ENTps are generally slimmer, a bit more ectomorphic we could say. They have a gentler look in their faces, I think it's actually a better look. They walk more rigidly usually. They have a more graceful voice and way of speaking whereas the ESTps tend to be blunter as a rule. ESTps are usually better coordinated, something which is generally visible from the walk, too.

My experience with an ENTp, in a finance class: he had a very fast mind in seeing solutions that weren't obvious. For example when we came to a dead end in an equation he would look at it for some time and figure out how to do it. He was slower at implementing and applying things though, although I think mostly due to uwillingness. He also preferred to talk in "monologues" rather than "dialogues" in comparison to me. He had a very strong Ti death stare so there wasn't much difference in that realm. I was also quicker at walking. I also squirmed a lot more when sitting, and talked a bit faster. He was calmer. I liked this guy very much, smart calm and fun.

Another experience with an ENTp was pretty bad. He was in a rugby team so he wanted to fake Se. He was always going around talking how he wanted to fuck girls and then leave them, he criticized all the time the way i was dressing while he himself did not care about his appearnce...i almost throwed him a venice waterway once out of anger. Liked to make me angry.

Anyway the bottom line is...the types are incredibly easy to tell apart when you see them but not that easy to tell apart by words.