to travel
    Ni I think.
    I said that in connection to the Manta Rays image, which could be seen as a Ne "window" but "selected" through Ni.

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise

    desire to possibly travel non-locally
    desire to pursue a non-local interest
    awareness that may have to fit in someone else's desire during pursuit of own interests
    possible vision of trip and timing....or possible unsureness of comfort level of non-local travel
    interest pursuit might overcome possible discomfort of non-local travel
    Low Si, more Ni?
    You seemed to think of those countries more as concepts, rather than sensorial experiences.

    inability to envision monetary wealth
    low desire for pursuit of monetary wealth
    preference for personal enjoyment over monetary pursuit
    desire to use monetary wealth for increased comfort without show
    desire to use monetary wealth for pursuit of interests
    desire for clean home without the personal work involved
    desire for "workers" to have ability to pursue own interests
    Low focus on Si, also low on Te?
    I said "low focus on Si", but not as Se>Si. You do refer to Si but not as something that important - not in comparison to stefana, for instance.

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    It seems to me, that most of what you listed as "Low Si" and/or "More Ni" actually stems from seeking Si
    I don't think so. I can't read your mind, I was basing it on the text, and to me Si was like an afterthought. But that's my interpretation.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  22. #62
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Because I have something psychological against it that makes me think it's full of cutthroat, fake, unstrusteable, petty, closed off and unreccomendable people with whom I have generally nothing to share and that like you only for the connections you can provide them. Ok, shallow judgement and all that, but I can recognize that kind of people even now in university forming their cobwebs I try to stay away from.
    That sounds like to me.
    From my sounds like alpha quadra values, stereotypically.
    Yeah but generally it sounds like a distaste for . Actually people i know who dislike "business people" the most for the reason you wrote are I*Fps though i know ENFjs who come across as very business like (Even when not in work settings). I guess it's the good old case where different functions have different ways of liking/disliking the same things. It seems to lead to the fact that people notice more easily how other functions (Than the ones in their quadra values) appreciate the things they don't appreciate themselves. That's why i think one of the best way of writing socionics material is by comparing every function/type using the same "parameters"(Couldn't find a better word) so that the answers to "What does X mean to this type?" style questions are far less confusing.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Anyway the test is good and is also fun because it's not just about putting crosses but also about describing yourself
    There's still a risk of not interpreting what the person wanted to communicate correctly, more precisely, every little hidden, personnal motive behind preferences, and what exactly the preferences makes them feel inside. If someone says he likes to go at the beach, he might have been clearer if he said he likes to lie on the hot sand or that he likes to swim and play water sports or that he likes to meet people there because the mood is friendly.

    The dislike for business people above is a good example actually, because as Expat noted, your reasoning can sound like but it can also sound like an Alpha quadra value of simplicity between people or simply like a distaste for (E*Tjs i know are "famous" for uttering the importance of building a web of contacts. One has a list of people he has to call every week or so). It could also come across like a distaste for as E*Fjs attitude towards success and motivation includes giving yourself the impression that since you really want to succeed and be positive, you should be ready to use good strategies to reach success even if it means having shallow contacts with people. It's all about where one comes from. I might be wrong and maybe often everything could be sumed up by only one function but still it doesn't mean any motive to use said function doesn't come from another one, such as the motivated E*Fj who feels positive when he's ready to use for his own success.

    I still agree this kind of test has great potential to give accurate results but it requires a large amount of work, time and introspection ability from the taker to make it be almost bulletproof.

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by detail
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Because I have something psychological against it that makes me think it's full of cutthroat, fake, unstrusteable, petty, closed off and unreccomendable people with whom I have generally nothing to share and that like you only for the connections you can provide them. Ok, shallow judgement and all that, but I can recognize that kind of people even now in university forming their cobwebs I try to stay away from.
    That sounds like to me.
    From my sounds like alpha quadra values, stereotypically.
    Yeah but generally it sounds like a distaste for . Actually people i know who dislike "business people" the most for the reason you wrote are I*Fps though i know ENFjs who come across as very business like (Even when not in work settings). I guess it's the good old case where different functions have different ways of liking/disliking the same things. It seems to lead to the fact that people notice more easily how other functions (Than the ones in their quadra values) appreciate the things they don't appreciate themselves. That's why i think one of the best way of writing socionics material is by comparing every function/type using the same "parameters"(Couldn't find a better word) so that the answers to "What does X mean to this type?" style questions are far less confusing.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Anyway the test is good and is also fun because it's not just about putting crosses but also about describing yourself
    There's still a risk of not interpreting what the person wanted to communicate correctly, more precisely, every little hidden, personnal motive behind preferences, and what exactly the preferences makes them feel inside. If someone says he likes to go at the beach, he might have been clearer if he said he likes to lie on the hot sand or that he likes to swim and play water sports or that he likes to meet people there because the mood is friendly.

    The dislike for business people above is a good example actually, because as Expat noted, your reasoning can sound like but it can also sound like an Alpha quadra value of simplicity between people or simply like a distaste for (E*Tjs i know are "famous" for uttering the importance of building a web of contacts. One has a list of people he has to call every week or so). It could also come across like a distaste for as E*Fjs attitude towards success and motivation includes giving yourself the impression that since you really want to succeed and be positive, you should be ready to use good strategies to reach success even if it means having shallow contacts with people. It's all about where one comes from. I might be wrong and maybe often everything could be sumed up by only one function but still it doesn't mean any motive to use said function doesn't come from another one, such as the motivated E*Fj who feels positive when he's ready to use for his own success.

    I still agree this kind of test has great potential to give accurate results but it requires a large amount of work, time and introspection ability from the taker to make it be almost bulletproof.
    I see what you mean and I tend to agree. Couldn't we then start from that and given the options (as you are doing) you then perform a tree of choices with preferences that are related to each possible options, from which the individual can choose.

    What I mean is, you extract the info from a seemingly nonbiased answer and in order to counter the bias that the interpreter might have, the interpreter gives back the options he has in mind for the starting subject to choose.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by detail
    If someone says he likes to go at the beach, he might have been clearer if he said he likes to lie on the hot sand or that he likes to swim and play water sports or that he likes to meet people there because the mood is friendly.
    Exactly. I couldn't have said it better. If I were conducting this test in an one-to-one interview, that's exactly how I would proceed.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  25. #65
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I see what you mean and I tend to agree. Couldn't we then start from that and given the options (as you are doing) you then perform a tree of choices with preferences that are related to each possible options, from which the individual can choose.
    Yeah asking for clarification "manually" is necessary since even the questions can be interpreted differently from what they were intended to.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    What I mean is, you extract the info from a seemingly nonbiased answer and in order to counter the bias that the interpreter might have, the interpreter gives back the options he has in mind for the starting subject to choose.
    Yes, that would probably be the best way. I think it's similar to the Humanist (I don't know if it translates as "Humanist" in english) school of thought in psychology, the goal is to not interfere and act naively as for portraying motivations the most accurately possible (Though the similar psychology approach has a much deeper agenda).

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This test has worked well so far although it may need follow-up questions.

    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.
    There are so many possibilities and I could see myself happy in more than a few of them. So, in that sense, this is a hard question.

    Hm, maybe I should start with where I'd like to live. I think I'd want to be close to my family - siblings, cousins, children, grandchildren, etc. Those ties are/would be important to me, so I'd want to live close enough to maintain them with relative ease. I also love nature, particularly forests, mountains, water... But I like the conveniences and variety of the city, too, like libraries, hospitals, music, art, etc. So, I guess I'd likely end up somewhere around where I already live.

    Maybe I'd live in a little cabin on the grounds of the camp I love so much, at least in the summers. I could interact with the children and staff (who are really children themselves) whenever I wanted, learning from and teaching them, playing and talking with them. I could do various odd-jobs whenever they'd let me. If I got tired of interacting, I could retreat into my little house or into the green woods. In winters, it might get a little lonely, so I might move to a little apartment in the city where I could attach myself to some sort of ministry or artists' group or some other activity where people and kindness and learning intermingle freely. I'd certainly spend time in the library. I might also end up getting involved with some of the local governing bodies, not really seriously, but more to see what's going on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.
    With more money at my disposal, I'd want to learn - learn about people, nature, all of God's creation. I'd go traveling across America, to Europe, around the world. I'd absorb the art, the history, the cultures. I'd visit the Louvre, the Himalayas, the African savannas. I'd paddle the Amazon river, climb the Egyptian pyramids, and walk the Great Wall of China. I'd make friends with lions, and tigers, and bears (oh, my!). I wouldn't want to do it at a breakneck pace, though. And I wouldn't want to lose my ties with home. It would be nice to have somebody to travel with, too, somebody with whom to share experiences. And I'd want to be relatively safe.

    Hm, after rereading both 1 and 2, I think perhaps it is good that I do not have a lot of money. It might encourage me to become a very selfish person. Although, I suppose if I had a lot of money, I'd give a lot of it away, too.

    Oh, and I'd also probably be able to leave "starving" out of "starving artist."

    Like I said before, this is a hard question because there are so many possibilities. What I've described are only a couple of the clearer visions I can produce when thinking about an "ideal retirement."

    EDIT: Another possibility if I had lots of money is that I'd keep going to school. Not really for any particular degree, but because there's so much to learn and I like having people teach and show me things. I'd probably do something similar even with limited funds, but this way I'd likely have greater access to higher quality schools.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    The most obvious thing here is Ti. I saw more Ni than Ne, though, and the impression of "extroversion" might mean Se focus instead.

    The best guess would be ISTj, huge focus on Ti. Ti IJ is the most accurate description.
    I think that is reasonable.
    I've maxed Ne; that is to say, the huge Ti and miniscule amount of Ne that registered was a result of Ne fortifying my Ti, as you can see. I have been focusing alot more on .

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilligan
    ms k sounds 1ish to me. I don't see the case for Delta>Alpha.
    I'm typing exclusively with base on the retirement input, not on any other information. I also think that Delta> Alpha is slight.
    Mmhm. It's like a report of what you said.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kioshi
    I am retired I suppose. It's certainly not what I want. I spend a great deal of time reading, writing, doing logic puzzles, listening to music, anything to keep my mind busy. But increasingly it feels like I am just looking for new ways to waste time. I hate it. Nothing challenges me anymore.

    I think better when I move. And I used to be physically active. But I don't go out much anymore. I feel socially isolated when I am around people.

    I've also considered traveling. But again there is that feeling of social isolation. I hate it.
    Fe, Ti, a general feeling of introverted temperament. Alpha or Beta introvert.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    There are so many possibilities and I could see myself happy in more than a few of them. So, in that sense, this is a hard question.
    That already suggests Ne --

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    Hm, maybe I should start with where I'd like to live. I think I'd want to be close to my family - siblings, cousins, children, grandchildren, etc. Those ties are/would be important to me, so I'd want to live close enough to maintain them with relative ease. I also love nature, particularly forests, mountains, water... But I like the conveniences and variety of the city, too, like libraries, hospitals, music, art, etc. So, I guess I'd likely end up somewhere around where I already live.
    Fi perhaps a bit of Si.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    Maybe I'd live in a little cabin on the grounds of the camp I love so much, at least in the summers. I could interact with the children and staff (who are really children themselves) whenever I wanted, learning from and teaching them, playing and talking with them. I could do various odd-jobs whenever they'd let me. If I got tired of interacting, I could retreat into my little house or into the green woods. In winters, it might get a little lonely, so I might move to a little apartment in the city where I could attach myself to some sort of ministry or artists' group or some other activity where people and kindness and learning intermingle freely. I'd certainly spend time in the library. I might also end up getting involved with some of the local governing bodies, not really seriously, but more to see what's going on.
    This seemed written by a Te person (compare it with UDP's Ti pattern of writing). Fi, introversion, a bit of Si. A bit of Ne. Generally Alpha Delta vibe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    With more money at my disposal, I'd want to learn - learn about people, nature, all of God's creation. I'd go traveling across America, to Europe, around the world. I'd absorb the art, the history, the cultures. I'd visit the Louvre, the Himalayas, the African savannas. I'd paddle the Amazon river, climb the Egyptian pyramids, and walk the Great Wall of China. I'd make friends with lions, and tigers, and bears (oh, my!). I wouldn't want to do it at a breakneck pace, though. And I wouldn't want to lose my ties with home. It would be nice to have somebody to travel with, too, somebody with whom to share experiences. And I'd want to be relatively safe.
    Fi, Si, Ne, Te. Delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    Hm, after rereading both 1 and 2, I think perhaps it is good that I do not have a lot of money. It might encourage me to become a very selfish person. Although, I suppose if I had a lot of money, I'd give a lot of it away, too.
    Fi, Ne/Ni.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    Oh, and I'd also probably be able to leave "starving" out of "starving artist."

    Like I said before, this is a hard question because there are so many possibilities. What I've described are only a couple of the clearer visions I can produce when thinking about an "ideal retirement."
    Probably Ne in ego.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde
    EDIT: Another possibility if I had lots of money is that I'd keep going to school. Not really for any particular degree, but because there's so much to learn and I like having people teach and show me things. I'd probably do something similar even with limited funds, but this way I'd likely have greater access to higher quality schools.
    Again Ne and Fi and Te.

    Delta NF. ENFp or INFj. Slight higher impression of IJ than EP. INFj, probably intuitive subtype, otherwise ENFp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  31. #71
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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by normal
    1) reading some books, playing some games (cards, Role playing games, videogames, sport) and spend some time with my friends.
    Maybe i became musican or writer (thing that i like, even with my "supposed" old age.) I really like my future job, i found it fun. Meet new places, do new things.
    Ne focus, perhaps extroversion; a general Alpha vibe.

    Quote Originally Posted by normal
    2) Same above but if i have more money, i would spend it to make a bar or something. I always wanted to make a bar/pub. I want to go to another country. Travel its always a constant word in my life. I really enjoy travel to another places, take pictures and do things like that. Anyway, even in my country, a large mount of territory its somewhat expensive to travel. -_-

    But, everythings that i would do with my money would depend of my mood. I tend dream my future, but i dont got it none of them. But at least, there's things that i truly want to do. travel really make me feel good.
    Irrationality, focus in Si, confirmation of Alpha vibe and EP temperament.

    Likely ENTp.
    I'm curous where you're getting extroversion/EP temperment. Surely not just travel? I see Fe>Fi from wanting to open a bar, irrationality, and a pretty clear Ne/Si preference. What suggests EP? Travel?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Flying. Lots of flying. I would like to live somewhere off the beaten path, spend my time writing, growing a small garden, maybe a few chickens, and a good dog as my copilot when I fly.
    Some would say that flight is about Ne, but since you really fly, I'll associate that with Se. Apart from that, Te, Si, a bit of Fi.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    I might work part time as a bush pilot, delivering supplies and such to other hermits .

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    I would also travel places I've never seen before, hiking and camping to experience the place close up, and also sometimes for a break taking the easy way and going on a cruise or such.
    Se and just a bit of Si.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Funny, I always see myself alone when I think of the future. I would make sure my path crossed those of old friends from time to time, and I'd also visit my kids and then grandkids. I'm afraid I might be lonely.
    Fi not Fe. More Ni than Ne, a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    I wouldn't want to be tied to a place, but at the same time it's always nice to have somewhere you call home, that's yours. Ideally I would have someone to share my adventures with, traveling with me, but not all the time. I would want the whole experience of the places I visit, not just touristy spots, but really get to know a place, maybe even living for a short time in one place or another.
    Overall the writing seems Te. Fi. Se and Si, more Se than Si?

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    The amount of money I had would determine the distance and frequency of my wanderings.
    What I get most obviously is Fi and the Te way of putting it. The way of describing the travels suggests more Se than Si. Fi is strong but I see no Ne connected to the Fi images, so Delta NF is unlikely. More like Gamma SF.

    As for temperament -- not obviously IJ, but not as "wild" as EPs when they really feel free. The overal image is more "settled" as a whole. So, more likely ISFj than ESFp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Default Re: My test

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilligan
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by normal
    1) reading some books, playing some games (cards, Role playing games, videogames, sport) and spend some time with my friends.
    Maybe i became musican or writer (thing that i like, even with my "supposed" old age.) I really like my future job, i found it fun. Meet new places, do new things.
    Ne focus, perhaps extroversion; a general Alpha vibe.

    Quote Originally Posted by normal
    2) Same above but if i have more money, i would spend it to make a bar or something. I always wanted to make a bar/pub. I want to go to another country. Travel its always a constant word in my life. I really enjoy travel to another places, take pictures and do things like that. Anyway, even in my country, a large mount of territory its somewhat expensive to travel. -_-

    But, everythings that i would do with my money would depend of my mood. I tend dream my future, but i dont got it none of them. But at least, there's things that i truly want to do. travel really make me feel good.
    Irrationality, focus in Si, confirmation of Alpha vibe and EP temperament.

    Likely ENTp.
    I'm curous where you're getting extroversion/EP temperment. Surely not just travel? I see Fe>Fi from wanting to open a bar, irrationality, and a pretty clear Ne/Si preference. What suggests EP? Travel?
    I agree on the Fe with the bar.

    As for EP, well, I had already noted extroversion ("meet new places, do new things") and irrationality. The focus on "constant" travel, repeated a few times, confirmed EP to me. I wouldn't have associated a simple desire to travel with EP with no other indication, but in tha context I thought it confirmed the general impression.

    Would you say that the general impression is more IP than EP? To me "mobile, impulsive" fits it well.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Well, one problem is that all we have to go on is the travel itself. To use this in determining type, we have to figure out how he would travel, or, better yet, why. I see the need for traveling and experiencing all of these "new" things as an Ne/Si indicator more than anything rather than a method of differentiating the two dominants. Arriving at extroversion/EP by way of the singular desire for "new places and things" is not really a fair assumption. Perhaps if it was an overarching theme, and demonstrated in multiple contexts, then the conclusion could be more solid.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilligan
    Well, one problem is that all we have to go on is the travel itself. To use this in determining type, we have to figure out how he would travel, or, better yet, why. I see the need for traveling and experiencing all of these "new" things as an Ne/Si indicator more than anything rather than a method of differentiating the two dominants. Arriving at extroversion/EP by way of the singular desire for "new places and things" is not really a fair assumption. Perhaps if it was an overarching theme, and demonstrated in multiple contexts, then the conclusion could be more solid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilligan
    Well, one problem is that all we have to go on is the travel itself. To use this in determining type, we have to figure out how he would travel, or, better yet, why. I see the need for traveling and experiencing all of these "new" things as an Ne/Si indicator more than anything rather than a method of differentiating the two dominants. Arriving at extroversion/EP by way of the singular desire for "new places and things" is not really a fair assumption. Perhaps if it was an overarching theme, and demonstrated in multiple contexts, then the conclusion could be more solid.
    Just to make it clear -- if I were really trying to type a specific individual, I would elaborate more on the questions. In normal's case, yes, I would start by trying to differentiate between ISFp and ENTp.

    In stefana's case, I would try to find out whether she's ENFp or INFj.

    And so on. Right now I'm mostly "playing" with it.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  37. #77
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    Are you looking at people's names? If so, it would be awfully easy for you to reach a pre-determined conclusion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Are you looking at people's names? If so, it would be awfully easy for you to reach a pre-determined conclusion.
    How am I going to avoid looking at them?

    Of course there is the risk of what you're saying, but I wasn't trying to confirm anyone's own typing.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  39. #79
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    I suggest people post as guests.

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    This forum does not accept people posting as guests, and it's a good idea to keep it that way.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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