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Thread: EII/INFj Subtypes

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    eunice's Avatar
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    Default EII/INFj Subtypes

    What's the difference between the two subtypes?

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    one likes ketsup, the other mustard, and the people who like mayonaise are Tcaud's XXXxs

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    Intuitive subtype Ne-INFj (Ne-EII)

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    Ne-EII Appearance:
    The intuitive subtype is emotional, composed, and firm. Shows cordiality, goodwill, and friendliness toward people who are in his favor. Closing distance with a person tries to be somehow useful and of service. Likes to advise, to mentor, to educate others but only within his circle. Possesses figurative and imaginative thinking and creative abilities, can discuss various imagery, symbols, dreams. Sensitive, vulnerable, uncertain and erratic. Prone to taking offense despite his best attempts to hide this. Sometimes he likes to joke around in conversation. Tries not to say unpleasant things to people, but cannot always restrain himself and may burst out in disagreement or indignation, but comes to regret it later. Serious and fastidious, prefers to hold himself with some reserve and subtlety. Dresses simply, adhering to classical styles, often conservatively. His mimicry and gestures are weakly expressed. Speech is emotional and slightly inhibited; its tone is often didactic. Frequently has a disproportionate figure, often squat in physique and prone to corpulence. Gait may be a bit clumsy and waddling.

    Ne-EII Character:
    Seeks to understand the essence of various subjects and phenomena. Possesses strong associative and figurative thinking and the talent of foresight. Perceptive and insightful regarding the potential of various projects and people, aware of other's talents and abilities. Often displays an interest in problems that lie at the intersection of ethics and philosophy. Very curious, loves to read and to contemplate. He is constantly evaluating everything. Feels unsatisfied and frustrated with work that is monotonous and routine. Strives for self-cultivation. Defends his views on emotional basis, but tries to support his statements with facts. Distrustful, requires sufficient evidence to become convinced of the verity of his partner's statements.

    Poorly tolerates loneliness, needs attention of people who are close with him. Appreciates sincerity, attention to his person, and tact; condemns discordant and abusive behavior. Quite principled; he believes that all-forgiveness corrupts those who deserve to be punished. May sometimes deliver a harsh rebuke for a person whom he thinks to be guilty, but usually wavers before doing so because he is afraid of spoiling his relations with other people and being unfair. Loves his family; he is ready for any sacrifices for them. Very fond of small children; though sometimes for educational purposes he is strict and uncompromising in their treatment. At times advocates for harsh measures and punishments.

    Impressionable and emotionally sensitive. Feels truly satisfied with himself only if he could contribute by a deed. Tries to please others by performing a variety of services for them or giving presents, by being generous and unselfish. Helps people not sparing his time and efforts, meanwhile may forget about himself. Does not forgive betrayal and treachery; in such cases may irreversibly put an end to the relationship. Easily takes offense. Painfully and sensitively perceives the lack of volitional, push-through qualities in himself.
    Takes on many tasks barely completing them on time, thus may postpone unpleasant or uninteresting work until later. Shows an interest in the objective side of affairs if he has a desire to become competent in pragmatic activities, in which case makes himself learn about procedures and regulations. Can be happy if he finds a proper application of his abilities.

    A person of firm convictions - an idealist and a maximalist. Dreams of being in ideal harmony with his partner in tastes, beliefs, and passions, and becomes upset when this doesn't happen and disagreements arise. Due to his tendency to take everything close to heart, feels worried and agitated by slighted occasions. Prone to doubt, somewhat indecisive and diffident. Needs an optimistically oriented partner who can dispel his worries and uncertainties, be able to provide an evaluation of his work and actions, shield him from unnecessary tasks and people, and improve his mood. Has a keen sense of responsibility for others. Demanding of himself; educates others by his personal example. Tries to instill in other people consideration for human values. May have an interest in occult or religious and teach himself various divination techniques and interpretations of teachings.

    His appearance is often very modest, dresses so as not to stand out. Attempts to look tidy and well-groomed, but investing effort and time into looking after his appearance feels like a burden for him. Often doesn't have much interest in jewelry. Critically evaluates his looks; negative remarks on this topic can deeply wound him. Receives compliments in the presence of others with confusion and distrust. Afraid of falling sick and becoming dependent on others, for this reason tries to improve his lifestyle.

    Ne-EII Description by Victor Gulenko: Feels people very well. Immediately feels who has similar views and opinions to him and who doesn't. Enjoys spending time in a small circle of like-minded people, discussing novelties in art and human sciences. Frequently appears somewhat unsure in himself and scattered. Gravitates towards social and humanitarian work, but can also work in service jobs. Realizes himself well in medicine and teaching. Able to reconcile those in a dispute and to mitigate intense situations. Creates a pleasant atmosphere in conversation and in his home. Dresses with taste, not seldom follows fashion.

    Sexual behavior of subtypes:

    Ethical subtype Fi-INFj (Fi-EII)

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    Fi-EII Appearance:
    The ethical subtype appears polite, restrained, and impassive. Usually keeps some distance in communication, at times seems cold, firm, and unemotional. In the process of dialogue, however, this impression gradually dissipates as he begins to sympathize and shows his desire to help and assist. Serious, calm, and well-wishing person. Quite insightful but reserved and rarely shares his observations. Fastidious and tactful. Doesn't know how to joke, feels afraid of saying something in excess. During arguments prefers to leave silently without resorting to diplomacy. Very hardworking, meticulous, patient, and diligent. Intolerant of violence and injustice. Consistent and firm in his principles. Able to create comfort, decorates his home with hand-made items. Knows how to work with his hands. Pays attention to his health and appearance; in appearance is usually neat and prim. Rarely smiles. His gaze seems guarded. Dresses modestly but with taste, in presence of sufficient funds even in exquisite manner. His movements are smooth, yet constrained. His gait is quick and light, somewhat restrained, at times pattering. Sits straight and seldom gesticulates in conversation.

    Fi-EII Character:
    This individual is very interested in relations between people. Values understanding, tolerance, capacity for compromise for the sake of harmony in relations. Attempts to be helpful, responsive, and attentive towards everyone. Accepts people as they are; forgives their weaknesses and does not seek to change them by force. Tries to adhere to the principles of fairness and compassion. Predisposes others towards trust. Can patiently listen out his conversation partner. Relates with understanding to manifestations of turbulent emotions in others; tries to calm the person down, give some useful advice. If this does not help, knows how to wait patiently until the person calms down on his or her own. Does not need verbal confirmation of feelings himself - he understands everything without words. Stable and persistent in his sympathies and affections. Cherishes soulful harmony, his own and that of others. If his partner does not fully satisfy him, he departs without much commotion and sorting out the relationship.

    Achieves the goal he set before himself adamantly, sequentially and persistently, overcoming many difficulties in the process. While defending his interests he demonstrates principality and stubbornness. In extreme situations, acts logically and calmly, focusing his attention on the main aspects. Dislikes hurry and haste. Knows how to properly distribute events and work in time and manages to finish everything by the deadlines. Feels annoyed when having one unfinished job he is assigned another. Tries to prepare in advance to not disappoint others. Does not want to burden others with himself. Likes thoroughness and solidity in everything. Getting bogged down by details can over-exhaust himself. Operative and conscientious. Invests his soul into any job, performs it beautifully and skillfully.

    Shows little interest in anything that does not concern him and his interests. Has developed sense of skepticism, due to which there is certain inertness in his behavior. By nature he is cautious and distrusting; shares his experiences only with people who are close to him. Self-controlled in behavior, laconic, and unimposing in providing advice. Tries to objectively understand any argument and explain to each contestant where he or she is wrong. Laments his failures in solitude. Finds it difficult to tolerate conflict and misunderstandings. Restrained in showing his emotions, shows them only in a close circle of friends. Modest and bashful; rarely voices negative comments regarding others, instead waits for the person to feel his own fault.

    Observant of the aesthetics of appearance and interior, tries to instill aesthetic taste in others. Intolerant of slovenliness. Dislikes discomfort and poor taste; eagerly listens to the advice of others on such subjects. Poorly assesses the quality of his own work and time expended on it. Responsible; disapproves of lack of punctuality and conscientiousness in others. Often finds his calling working as a psychologist or physician, or taking up social work of humanitarian nature.

    Fi-EII Description by Victor Gulenko: Unobtrusive, controlled, may be ascetic and strict towards himself and others when it comes to ethical principles. Not given to take initiative or display and interest in that which isn't connected to his interests, views, and convictions. At work is scrupulous and delayed. With him it is possible to have a talk, to pour out one's soul, to receive simple yet good and useful advice. May be spiritual or religious, or keep to some ethical system. Outward appearance - immersed info self, ascetic, tense inner life is visible in his outward look.
    Last edited by silke; 09-14-2017 at 09:06 PM. Reason: updated with translated descriptions

  4. #4
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    INFjs are hot stuff. I have never personally met one I didn't like.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    How do u know which subtype do u belong to? Or do u just choose the one u like best?

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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    How do u know which subtype do u belong to? Or do u just choose the one u like best?
    I think INFj Ethical subtype would be nearer to ISFj and Intuitive subtype to INTj

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    Default Examples of Ne-INFjs

    Examples of famous people or fictional characters? I can't think of any.

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    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    Tiberius Gracchus.
    [] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)

    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

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    abraham lincoln.

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    Michael T. Weiss - the actor who played Jarod in the Pretender series might be an I(N)Fj.

    And I remember Cate Blanchett was also typed somewhere as INFj.

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    I'm not sure if Weiss was an INFJ, but Jarod definitely was.

    I identified with him so much and thought the character was really different. A contemporary take on the ancient "seer" archetype. Brilliant stuff.

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    Default subtypes of EII and interaction with LSE

    When I read the two EII subtypes I cannot tell for sure which one I am, although I think I am probably Fi.
    One reason for thinking I am Fi is that I tend to get along better with LSE Te than LSE Si. (I have heard Te and Fi get along better, and Si and Ne get along better).

    Si subtype makes me uncomfortable. I don't feel like I can "reach them" emotionally, even though I want to. I also feel like they want something from me like a joke, or some clever story. I can do this sometimes and this makes them happy, they sort of light up and smile or laugh which then makes me happy, but I can never maintain this.

    I also kind of feel like my presence is bothering them, as if I am bringing them down. This may be the worst intertype relation for me because it feels close to being "perfect", but something is just "off".

    Would this indicate I am Fi subtype??? Also how do others experince their subtypes in relationships of duality?
    EII 4w5

    so/sx (?)

  13. #13
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    Default Re: subtypes of EII and interaction with LSE

    Quote Originally Posted by Christy B

    Si subtype makes me uncomfortable. I don't feel like I can "reach them" emotionally, even though I want to. I also feel like they want something from me like a joke, or some clever story. I can do this sometimes and this makes them happy, they sort of light up and smile or laugh which then makes me happy, but I can never maintain this.
    I can understand how you feel. I may be a subtype but I'm not a natural joker or storyteller and I actually find it hard to tell jokes and have fun on a long term basis. However, I appreciate that a subtype would complement this weakness of mine and don't mind that I couldn't keep up with them on such matters. Sometimes I think that I'm only good at appreciating their humor and laughing with them. As for your subtype, I believe that reading the descriptions would help.

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    Thanks Eunice.

    What, if any, have your experiences with LSE Te been like? And, do you get along with one type better than the other? If you do, how so?

    I have read the type descriptions, and the problem is that can see myself in both. Do you know where I can find more in-depth descriptions, or a place where EIIs talk about their experience as each type?
    EII 4w5

    so/sx (?)

  15. #15
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    Si subtype makes me uncomfortable. I don't feel like I can "reach them" emotionally, even though I want to. I also feel like they want something from me like a joke, or some clever story. I can do this sometimes and this makes them happy, they sort of light up and smile or laugh which then makes me happy, but I can never maintain this.

    I also kind of feel like my presence is bothering them, as if I am bringing them down. This may be the worst intertype relation for me because it feels close to being "perfect", but something is just "off".
    Had this with EIIs (actually just one), me being SLI. I found the 'emotion reaching' to be annoying and just wished that our conversation would develop into something less serious. I don't mind alittle analysis of my feelings every now and then, but every conversation?.

    The EII also had this obsession with 'fixing my problems', which when I then listened to her to try and fixed them I realised that nothing needed fixing and all I was at the end of the day was more consious of shit I thought I couldn't do (this took years for me to realise and caused a stupid amount of pain, worry and missed oppurtunities). I decided to go back to being emotionally 'fucked up' as the EII would call it.

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    Thanks electric! I just got out of a relationship with SLI and this sounds sort of like our relationship. We were always trying to "help" each other, but in the end we both just felt like there was nothing we could do to fix the other, and each of us felt we were to blame. We were always frustrated.

    I will never get that close to SLI again, because it is just too painful for us both. Better off as friends. . .
    EII 4w5

    so/sx (?)

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christy B
    Thanks electric! I just got out of a relationship with SLI and this sounds sort of like our relationship. We were always trying to "help" each other, but in the end we both just felt like there was nothing we could do to fix the other, and each of us felt we were to blame. We were always frustrated.
    Actually that wasn't the problem I had.
    Not every SLI - EII relation is the same and they can have very different results although based on the same thing (goes for all relations).
    I've had problems with IEEs too for other reasons.

    I've been on a George Orwell marithon read (yes, I'm that sad) and there seems to be tons of examples of delta relationships in all of his books and not all of them end/start and both happily ever after.

  18. #18
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    TE LSE here

    INFjs are my most compatible type, that is for sure.
    I don't mind the seriousness, I welcome it.
    I don't mind connection, because it is something I actually want (and almost need) very much, but have no talent or skill in cultivating it myself.

    This subtype description suites me well:

    Logical subtype is efficient, dry in the contact, it is correct, has a strict form, it is unapproachable. It is not inclined to the jokes, it is serious, restrained. It is usually laconic, but if it flares up, it is difficult to stop it. It is straight-line in the behavior and the conversation. It can manifest sharpness in the judgments, because of what it has many ethical problems. There is another extreme - can keep silent, and then, kopya of offence, it will for long avoid contact.
    Beskompromissen is obstinate. Sometimes it attempts to arrange collocutor to itself by intimate or sincere intonations in the voice. This makes, if most is located to the frankness, either he wants to obtain some information or service. It is reserved, over-anxious and distrustful. It does not love to speak about feelings. It prefers to be occupied by anything useful and to lead everything to the end. It is constantly stressed, to it difficult to be discharged, to be weakened. It is subjected to the unexpected flashes of anger. It is forged in the motions.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    I don't think that it's about what subtype you are, but rather how similar you two are. INFj- ESTj will make the atraction and strong tie, but most of the times, you don't love your dual, you just enjoy the good feeling of being together. Sociotype and personality are not the same. At least in this contects. So you will need a dual and that dual will have to have the right personality. Then it works out. So in simple words, you'll have to like that ESTj for what he or she is. If your an humanitarian INFj personality, writing, visiting theatres all the time , then that ESTj has to like cultural valuas too. You wouldn't want to date an hard working simple ESTj, who likes to go out bars, don't you? So search similar duals. The older you get, the more important this becomes.

    Sorry for that . I know there's lots of ENFps reading it. I din't write it to annoy you. ENFps are miracles of life!
    Semiotical process

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    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    I don't think that it's about what subtype you are, but rather how similar you two are. INFj- ESTj will make the atraction and strong tie, but most of the times, you don't love your dual, you just enjoy the good feeling of being together. Sociotype and personality are not the same. At least in this contects. So you will need a dual and that dual will have to have the right personality. Then it works out. So in simple words, you'll have to like that ESTj for what he or she is. If your an humanitarian INFj personality, writing, visiting theatres all the time , then that ESTj has to like cultural valuas too. You wouldn't want to date an hard working simple ESTj, who likes to go out bars, don't you? So search similar duals. The older you get, the more important this becomes.

    Sorry for that . I know there's lots of ENFps reading it. I din't write it to annoy you. ENFps are miracles of life!
    Don't apologize, all of that is relevant.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    Sorry for that .
    Where's the ?

  22. #22
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Did you look in the box?
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2
    Did you look in the box?
    I decided to check out delta for a sec and looked in the box " " All I found was a pickle wrapped up in a piece of construction paper and a rubber duckie that was colored with a green sharpie. I couldn't figure it out so I put the box back and figured you deltas had some wierd shit goin on.
    *closes door while exiting delta land*
    *runs away with arms flailing*

  24. #24
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2
    Did you look in the box?
    I decided to check out delta for a sec and looked in the box " " All I found was a pickle wrapped up in a piece of construction paper and a rubber duckie that was colored with a green sharpie. I couldn't figure it out so I put the box back and figured you deltas had some wierd shit goin on.
    *closes door while exiting delta land*
    *runs away with arms flailing*
    You don't know the half of it.
    Moonlight will fall
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    Harvest will come
    Your heart will mend

  25. #25
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    Christy B Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:37 am Post subject: subtypes of EII and interaction with LSE


    When I read the two EII subtypes I cannot tell for sure which one I am, although I think I am probably Fi.
    One reason for thinking I am Fi is that I tend to get along better with LSE Te than LSE Si. (I have heard Te and Fi get along better, and Si and Ne get along better).

    Si subtype makes me uncomfortable. I don't feel like I can "reach them" emotionally, even though I want to. I also feel like they want something from me like a joke, or some clever story. I can do this sometimes and this makes them happy, they sort of light up and smile or laugh which then makes me happy, but I can never maintain this.

    I also kind of feel like my presence is bothering them, as if I am bringing them down. This may be the worst intertype relation for me because it feels close to being "perfect", but something is just "off".

    Would this indicate I am Fi subtype??? Also how do others experince their subtypes in relationships of duality?

    This is interesting... For some reason ESTj Si's find me to be pretty funny. Either I make them laugh by saying something clever or when i say something pessimistic, which tends to happen at times. It's like they enjoy your presence because they entertain you? Yeah, I'm not into that... Btw, if it means something, I am pretty sure that I am Fi sub.

    Christy B Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:23 pm Post subject:


    Thanks Eunice.

    What, if any, have your experiences with LSE Te been like? And, do you get along with one type better than the other? If you do, how so?

    I have read the type descriptions, and the problem is that can see myself in both. Do you know where I can find more in-depth descriptions, or a place where EIIs talk about their experience as each type?
    Christy, if you start a thread on this I'll add my 2 cents. Sounds interesting.

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    An update:

    So, I have been hanging out with one Si subtype, and one Te subtype lately. I am attracted to both. Si has similar interests, comes from a similar background, with similar values, and goals for his life. Te is less similar, not as "good looking" as Si is. It seems as if Si should be more compatible with me than the Te subtype, but I do not feel like he is.

    I see Si subtype almost every day and the more we hang out the better our relationship is getting. He makes me happy to be around. By being self sufficient he takes an extremely heavy emotional load off of me. Also he seems to get me better than most other people I have met in my life and I am glad to know him.

    Having said this, I do not find him to be as "deep" as the Te subtype. To me Te is intense, and this is exhilarating. It is totally and completely refreshing. When I look at the Te I cannot help but smile. This has happened more with Te subtypes for me than Si subtypes. As others have said it does make a huge difference your background, values, etc. But I really think that subtype makes just enough psychological difference for me that compared to Te, Si doesn't even feel like my dual.
    EII 4w5

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    Default EII Fi/ EII Ne

    How do you experience your subtype?
    EII 4w5

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  28. #28
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Not an EII, but I have two in my family, one of each subtype (sister is intuitive, father is ethical).

    Noticeable outward traits:

    They both seem a bit wispy. Their gestures are either staccato and a bit half-hearted (sorry, that's a bit of word vomit, but I couldn't think of any better way), or sweeping (although this may be due to their both having long, thin arms).

    My sister gives a somewhat sprite-like impression. She's very friendly; not overly bubbly, unless she's around only people she knows, but still pretty smiley and easily mistakable for an Fe type.

    My dad is a little more dry, not so animated. He's very sociable and very much a people person, but he sometimes gives the impression of holding back enthusiasm. When he talks about something he is personally interested in, but not necessarily drawn to for humanitarian or religious reasons, he gives a somewhat shy but willing impression, like he's telling an embarrassing story about himself. When he's in a really good mood, there's an air of wonder and fascination in the way he speaks.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  29. #29
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    Oh, you meant subtypes... I thought you meant descriptions of the other types in the INFj point of view.

    I feel uneasy when personality descriptions try to get more "exact," such as in having subtype descriptions. It tends to feel a little too categorical for my tastes. I can try to mention somethings that might not be shown in the type descriptions for INFj if it will be useful for you. This is a translation of one of the articles using translution, which sinks in better for me personally:

    HUMANIST (Dostoyevsky, INFJ)
    Outstanding feature - humanism and attention to the people. It is industrious and punctual, thorough in the study of the components of any matter. It does not love hurry and fuss; therefore it is prepared previously for everything. It knows how to distribute measures in the time and manages to carry out them to the period assigned.
    I am a definite Te attracted person. Perhaps it makes me feel less attracted to Si ESTjs. To be honest, the only reason I am in this forum is to learn more about socionics and to develop my understanding of Te. I am also interested in achieving concrete goals in my life, I want to absorb facts the same way Te main's do. Yes, I have my personal values and "ethical" (though I don't like that word) principles which grow, but I've felt using Te and it just feels "good", don't know how else to describe it. Almost craving... (yeah it sounds weird ). Well, that's where I'm at right now, hope this helps somewhat...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Christy B
    But I really think that subtype makes just enough psychological difference for me that compared to Te, Si doesn't even feel like my dual.
    I agree, I think many here dismiss it as it's hard enough to find your dual let alone your dual-subtype but subtypes seem to play a noticable role in myself and the people I know. ESTj-Te's, in my experience, seem less image conscious and less socially diplomatic than Si's. I suppose I'd describe the Te subtype as more "earthy" (toned down?) than the Si subtype, which suits INFj-Fi's perfectly as they seem to be similar in that respect, whereas INFj-Ne's are much more distinctive, their style stands out a lot more and such a trait would appeal more so to ESTj-Si's. Relative to other socionic types the INFj-Nes are much more similar to INTjs whereas Fi's rassemble ISFjs. Also ESTj-Te -ENTj and ESTj-Si-ESFj.

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    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    Quote Originally Posted by Christy B
    But I really think that subtype makes just enough psychological difference for me that compared to Te, Si doesn't even feel like my dual.
    I agree, I think many here dismiss it as it's hard enough to find your dual let alone your dual-subtype but subtypes seem to play a noticable role in myself and the people I know. ESTj-Te's, in my experience, seem less image conscious and less socially diplomatic than Si's. I suppose I'd describe the Te subtype as more "earthy" (toned down?) than the Si subtype, which suits INFj-Fi's perfectly as they seem to be similar in that respect, whereas INFj-Ne's are much more distinctive, their style stands out a lot more and such a trait would appeal more so to ESTj-Si's. Relative to other socionic types the INFj-Nes are much more similar to INTjs whereas Fi's rassemble ISFjs. Also ESTj-Te -ENTj and ESTj-Si-ESFj.
    This seems like a good call.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megan
    You do not come across like a Fi INFj, they usually are rather "softer" and less "aggressive", much like poster Minde. I(N)Fjs can sometimes (not in all cases) come across as overly and maybe even inapropriately forceful without realising it, perhaps for them it is related to what you have mentioned down below like underestimating their capacity to use a form of or something. Polrs are interesting.
    I am interested in your understanding of EII subtypes. Would you be willing to post some more about how the subtypes come across? (Also, why would Fi seem less agressive than Ne? Does subtype affect other blocks like Se? Or is Ne just more aggressive because it is an external function?)

    Thank you
    EII 4w5

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    Default INFjs and possible subtypes

    So, perhaps munenori is an example of the Ne subtype, and Minde, rockclimber and Sereno are example of the Fi subtype? Munenori reminds me of the two people I've met who I'm pretty certain are INFjs - I also found that someone here had typed Stephen Merchant as a INFj a while ago (though this wasn't followed up) - I think all these people give off a similar vibe.

    If I'm an INFj, then I would almost certainly be a Ne subtype - though people have said in the past that this is impossible, as they have the perception that my behavior best fits in with the Alpha quadra rather than the Delta quadra. I think possibly people may think I have an irrational temperament, and that I must therefore be an ENTp. I think it is possible that I have an irrational temperament, though I would make Boo Radley seem extroverted in comparision and I don't think INFp is much of an option (though I haven't really considered it). So, I'm pretty certain I'm a INxj Ne subtype...though ISTj has been implied (I think 'meh').

    Basically, do people think me being an INFj is impossible (say, compared to me being an INTj)? This thread should possibly be in the 'What's My Type' section, but I wanted to address the issue of how different subtypes of INFjs (and INTjs) might seem.

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    I wouldn't be surprised if you decided that you were INFj. I've always thought that you were Alpha/Delta.

    I don't think I've ever known an Ne-INFj, at least not well, but I lived with someone who I think was an Fi-INFj for a year. Best way that I could describe him would be that he was really quiet most of time, but would ask me lots of questions (on sports, how to fix things, health, etc.) He was into group activities (frat, football every week, etc.) The last sentence probably isn't useful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    So, perhaps munenori is an example of the Ne subtype, and Minde, rockclimber and Sereno are example of the Fi subtype? Munenori reminds me of the two people I've met who I'm pretty certain are INFjs - I also found that someone here had typed Stephen Merchant as a INFj a while ago (though this wasn't followed up) - I think all these people give off a similar vibe.

    If I'm an INFj, then I would almost certainly be a Ne subtype - though people have said in the past that this is impossible, as they have the perception that my behavior best fits in with the Alpha quadra rather than the Delta quadra. I think possibly people may think I have an irrational temperament, and that I must therefore be an ENTp. I think it is possible that I have an irrational temperament, though I would make Boo Radley seem extroverted in comparision and I don't think INFp is much of an option (though I haven't really considered it). So, I'm pretty certain I'm a INxj Ne subtype...though ISTj has been implied (I think 'meh').

    Basically, do people think me being an INFj is impossible (say, compared to me being an INTj)? This thread should possibly be in the 'What's My Type' section, but I wanted to address the issue of how different subtypes of INFjs (and INTjs) might seem.
    I don't really know what subtype I would fall into, and in a way, I really don't care (not saying this in a nasty way). Also, I think that the whole "looking for your type" thing is annoying, especially when it's done through the internet. I look at it as being something you need to do alone, since nobody knows you as much as yourself... Also, the mass confusion that I see about typing also has to do with the mathematical intertype relations: "We are X relation, so X is supposed to happen." "You can't be X, because we get along." Add all this to the fact that people are organic and they grow with experience and age, covering potential weaknesses in time. The only thing I can tell you, if my opinion here really matters, is that you should read up on the types and see which you identify the most. That's basically it.

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    You forgot Eunice, who says she is Ne subtype
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP View Post
    You forgot Eunice, who says she is Ne subtype
    And Christy, tereg, and Danielle.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    Basically, do people think me being an INFj is impossible (say, compared to me being an INTj)?
    I think you're almost certainly either INTj or INFj. You have always given off an Ne-creative vibe imo. It may not be the most reliable or helpful thing, but you remind me an awful lot of my brother, who if I had to guess a subtype is INTj-Ne.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    If I'm an INFj, then I would almost certainly be a Ne subtype - though people have said in the past that this is impossible, as they have the perception that my behavior best fits in with the Alpha quadra rather than the Delta quadra. I think possibly people may think I have an irrational temperament, and that I must therefore be an ENTp. I think it is possible that I have an irrational temperament, though I would make Boo Radley seem extroverted in comparision and I don't think INFp is much of an option (though I haven't really considered it). So, I'm pretty certain I'm a INxj Ne subtype...though ISTj has been implied (I think 'meh').
    You posted once a very, very lengthy description of yourself, your thoughts, how you see people, the world, your relationship to them, etc. That was all over.

    What people say is your "Alpha behavior" is your focus on , aiming, so it seems, at making people laugh -- but isn't it at least as much for your own amusement? Anyway, there are similarities with cracka and Bionicgoat, for instance, who also use (but also with , lots of it), hence the "Alpha behavior" -- but your self-description makes so obvious, that I think INFj is much, much more likely than INTj. So INFj-Ne if you will.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    The INFj profiles always go on about 'sprituality', morals, good and evil and that sort of thing - I don't really like the word 'spirituality' - it seems too much out of the ether. Questions concerning 'good' and 'evil' are very important to me, but I despise the use of those terms, because either good and evil acts are obvious, in which they needn't be pointed out, or they aren't obvious, in which case the words are too strong. But I try to be really good and not surprisingly, I fail miserably. And if I can't succeed or even know what the 'good' thing to do is, I can't really expect others to do so either. So, having that kind of perspective may seem very INFj-like. But I have always considered this a logical position to have. The INFj descriptions also tend to describe them as optimistic in the long-term, but people are usually telling me to cheer up or that I have an extremely sick mind - I say things like 'Go on, do it...what's the worst that could happen? Well actually, there a million things that could go wrong...including...' and so on.

    If Eunice is a INFj Ne subtype, I can't really see myself being the same - I don't have a clue about the 'other' INFjs, though Danielle's may seem reminiscent of mine, possibly. I identify more with the probable INTj Ne subtypes on this forum more than the INFjs in general (That may have something to do with subtypes, or possibly my brain?).

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