Quote Originally Posted by XoX
Quote Originally Posted by Clover
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
ENTps are generally slimmer, a bit more ectomorphic we could say. They have a gentler look in their faces, I think it's actually a better look. They walk more rigidly usually. They have a more graceful voice and way of speaking whereas the ESTps tend to be blunter as a rule. ESTps are usually better coordinated, something which is generally visible from the walk, too.
You've discribed the difference between what I picture an ESTp to be like, and how my boyfriend actually is.
So what you are saying is that he doesn't spank you hard enough?

Anyways...I like what we have so far but we need more Reinin dichotomies should be quite different. e.g. Taciturn vs Narrator. What else are the differences in Reinin scales and do the subtypes bring those types closer to each other in Reinin scale or is narrator always a narrator etc?
The Renin differencies I've found...

tactics vs strategic: they seem to change for example university courses for no motivation at all whereas i prefer to keep a bit more in track.

taciturn vs narrator: this is harder to figure out honestly. Because it doesn't mean what the name says. ENTps I know prefer monologues to dialogues in comparison to me. I tend to interrupt them. They also speak a bit more even when in a bad mood.

Ne vs Se role: ENTps i know are better at acting completely unprepared for an exam. This doesn't mean they get better result but they just GO there without having studied thinking they can do something. Sometimes this gives results, sometimes not.