Quote Originally Posted by jxrtes
Quote Originally Posted by XoX
ESTps are more direct. However I wouldn't call this "aggressive" really. Just direct and confrontational in the sense of being very direct. ENTps are more volatile and chaotic. This is true even in the display of aggression. ESTps are more in control of themselves.
I guess it comes down to ENTp's valuing Ne>Se. So, do ENTp's ever have clearly dileneated goals towards which they strive albeit in a chaotic and volatile way? I guess at the heart of this is really the difference between a senser and an intuiter. Are we justified in saying that Se types are more goal oriented than Ne types, or are Se types just more inclined to pursue goals in a direct fashion?
Reinin strategic types are more goal oriented than Reinin tactical types. ESTp is strategic type. ENTps, imho, are very bad at pursuing long term goals unless the goals "come to them". ENTps are good at responding to challenges in their environment and in a right kind of environment providing them challenges which lead them towards a bigger goal they can at least seem goal oriented. But if left alone ENTps just run in circles without knowing what to pursuit.