Sure I can, I consider anyone who gets their fake strength from religion to be weak
I don't think (emotional or philosophical) 'strength' from religion is fake at all. As people who are less realistic are proven to lead to a happier lifestyle.
If you’re happy with your life as it is now your probably deluding the truth of reality (positively) in one-way or another. So some devout religious people are seeking a way out of realty to be more sane (to be like everybody else) by taking on a new reality.
The strength acquired enables the person to do things they would not do if this support weren’t there.
Weakness would probably come when the person’s reality is negative, leading to badly made decisions and psychological problems.
Also it gives people extra strengh from strong psychological position.
By the way there is no such thing as fake strength if it exists.
Your views on religion only seem to span over western and Abrahamic religions what do you think about some eastern religions such as Buddhism.

Old churches have a really strong energy. When I walk in, I feel different. Usually I feel inferior to God. But at the same time close to Him. New churches don't have that. It's almost like stepping into an office that belongs to someone important.
I personally have never felt this experience before in my life and I have been to quite a few old Churches.
It was issues like this that I was trying to get at in the topic, the differences between religious philosophy/experience and type.