A main difference is that ENTp-Tis will give off more Si, like noticeably so. Si is actually visible with ENTip-Tis and not as visible with ENTp-Nes. ESTp-Tis will give off more Ni, so a main difference between ESTp-Ti and ENTp-Ti is that while they are both Ti subs, you will see a lot of Si with ENTp-Tis and Ni with ESTp-Tis. So there is also that noticeable difference in addition to the differences with Ne and Se.

@introspectivedolphin: your brother instantly hit me as ENTp-Ti, and primarily from the Si I sense from him, just like me. Its the added Si that makes ENTps gentler and not as intense.

Here are some examples:


Here are some ESTp-Ti: