In the MBTI system I consistently typed as an INTP(Ti,Ne) and was convinced that my type directly translated over from that system for quite a while, until I finally came to reason and saw the vast differences between the two proposed types. It was at this time that I settled upon the INTj type, whose description fit me much more accurately than the INTp description--so I simply assumed that I was in error to some extent over what it means to be a rational or irrational type; it was clear to me that I was either an INTj or an ENTp, although there's the problematic instance of me not particularly enjoying large company at all.

What clinched it, though barely as the ambiguity of my choice is represented by my previous statement in this topic, was my staunch belief in justice and hatred of hypocrisy; such beliefs seemed to exmeplify what I had come to understand what a rational thoughts were: assessments of right/wrong.

There's also my neurotic tendency towards generosity that I've fought since I was a child as I believed it invoked in my a suscetibility towards irrationlity and thus rendering me unable to percieve reality objectively; I attribute this, currently, to Fi as my role function, and the induction of this into my psyche as a result of my INFj grandfather and ISFj father.

I hope that makes sense, I tend to get tongue-tied when talking about myself for some reason; I'm not particularly talented at the art of self-reflection.

As for the matter of what I tested as on Socionic tests: everytime I tested as INTp conscious type, INTj unconscious type.