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Thread: Types of your rofessors / lecturers and how you get along with them

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    Default Types of your rofessors / lecturers and how you get along with them

    Talk about possible professors and how to get along with them. Type your professors for this semester, etc. Share tips, and what have you.

    Two so far for me:

    • Economics[list:bbc4c68326]
      It was pretty imppressive, because never had I so clearly seen two distinct functions from someone. Maybe I understand socionics better, but I really doubt it. ISFj.
      Almost exactly half of his first class was devoted to - loyalty, being on time, coming to see him in his office. Politeness. A lot about rudeness.
      The other half was directly related to . It seemed somewhat illogical that he would talk about politeness and then state how he likes to pick on some people at times, he made fun of one girl quite a bit in the class. Not 'made fun', but you know, typical Se remarks that are designed to make someone feel like an idiot and make the person who says them feel better because they are using an ego block function.
      I would think ESFp, but he definitely seems rational and more reserved. But aggresive erotic type shines through, and gamma also shines through. He seems like a good fit for an economic teacher... and I like the economic book very much --- very well laid out. He seems to be able to use well enough, or at least has a good mastery of Te, so that I enjoy the notes, and the textbook as well.
      So Economics- ISFj
      (If you have any stories about ISFj teachers, let me know)
    • Pretty straight forward. Intuitive, alpha or gamma, introver. I can't quite tell between LII and EII... I'm going to side with LII as she was very about systems theory, and seemed somewhat more logical and merry than some EIIs I know. That will be a fun class.

    How about you?
    Good luck this semester
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
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    Psychotherapy with Lab is the only class that I've had so far. I believe the professor is ENFj. She seems nice enough. We went over the syllabus and she asked us what we wanted to learn this semester. She made a comment that another professor said nice things about me, which made me paranoid that professors talk about students, but happy at the same time.

    The professor that I have for Child Clinical Psychology is INFj, which I know because I've already had her for Abnormal Psychology. She's great, haha. She is very pretty and aware of how she looks and carries herself, which most people interpret as conceitedness, but I do not. People also get upset that she can lose her train of thought when lecturing sometimes. Neither of these things bother me and I really appreciate her INFj strengths!

    The professor that I have for Directed Research is ENTj. I could write a lot about our interactions, because I work closely with her year-round. Let's just say that she likes my Fi and I like her Te, but I've been confused about her Ni because I was expecting Si and she's been confused about my Ne because she was expecting Se. Therefore, I've made an effort to be attentive to her Ni. For example, I've realized that no matter what her deadline is, too late or too early, I have to meet it exactly. Otherwise, she looks at me like I'm crazy or incompetent. If it's too early, I try not to care too much about the quality of my work and instead show her that I'm at least making progress. This has been hard for me, because I care more about the quality of the product than when the product is produced. However, I can't do a lot about my Se. Instead, I've just explained my Ne to her a little bit. I told her that I like to consider a lot of options before doing something because I have to feel like I'm doing the right thing, which I guess she doesn't appreciate or understand because her focus is on narrowing things down. Now I just never brainstorm in front of her. But it's good that she helps keep me on track. All in all, we have a good relationship and it’s been rewarding. It's better when we're together in informal settings.

    Other than with my ENTj professor, I don't really try to get along with certain types of professors. If I like a professor, I just make sure that I talk to him or her after class or visit them during office hours. I find that it's good to start with a question or comment about the class, which leads into more personal (but not too personal!) stuff that the two of us can talk about. If I don't like a professor, I make no such effort but remain cordial and respectful nonetheless.

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    In my history of the renaissance class the professor was ENTj. It was annoying because she made us do these weekly assignments to practice skills apparently "crucial" to historians. I never really understood what the hell she wanted with these and didn't even do all of them. In retrospect I can see that they were totally Te exercises -_- . Also whenever I'd put my hand up to comment on something she'd misinterpret what I was saying and tell me I was wrong in front of the class and it was frustrating because she'd continue speaking and I'd realize that what I said was actually correct! Also she'd go on and on, detail by detail, over things and I found this tedious. Of course I've read tonnes of books so already knew alot of what she was saying so I guess she was just doing it this way to help the rest of the class but still it was frustrating. Also she'd often tell me that my writing was too narrative, it was fun to read but lacked "logical analysis". For the final 3500 word essay she told the whole class that we'd better get to work early because if we saved it for the night before we'd end up with a D. Well I did it the day it was due, handed it in a day late and got a B, damn fear tactics, lol

    In my history of the enlightenment class, on the other hand, my prof was INTp. Best class ever! we had creative license during the year to do 3 reports on different works from the enlightenment. I still remember alot of the information i learned from these one year later and because the reports had to include biographical and contemporary details I was able to note many relations with other things (Ni). Also, whenever I spoke during class the prof. immediately knew what I was talking about. Sometimes I'd stop midsentence, thinking what I should say, and she would finish the sentence for me as if she was right on track. I notice I have this type of understanding with INTps, I love it. She'd be lenient with due dates etc. I received, from the prof, the feeling that she actually wanted us to learn, not just to follow some dumb little routine.

    I had an ENFj prof for my media class last semester on "cultural imperialism". He was very charasmatic and presented the material well, but obviously in a subtely biased anti-america-capitalist way, lol. He was very approachable and wasn't too harsh with deadlines. It was a big class, unlike the previous two, so I made less discernable observations.

    My Classical Studies prof was INTp
    My Feminist History prof was ENFj
    I don't know what types my french profs were, but i took french for 3 years, with 3 different profs, and they all taught in a VERY one-dimensional way that I couldn't grasp, I finally gave up. But when I went on an exchange to Quebec and was put in an actual french environment I learned very well so I'd say my french profs were of types not conclusive to my learning.

    My favourite type of prof is definitely INTp! They were all brilliant and focused on the big picture. They were lenient with deadlines and respected the concept of "mandatory attendance". Also they seem to grasp the ideals of what a post-seconday education should be - a way to expand your mind to new concepts, new ways of doing things etc.

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    Default Re: The Professor Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Almost exactly half of his first class was devoted to - loyalty, being on time, coming to see him in his office. Politeness. A lot about rudeness.
    The other half was directly related to . It seemed somewhat illogical that he would talk about politeness and then state how he likes to pick on some people at times, he made fun of one girl quite a bit in the class. Not 'made fun', but you know, typical Se remarks that are designed to make someone feel like an idiot and make the person who says them feel better because they are using an ego block function.
    I love it when ISFj professors/teachers do that. I can attack them and reveal all their insecurities and how rude they are and how illogical and double-standard their ethics is. Whooo.


    I've had ESFj math teacher, she was appreciated by most people, but I thought she cluttered everything she explained. Still, a very very good person, and actually a very good teacher, just her style didn't suit me.

    ENTj business teacher, very good, easy to understand, funny. A bit too much into himself, and always showing off the fact that he was rich. I found this last part quite pathetic, but he was a very good and smart person.

    ISTj law teacher. Fair, long-winded. I liked her though, for some reason.

    ENTj/INTp/ENTp statistics teacher - Loved his classes! He explained everything in a way which was extremely easy to understand (at least, for me). The exam was ONLY devoted to problem-solving without any formal definitions and/or rote memorizations, so I passed it very easily. 10+

    ESFj (I think) economics teacher. Very very nice person, competent.

    ENFp economics prof. Lazy as fuck.

    INTp maths prof. A complete self-absorbed idiot, thinking that everybody else is stupid and he is the smartest human being ever. In need to be spanked hard by an ESFp.

    Overall the best interactions I've had with the statistics teacher, except that I got the best score on the written examination but I didn't study anything for the oral one, so he was a bit disappointed. With the ENTj business teacher I had a very fun arguing session but we both ended up kinda pissed at each other.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Most of mine seem entrenched in Ne and Ti.

    Politics: British INTj - No structure to lectures. Starts off on a topic, sticks to it loosely for about 10-15 minutes, then delineates into discussions on the European Union, NATO, or personal anecdotes. Possibly ENTp.

    Geology: ENTx, most likely ENTp - Very comical, almost bully-ish. Very informal lectures, asks questions of the class constantly. Interested more in concepts and principles than specific facts or figures - in fact, is quite flippant about them (only uses them to illustrate a point mostly). Challenging to the class, gets a person into the scientific frame of mind.

    Environmental Science: Newfie EXTp, most-likely ENTp - Decent rapport with class, funny, intelligent, big on current events and new technology. Somewhat 'shoot from the hip', frequently funny but/and makes excuses for humourous comments as if slightly embarassed about being funny.

    Geology 2: INTp most likely - Quiet, analytical, "boring" (not by my standard). Very focused, isolated - very little rapport with the class, but an effective communicator.

    Linear Algebra: Jewish INTj - Mumbles, talks to himself, conducts lectures as if the math is 'obvious to all'. Extremely smart, but scatter-brained. Class may as well not exist.

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    Alcohol lecturer: ENXp - very good sense of humor, animated, voice has a lot of inflections, extremely bad speller, loves to explain verbally and drawing on the whiteboard rather than using the powerpoint.

    Personality lecturer: INTp - earthy humor, goofy, very meticulous about research reports (from what I heard), very skinny, likes to move his hands a lot when explaining

    Genes lecturer: ENTj - talks in a forceful manner even when she wasn't feeling well, aggressive even though she's a woman

    Industrial and Organisational lecturer: ENFj (I think) - loves to talk about anecdotes, just rephrase what's from powerpoint slides while he's explaining things, funny, info from powerpoint slides can be found directly in the textbook

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    he died with a felafel
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    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    In my history of the renaissance class the professor was ENTj. It was annoying because she made us do these weekly assignments to practice skills apparently "crucial" to historians. I never really understood what the hell she wanted with these and didn't even do all of them. In retrospect I can see that they were totally Te exercises -_- . Also whenever I'd put my hand up to comment on something she'd misinterpret what I was saying and tell me I was wrong in front of the class and it was frustrating because she'd continue speaking and I'd realize that what I said was actually correct! Also she'd go on and on, detail by detail, over things and I found this tedious. Of course I've read tonnes of books so already knew alot of what she was saying so I guess she was just doing it this way to help the rest of the class but still it was frustrating. Also she'd often tell me that my writing was too narrative, it was fun to read but lacked "logical analysis". For the final 3500 word essay she told the whole class that we'd better get to work early because if we saved it for the night before we'd end up with a D. Well I did it the day it was due, handed it in a day late and got a B, damn fear tactics, lol

    In my history of the enlightenment class, on the other hand, my prof was INTp. Best class ever! we had creative license during the year to do 3 reports on different works from the enlightenment. I still remember alot of the information i learned from these one year later and because the reports had to include biographical and contemporary details I was able to note many relations with other things (Ni). Also, whenever I spoke during class the prof. immediately knew what I was talking about. Sometimes I'd stop midsentence, thinking what I should say, and she would finish the sentence for me as if she was right on track. I notice I have this type of understanding with INTps, I love it. She'd be lenient with due dates etc. I received, from the prof, the feeling that she actually wanted us to learn, not just to follow some dumb little routine.

    I had an ENFj prof for my media class last semester on "cultural imperialism". He was very charasmatic and presented the material well, but obviously in a subtely biased anti-america-capitalist way, lol. He was very approachable and wasn't too harsh with deadlines. It was a big class, unlike the previous two, so I made less discernable observations.

    My Classical Studies prof was INTp
    My Feminist History prof was ENFj
    I don't know what types my french profs were, but i took french for 3 years, with 3 different profs, and they all taught in a VERY one-dimensional way that I couldn't grasp, I finally gave up. But when I went on an exchange to Quebec and was put in an actual french environment I learned very well so I'd say my french profs were of types not conclusive to my learning.

    My favourite type of prof is definitely INTp! They were all brilliant and focused on the big picture. They were lenient with deadlines and respected the concept of "mandatory attendance". Also they seem to grasp the ideals of what a post-seconday education should be - a way to expand your mind to new concepts, new ways of doing things etc.
    don't know why but am convinced that all anti-america media profs are ENFJs. it just suits them very very well. Now, had the dominant system been, say, communist, for instance, they'd all be anti-(hm..soviet perhaps)...At any rate, they'd still be ENFJs they're always very charismatic, but beware, talented brain-washers too :wink:

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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Alcohol lecturer:

  9. #9
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    You might as well know I'm in high school.

    ESFj English teacher. A bit on the wacky side (overblown Ne). Not one of my favorite teachers.

    ISFj Theory of Knowledge teacher. We got along well, but after she got pregnant she was even more anal-retentive than before, and it showed in people's grades. Better at teaching English IMO. The homework was pretty repetitive and our discussions (my favorite part of philosophy class) were lackluster.

    ESTj Biology teacher. We also get along well. It's her first year at my school, which has a quite rigorous curriculum. She doesn't seem up to the task. She means well, but her lecture notes are scattered. The class is antagonistic towards her. One male INFj student is especially critical (although never mean). Bad duality, methinks.

    ISFp French teacher. A very cool, laid-back person. A little too laid-back, though; we don't speak in class nearly as much as we did last year w/ the INFj French teacher that left, and I feel like I'm forgetting how to speak French.

    ENTj History teacher. I used to think he was ENTp, but I'm fairly sure about his type now. Speaks FAR too loudly for 9:30 in the morning. His lectures are ok, but his tests suck. They consist purely of memorizing Te dates and locations; almost unrelated to the lectures. An ENFp shares the room; I get the feeling that there's some bad tension between the two.

    INTj Chemistry teacher. Intelligent and not scatter-brained at all. Comes to class right on the dot. More of a comedian than any INTj I've ever met. At the start of the year his Fi role would piss off me and my ENTp friend, but now we get along fine. I'm indifferent to Chem, so overall it's an ok class.

    INTj Calculus teacher. Widely considered to be among the top couple teachers in the school. Extremely high standards--UDP, you remind me of him sometimes. Sometimes his arrogance gets in the way of explaining the material, but it rarely is a big issue. My only problems are that he is a bit of a control freak with the time we have in class, and that he has very sharply defined ideas about the "best" way to do problems. It's strange, at the same time his math philosophy should I say this...romantic. Easily the best math teacher I've ever had.

    The Bio department is dominated by Delta STs, and the students that are the best at Bio are all INFjs. It's uncanny. An ISTj was hired last year, but she mysteriously left! She was not very popular either.

    The rest of the sciences is Alpha. There's even an ESFj in there (no doubt hired by the two INTjs).

    French is SF now, and always has been ethical. This doesn't surprise me. One Spanish teacher also is ESFj.

    Math is all NT, except for one ISFj/ISTj who shall remain especially nameless.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    INTj Calculus teacher. Widely considered to be among the top couple teachers in the school. Extremely high standards--UDP, you remind me of him sometimes. Sometimes his arrogance gets in the way of explaining the material, but it rarely is a big issue. My only problems are that he is a bit of a control freak with the time we have in class, and that he has very sharply defined ideas about the "best" way to do problems. It's strange, at the same time his math philosophy should I say this...romantic. Easily the best math teacher I've ever had.
    I enjoyed that.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Alcohol lecturer:
    He teaches Alcohol, Drugs and Behavior, which is a Psychology module.

  12. #12
    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    I was taking a course on entrepeneur tasks (business plan, market research and such) and the professor was a clear-cut ESFj. She was psychologist and teaching business...

    Well, she's the kind of person who favors the ideological load over techniques. Most of the class was about some sort of bad explained psychological properties (she was trying to explain why Ne was so important by putting pictures on the screen that can look like two or more things). The class was entertained, but I doubt that anyone except of me got what she was talking about.

    I started being critical at her because most of what she was saying was really off, like saying that an innovation is only an innovation when it hits the market, not since the moment it is devised. I was trying to explain, in a very polite manner, that she was trying to impress on the students the idea that business must focus on successful products and services, but that has nothing to do with the property of a product or service of being novel. I even got to the point saying that innovative is an adjective which requieres a noun.

    The other professor was INFj, biologist. She was much calmer and wasn't sensitive to criticism at all. Easy atmosphere with her.

    In other course about air conditioning (give to us by the UN) I met several professors, but as always, the easier to spot to me is ESFj. I can feel their internal anxiety from being observed in a critical manner. I often catch my professors on errors or innaccuracies and ESFj are specially sensitive to it. If I am polite at expressing my observations, I always get the ESFj to respect me quite a bit; at times even constantly watching at me for approvation.

    There was annother professor who seemed ESXp, most likely ESTp. Average intelligence, not aggressive (which I admire on ESTp). I also caught him in a mistake because he was speaking about transgenic plants being dangerous for health in a coffee break. I said that transgenics are not bad for being transgenics, but because they are not tested before being launched into the market. He simply said "I don't agree, I read it somewhere..." We both shut off toward each other. (Super-Ego?)

    There was a professor of thermodynamics who seemed ISXj, most likely ISTj. Very competent in his area. Member of a religious sect, which I realized because he was holding a mendallion identical to my uncle's. He was openly at battle with a friend of mine who is ENFp. He seemed ok to me, which makes me to doubt (again) that I'm really ENFp.

    There was an ISTp at the laboratory, good friend of the ESTp. Very laid-back and funny, but not very bright. Much better at manual work.

    There was an ESTj professor also (I don't remember which part he gave to us, but worked more as a course manager with the ESFj) who was very funny but also politely mean. Like telling you very politely to go to the hell and such. This ESTj critized the ISTp for being too empyrical, as they gave us halogen-gas detectors and the ISTp said they were not working properly after he tried them. They did by the way. He (ESTj) simply said "nah, don't pay attention to him; do you really think that they would sell this things if they didn't work?".
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    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    He (ESTj) simply said "nah, don't pay attention to him; do you really think that they would sell this things if they didn't work?".
    That is one odd thing about some ESTjs. What with all their need to be factual and logical... they can still do this and expect people to swallow it. I can understand if they make this sort of mistake due to lack of knowledge but sometimes I feel that they spin a mini tale in order to get you to buy their story. The next time I catch them doing this, I'm going to needle at it until they go all red . Ah.

    I will add something to this thread later, UDP.

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    - expects students to attend all lessons and advises that it's best to attend even if one is feeling unwell.
    - always makes the effort to ensure that no one signs the attendance list only to escape during break.
    - uses all kinds of media to make lectures as interesting as possible. also shares his personal experiences to make lessons meaningful.
    - remembers students who were outstanding and is disappointed when they don't greet him if he bumps into them.
    - is awfully strict with grading. goes to the point of correcting students' grammatical mistakes.


    - likes getting students to voice out their opinions and will patiently lend his ears even to the most 'outrageous' ones when other students are already giggling. he is thus respectful in this regard.
    - came up with a specific writing format to be used by his students in exams. deviation from it leads to one losing marks.


    What can I say. His classes were the best ever! They often ended before time was up and most students appreciated the early releases.

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    INFp in the house ---


    SOmeone's recent decription of as inter-system thought made so much sense today in class. Good call. And of course .

    Unfortunately I don't give a damn about the intricacies of a culture like that, but form a systems stand point it is interesting. Easy to understand, and I should do well, so I cannot complain.

    She... is kind of a walking mass of and , though Fe is subdued and irrational, servant to Ni. Slightly ... mysterious? I guess. Softspoken, victim comes across somewhat. Incredibly intuitive on person to person conversation.

    Desperately in need of Se and Ti. Presentations ordered by Ni, but arbitrarily so from eyes. I have to make my own notes and it works better, but that's really all I have to do for the class.
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    Default Re: The Professor Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I love it when ISFj professors/teachers do that. I can attack them and reveal all their insecurities and how rude they are and how illogical and double-standard their ethics is. Whooo.
    Rudeness is something anyone is capable of, and it should be dealt with pretty much the same way with everybody, regardless of type. It sounds to me like maybe you are harboring some kind of stupid grudge. Be more logical.

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    Also, if I were being rude to my class, and one of my students pointed it out in some smart ass way, I would let him know that I am perfectly aware that I am being rude, and then I would throw him out of my class and not think anymore about it.

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