Yellow! Haven't seen you active here in a few months. How've you been?

Quote Originally Posted by yellow82 View Post
I'm asking, because recently
My biggest question is the word "recently". How long ago did you start dating him?

Because generally, the extroverted type takes initiative in starting the relationship, and the ethical type helps maintain the status of the relationship, until the logical dual feels completely comfortable to give back more. In the case of ESE-LII, the ESE usually starts the relationship and maintains it for some time, to my understanding, while accepting the LII as they come out of their shell.

Might take some time, but stay with it. If he's not ready yet, or you feel he's uncomfortable, just be patient. So again, how long has it been? If it's still under 3-6 months, I wouldn't be too worried. The best is yet to come. You did a great thing by starting the relationship, going out for what you want, and I feel if you keep at it, leading the relationship for now, it'll pay off long-term.