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Thread: Differences between ILE-ENTp and SLE-ESTp

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  1. #11
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    how does this follow from what you said?
    Ne has a lot to do with modeling other people's world views and understanding how they fit together. It's like having a rough static snapshot or blueprint of someone's mind, his interests, values, potential to solve different problems and even intelligence. All that is an open book to me.

    Ne interprets this mental state as static and unchangeable (but it'll probably change with more interaction). So it's about understanding how someone organizes his thoughts and internalizes information, his internal software or hardware.

    ILEs have about 1/∞ of the abilities of IEEs to understand people, but we're pretty comfortable understanding those that are affected by social hierarchies and classification schemes (Ti), group dynamics and emotional expression (Fe), as well as Ne, Te and Ni (sort of). These IEs help pinpoint their personality.

    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9
    bs. Ni is also good at guessing other people's mental states, NiFe even more so. That said, what an NiFe would consider the important aspects of a person's mental state and what an NeFi would consider the important aspects of a person's mental state differ significantly. So really, IEEs would do best at the kind of monitoring of someone's mental state that you're talking about, but an IEI, EIE, or EII might be able to accomplish an equal level of results.
    I'm sure that's mostly true and I never implied that other types weren't sharp psychoanalysts, but..

    Ni is dynamic so it focuses more on the changing aspects of the mental world. Mental wanderings can change due to a certain input -- e.g. a particular Fe atmosphere is conducive to some internal reflections but not conducive to others. Although I imagine an input isn't necessary for that to happen.

    Ne literally hones in on the aspects of the mental state that are static and don't change, like interests and such. Hence mental "state".

    Quote Originally Posted by Dynamicism View Post
    Lol. You guys just think you do.
    Does an ESE only "think" they can change the emotional atmosphere in a room? Even if they fail, they can still make a big splash. Granted, what I do is based a bit more trial and error since it's essentially abstract and external to the self, but it's quite informative still.
    Last edited by xerx; 06-26-2010 at 05:12 AM.

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