My husband (ISTp) has a new friend who might be INFj. But who knows, he could be ENFp too. Though if he's ENFp he's a very very quiet ENFp. They had to go a fairly long way away to get a car engine yesterday, and they were headed 10 minutes from my brother's house. I don't get many opportunities to see my brother and his kids because they don't live close, so my daughter and I tagged along and they dropped us off at my brother's house.

I should start with how they met. My husband loves to find old vehicles and fix them by putting new engines in them or whatever, and then he'll sell them, or trade them for something worth more money, or whatever. He was selling this old truck, and this guy wanted it but couldn't afford it. The guy kept coming back with other ideas of things he could trade. My husband liked him, thought he was nice and was being honest about his situation (he needed a truck for his job) so my husband made a trade that was not even slightly in his advantage. Since then, these two have been fast friends and work on lots of projects together. Well really this other guy helps my husband on projects and asks my husband advice on ideas he has.

So I was stuck in the car for a long long time with these two. They're both very quiet, but what seemed to happen is that the friend would say that he had a friend or relative who had this car part and that car part, and he thought maybe he could do something with it, or maybe something else, or maybe another thing. Then my husband would say, well this idea might not work because of this and this, and this idea won't make him any money, but the other idea was a pretty good one. This went on quite a few times. But they would be silent for long periods of time until I'd start talking.

So does that sound like a dual relationship or an activity relationship or what?