So. . . question of the day. lol.

Do LII's like for ESE's to ask them out? To decide where and when the date will take place, who, when and where they'll meet their friends, the pace of the relationship, etc.? Or do they not?

And if the ESE does take the lead, will the LII learn to lead somewhat sometime during the relationship, after they've known the ESE for some time?

I'm asking, because recently, I got the guts to go against the flow of normal femininity and start asking out an LII. And although he accepted and he seems to enjoy my attention, I'm not sure if he really "appreciates" it. . . but maybe that's just me because I'm used to being chased instead of doing the chasing?

I'm wondering. . . should I be doing this? Or should I let him lead? And will he ever learn to lead if I just do everything?

LII's please answer.

Your comments and views on this will be greatly appreciated.