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Thread: Differences between ILE-ENTp and SLE-ESTp

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    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    BTW, I just remembered some fictional ILE/SLE friends: Ted Mosby (ILE) and Barney Stinson (SLE); Ted is more idealistic, Barney is more realistic.
    That sounds like multiple personality disorder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    BTW, I just remembered some fictional ILE/SLE friends: Ted Mosby (ILE) and Barney Stinson (SLE); Ted is more idealistic, Barney is more realistic.
    I feel like you got them backwards. Ted seems very pushy and strong willed while Barney is all witty and clever and intellectual. (according to the two seconds of top result youtube footage I watched)
    Last edited by Azure Flame; 05-19-2012 at 08:17 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    ok well I had a nice revelation today. I work at a bank and its a really easy going job, but I'm starting to get really frustrated and stressed out because of all the rules. I can't remember rules for shit. I have a droid X2 with a million alarms set so I don't have to remember rules or when its time to go do things.

    At work its like, "if you're caught on your cell phone you'll be fired." "if you fall asleep you'll be fired." "if you're late you'll be fired" "don't let a supervisor catch you out in the hallway at this time doing this or that politics politics blah blah" I was going crazy this afternoon. I think my boss is catching on. She's very by the book but she keeps assuring me the team is easy going etc. I think she's catching on. I'm freaking out over all these rules. I quit the navy because of all the rules. I once lost a month of vacation because I forgot to call in at 8 in the morning one day. I was near suicidal over all these fucking rules I have to follow, and its starting to happen all over again. I'm not a coffee drinker, but now I am because it keep me awake. I have no idea when I'm falling asleep, it just seems to happen even if I think I can fight through it (I can't). Just yesterday I left a tray of fish fillets on the stove, I turned the stove on, then went to bed. I left the stove on overnight and the fish fillets out because I forgot to eat dinner. If I can't remember to eat dinner, how can I remember to stay awake? Things like this. I'm a drifty space case.

    Anyway if SLE's are this inept when it comes to remembering rules and regulations then I might remain SLE. I like to look good and I consider myself pretty attractive but sometimes I'll forget to brush my teeth, or I'll forget to shave etc. And aren't LSI's the reason my life sucks so hard right now? haha. People keep telling me LSI but I don't buy it. WAY too rigid.
    I quit something I loved because the rules killed all the joy in it, and made it more stressful than it was worth. I always felt watched, like I was going to inadvertently do something wrong, and it completely clashed with the reason I was doing it, which was freedom and an escape. LSIs aren't about external rules and regulations. That's not Ti, and it's not Ti+Se. I don't think you're LSI, but just wanted to clarify that. This is the first post of yours I've read, so I have no idea what type you are. But describing yourself as "a drifty space case" leans me towards intuitive (or maybe just stressed out - it depends.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    What's the difference?

    I ask because I Identify more with ILE even though I love sensory pleasures.

    I also seem to get along with ISFp's a lot more often than INFp's. INFp's seem to deactivate me as per the illusionary partner relationship.
    Makes sense, because you are IEE. Search the forum, my explanation about you should be somewhere.
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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Makes sense, because you are IEE. Search the forum, my explanation about you should be somewhere.
    iees that value se and ti, MAKES SENSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    What's the difference?

    I ask because I Identify more with ILE even though I love sensory pleasures.

    I also seem to get along with ISFp's a lot more often than INFp's. INFp's seem to deactivate me as per the illusionary partner relationship.
    what do you mean by this "deactivation"? could you describe some real life manifestation of this?

    originally what made you think you're SLE and not ILE?

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    No, that was not beta theatrics, those were suicidal thoughts. I've only had the one time in my life and that was while I was in the Navy. I had to quit the navy over it.

    Why did I type myself as SLE and not ILE?

    Because I do gymnastics, martial arts, I love pretty colors, I'm extremely in tune with my environment. I just figured "sensor" was more likely.

    Only reason I don't self type as ILE is because everyone I've met ONLINE tells me I don't value Ne, probably because I don't talk about the complexities of the multiverse or some shit.

    Why are INFp's deactivating? Well, actually I probably shouldn't have said that. My absolute best friend is ISFp, and I have a couple INFp friends. One guy in particular is very difficult to get to open up, I can't seem to crack his shell. The ISFp, however, apparently she's really quiet except when she's around me and I make her laugh non-stop really easily, and talking to her seems more natural than most women I've spoken to.

    Biggest reason I started questioning if I'm actually an ILE is because this girl keeps talking to me as if I'm a drifty adventurous space case with pack rat tendencies (ENTp pack rats?).

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    Why did I type myself as SLE and not ILE?

    Because I do gymnastics, martial arts, I love pretty colors, I'm extremely in tune with my environment. I just figured "sensor" was more likely.

    Only reason I don't self type as ILE is because everyone I've met ONLINE tells me I don't value Ne, probably because I don't talk about the complexities of the multiverse or some shit.
    That does sound like more sensor, especially the part about being in tune with the environment. I don't know how well the love of sports correlates with being a sensor, of course there is probably some. I'm addicted to it myself but again, that isn't a definitive argument for sensor vs intuitive. (That's not how I decided on my type.) We definitely share the like for colours too.

    Ne is not about talking about the complexities of the multiverse. That's a really shallow interpretation of the function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    No, that was not beta theatrics, those were suicidal thoughts. I've only had the one time in my life and that was while I was in the Navy. I had to quit the navy over it.

    Why did I type myself as SLE and not ILE?

    Because I do gymnastics, martial arts, I love pretty colors, I'm extremely in tune with my environment. I just figured "sensor" was more likely.

    Only reason I don't self type as ILE is because everyone I've met ONLINE tells me I don't value Ne, probably because I don't talk about the complexities of the multiverse or some shit.

    Why are INFp's deactivating? Well, actually I probably shouldn't have said that. My absolute best friend is ISFp, and I have a couple INFp friends. One guy in particular is very difficult to get to open up, I can't seem to crack his shell. The ISFp, however, apparently she's really quiet except when she's around me and I make her laugh non-stop really easily, and talking to her seems more natural than most women I've spoken to.

    Biggest reason I started questioning if I'm actually an ILE is because this girl keeps talking to me as if I'm a drifty adventurous space case with pack rat tendencies (ENTp pack rats?).
    Thanks for clarifying, seemed to me like you were being hyperbolic but if too many rules literally made/are possibly making you suicidal then that sucks. Are you typically a "drifty space case," or is that the result of pushing yourself to the limit with work? Nothing you said about yourself seems directly attributable to Ne-valuing.

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    Umm, drifty space case might apply only when I'm stressed out, now that you mention it. I daydream a lot if I'm in a really boring environment. If I'm in an awesome environment (like the wilderness, or walking through the city) I become very alert of everything. I was on an expedition for 3 weeks and I became extremely graceful and agile. I was leaping down mountain trails, swinging through trees etc. When I go home and trudge through the daily rat race, this all goes away and I start wishing I were somewhere else.

    In analyzing myself while in gymnastics, I strive to achieve "flow state" which is when I no longer think of specific moves, but move fluidly through the environment. Its happened probably twice in my life, but when it does, I become the best of the best at whatever it is I'm doing. My tumbling routine looks like a super fast slinky with an explosive finish (as it should) as opposed to throwing a wooden block down the road and crossing your fingers that it keeps rolling.

    If I look out the window, I won't feel very much. I'll just see everything. I'll know everything that's going on. Those are cars, those are mountains, they're going this direction, the sun is over there blah blah, then I see these pretty red bushes in the garden below and I focus entirely on them.

    Sometimes decide to imagine running my fingers through the bush and letting the smooth waxy red leaves brush against my hand. It fills me with a complete inner zen. I can do this whenever I want, but I usually have to remind myself to do it. When I was younger I did this with EVERYTHING until it got old. I used to LOVE staring through colorful transparent plastic objects. My hot tub had a red lense cover for the light, I pulled it off and would put it up to my face and the world would turn into a completely different mood. Then I swap to blue lense and the world becomes extremely peaceful.

    One of my favorite things to do in the pool was to get a scuba mask and dive to the bottom of the deep end and just stand at the bottom of the pool holding my breath as long as possible, looking up at everyone above me, filled with complete tranquility.

    Now that I'm older I don't really experience this zen as often as I used to and I want to experience it some more. These days my life is so hectic as I'm too busy thinking about errands, work, paying the bills, holding my job, where is my life going, us economy, is this girl my conflictor or my dual etc. I'm usually thinking about these things all at once and will spend about a minute thinking about each one. Some days some subjects are higher priority than others.

    The reason I think ILE is because I wonder if I have some kind of fetish with Si. It could be a part of enneagram 8w9, but I feel like I have to fight through life to regain my innocence. My friend showed me the movie, "I hope they serve beer in hell" and it just makes me sick to my stomach for some reason, like it messes with my innocence, or my little fantasy utopia or something, where women like you for who you are and no one plays games in relationships (unrealistic yes I know).

    Here's a video of me rambling and thinking out loud
    Last edited by Azure Flame; 05-21-2012 at 06:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    Umm, drifty space case might apply only when I'm stressed out, now that you mention it. I daydream a lot if I'm in a really boring environment. If I'm in an awesome environment (like the wilderness, or walking through the city) I become very alert of everything.
    That's like me then. Well I don't really daydream in the sense that it's not irrealistic dreaming, I'll just think about whatever goals I currently pursue, etc, but still it's thinking instead of being alert, but then if there's something around that I can pay attention to, I will snap out of the thoughts.

    Why did you call walking through the city awesome? Not that I disagree with you, I quite like it myself, especially if I go alone and can walk as fast as I like (many people complain about how fast I walk, heh). So anyway, I'd just like to know what you find awesome about it.

    In analyzing myself while in gymnastics, I strive to achieve "flow state" which is when I no longer think of specific moves, but move fluidly through the environment. Its happened probably twice in my life, but when it does, I become the best of the best at whatever it is I'm doing. My tumbling routine looks like a super fast slinky with an explosive finish (as it should) as opposed to throwing a wooden block down the road and crossing your fingers that it keeps rolling.
    Ahh the flow. I love that, I enter it easily after I get good enough at whatever. Kind of addictive, heh.

    If I look out the window, I won't feel very much. I'll just see everything. I'll know everything that's going on. Those are cars, those are mountains, they're going this direction, the sun is over there blah blah, then I see these pretty red bushes in the garden below and I focus entirely on them.
    Um I think everyone would see these when looking around. In any case I myself like looking out my window because I chose the top floor for my place in this building and so it's really fun looking down/around at the world from high up here.

    The reason I think ILE is because I wonder if I have some kind of fetish with Si. It could be a part of enneagram 8w9, but I feel like I have to fight through life to regain my innocence. My friend showed me the movie, "I hope they serve beer in hell" and it just makes me sick to my stomach for some reason, like it messes with my innocence, or my little fantasy utopia or something, where women like you for who you are and no one plays games in relationships (unrealistic yes I know).
    See, the reason I first thought of dropping ILE typing for myself is that I'm not crazy at all about Si. But I'm not sure what you call Si.

    Also, what did you base your typing of the SEI girl on? What do you think is Si about her?

    Also what if you are Si ego? That would still have you as a sensor.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ambivalent existence View Post
    That's like me then. Well I don't really daydream in the sense that it's not irrealistic dreaming, I'll just think about whatever goals I currently pursue, etc, but still it's thinking instead of being alert, but then if there's something around that I can pay attention to, I will snap out of the thoughts.

    Why did you call walking through the city awesome? Not that I disagree with you, I quite like it myself, especially if I go alone and can walk as fast as I like (many people complain about how fast I walk, heh). So anyway, I'd just like to know what you find awesome about it.

    Ahh the flow. I love that, I enter it easily after I get good enough at whatever. Kind of addictive, heh.

    Um I think everyone would see these when looking around. In any case I myself like looking out my window because I chose the top floor for my place in this building and so it's really fun looking down/around at the world from high up here.

    See, the reason I first thought of dropping ILE typing for myself is that I'm not crazy at all about Si. But I'm not sure what you call Si.

    Also, what did you base your typing of the SEI girl on? What do you think is Si about her?

    Also what if you are Si ego? That would still have you as a sensor.
    Hmm, forget SEI girl, lets talk about my ass.

    So did my pictures and the video I posted reveal anything?

    I'm an enneagram 8, someone mentioned that could be messing with things. Aren't 8's into physical awareness or some shit?

    As for the whole "demanding respect" thing, I can give people that look whenever I want. But I don't really care enough. I only give it when respect needs hath be given.

    As for Si ego, um... I don't get frustrated when my aesthetic balance is disturbed. Not at all. In fact, If I'm bored, I'll walk into someone's room while they're doing homework, touch their head, grab their pencil throw it across the room, fling their paper off their desk, fart loudly, belch, then blow my nose on one of their tissues, throw it on the floor, then walk out as if nothing happened (its a big joke). So in this sense, I like to disrupt people's tranquility if I'm really really bored.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    As for Si ego, um... I don't get frustrated when my aesthetic balance is disturbed. Not at all. In fact, If I'm bored, I'll walk into someone's room while they're doing homework, touch their head, grab their pencil throw it across the room, fling their paper off their desk, fart loudly, belch, then blow my nose on one of their tissues, throw it on the floor, then walk out as if nothing happened (its a big joke). So in this sense, I like to disrupt people's tranquility if I'm really really bored.
    I would murder you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    Hmm, forget SEI girl, lets talk about my ass.

    So did my pictures and the video I posted reveal anything?

    I'm an enneagram 8, someone mentioned that could be messing with things. Aren't 8's into physical awareness or some shit?

    As for the whole "demanding respect" thing, I can give people that look whenever I want. But I don't really care enough. I only give it when respect needs hath be given.

    As for Si ego, um... I don't get frustrated when my aesthetic balance is disturbed. Not at all. In fact, If I'm bored, I'll walk into someone's room while they're doing homework, touch their head, grab their pencil throw it across the room, fling their paper off their desk, fart loudly, belch, then blow my nose on one of their tissues, throw it on the floor, then walk out as if nothing happened (its a big joke). So in this sense, I like to disrupt people's tranquility if I'm really really bored.
    OK, forget Si. You are obviously a sensor based on what you said so far, and based on this, not Si. Logical too. I see no reason to doubt SLE.

    I still want to know about that SEI girl though Why are you sure she's SEI and not IEI?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Same here.

    I used to get flow states randomly a lot when I was younger, even doing normal things. For awhile, I was obsessed with the idea of figuring out how to tweak my brain and access those states at will; hardcore meditating mixed with weightlifting was the best for it.

    It's been some time now since I really had a full-blown peak flow state like that. Sometimes I'll get shades of it when doing long-distance runs, and it's beautiful.

    Weird, I do the exact same thing. I'll periodically disengage from my thoughts or whatever I'm doing, and perceive my surroundings like that—observing objects/people/colors/sounds/etc. in my environment and what they're doing, without any feeling or judgment attached to it. Just taking them in for what they are in the moment, as a kind of pure perception. Not sure why, but it feels satisfying to do that.

    Sometimes I used to sit outside and watch the sunlight shimmer off the grass, flowers, and trees as they'd move through the wind, and I'd start feeling completely blissed out in awe because all the colors were so intoxicatingly vivid.

    Yeah, it sucks.

    Could be Se-valuing—it sounds like you seek out strong qualitative experiences for their own sake. Whereas Si emphasizes more of an ongoing awareness of one's interrelationship with the surrounding environment and how it's influencing their comfort and well-being.

    I feel like I lost mine a very long time ago, but that I should fight to help preserve it in others.
    You know I was actually pondering ENTJ for a little bit.

    My friends tell me I'm exactly like charlie day and if I wanted to I could pull a tucker max...

    in fact Abbie Cornish is the quintessential girl of my dreams when she was in sucker punch. She was strong, had an m16, and could probably beat my ass (a strange secret desire of mine).
    Last edited by Azure Flame; 05-27-2012 at 02:28 AM.

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    uhh, I have no idea what she is. that was infatuation talking. "omg she's my dual I'm in love yay" I'm actually thinking she's ESI because she looks a lot like madeline zima on the socionix gallery here: . But I don't fully agree with ashton's typings so its hard to say what she is.

    She's quiet, she's a hard worker, her eyes seem closed off to the world. She listens to armin van buuren and most of the same trance I listen to. She likes stability in life, she's terrified of uncertain adventure. She's a little anxious. She's super flirty when she opens up. Uh...

    she asks me a bunch of judgemental questions:
    her: are you a one-upper? I don't like those.
    me: I had a friend on my buddy list who used to do that, it pissed me off.

    me: my cell phone is always dead when I go off into the mountains to do things. So if I get stranded I have no clue what could happen.
    her: you probably just love the adventure so you never charge your cell phone. I would be terrified.
    me: uhh... well I don't charge my phone because I forget to. But I do like adventure...

    She likes to talk a lot of trash and always has some witty comeback. The other day when I got her phone number I typed in her name and said, "is this how you spell your name?" (she looked down and it read "huge bitch") and she burst out laughing.

    Another time I texted her, "hey its dj, this is my number. eat shit." She had a look on her face I couldn't interpret. It was simultaneously big eyed, shocked, saddened by what kind of person I am, and infatuated all at the same time? "I thought you cleaned up your sailor mouth." she said. A few minute later I walked up to her like, "you know I was just teasing you right?" she said, "yeah I was just messing with you" ???

    So anyway that's who she is. She's confusing as hell. The other day I told her I like her and she's fun to hang around but if she wants to be more than that its really up to her at this point because I've already asked her out like 5 times. We still hang out at the bars and whatnot. Her friend was telling me how she told her all the funny stories I tell or something. Her friend and I talked all last night, and I'm having difficulty understanding if she was also flirting with me or whatever the fuck is going on.
    Last edited by Azure Flame; 05-26-2012 at 11:42 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Re: your type, I watched part of your video and I'm thinking ENTx > ESTx—you do seem spacey to me (though seeming that way doesn't imply lacking sensory awareness). And FWIW, your railing against reputation seems like a Democratic (α/ɣ) > Aristocratic (β/δ) attitude to me.
    Is that really a stronger argument against the load of stuff he kept typing out in this thread about his sensory shit?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ambivalent existence View Post
    Is that really a stronger argument against the load of stuff he kept typing out in this thread about his sensory shit?

    DJ, both ENTp and ESTp can use Ne and Se just like ESFp and ENFp can use Ne and Se; because those are role functions.

    The difference is which mode is one in naturally. I can use my Ti to start categorizing info and making rules to define categories, but I get too tired of doing this activity. I LEAN towards my feelings/ideals about things. I'm technically doing Ti now by saying "the difference is" and trying to tease apart the differences; it's something I can do, I just don't want to.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    What sensory shit…? I've only skimmed the thread thus far, but I see he enjoys physical activity, situational awareness, and the great outdoors. None of that suggests S > N, IMO.
    The way he described it sounded like it's basically his core. Because it was all he talked about.

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    One is strategic the other is tactical; if you're concerned about yourself, you are strategic
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Feel God's Thunder Azure Flame's Avatar
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    hmm, strategic... interesting. That does sound like me.

    When I see a goal, I become a freight train until its done.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    hmm, strategic... interesting. That does sound like me.

    When I see a goal, I become a freight train until its done.
    When you see a goal, you do it right?

    You said you don't like to play games when you see a girl you want; that would be methods unsettled.

    God help me.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Well, I daydream a lot too. I have all these project ideas I want to do. I want to one day own a monstery on top of a mountain, I want to build a geodesic dome home with a river flowing through it where I can walk barefoot etc. And when I'm put in a team I usually have an idea of where the team should go immediately. But daydreaming only goes so far these days, I'm running out of things to daydream about. I used to daydream about standing on other planets etc but I seriously have run out of things to think about. So now all I do is just... real life shit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    Well, I daydream a lot too. I have all these project ideas I want to do. I want to one day own a monstery on top of a mountain, I want to build a geodesic dome home with a river flowing through it where I can walk barefoot etc. And when I'm put in a team I usually have an idea of where the team should go immediately. But daydreaming only goes so far these days, I'm running out of things to daydream about. I used to daydream about standing on other planets etc but I seriously have run out of things to think about. So now all I do is just... real life shit.
    Strategic. Who said only some types day dream?
    Focus on goals (where you want the team to to go). That's like zapping your mind into the future idealized state and wanting the team to work there, that's manipulating the goal to get there. You don't say how the team is getting there. Tactics are subordinate to the concepts of Strategy. Because if you're in a battle, you have a battle field, you have a high field occupied by enemy, you say "if we can take the high ground" use tactics to get there. The problem is that Strategy and Tactics are kinda similar to be opposed to each other and we, Socionics, is trying to tease them apart. That's hard.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    Well, I daydream a lot too. I have all these project ideas I want to do. I want to one day own a monstery on top of a mountain, I want to build a geodesic dome home with a river flowing through it where I can walk barefoot etc. And when I'm put in a team I usually have an idea of where the team should go immediately. But daydreaming only goes so far these days, I'm running out of things to daydream about. I used to daydream about standing on other planets etc but I seriously have run out of things to think about. So now all I do is just... real life shit.
    This is still Se > Ne. You run out of things to think of, you can't be Ne base especially if all you do instead is "real life shit".

    Also, you are focused on your goals. (Both Se and strategic, tbh I cannot really imagine how someone can be "tactical" in terms of reinin, but then that's because I'm a strategic type too.)

    And yea, daydreaming is Not Type Related.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    But daydreaming only goes so far these days...
    Umm where'd you think it was gonna get you. It's called "daydreaming" for a reason.

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    Active Ne takes one idea and another idea and asks can this other idea occur (because of the question of possibility).
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Ok so, could I be an ENTj? That would explain why my INTj brother told me, "I would burn a thousand bibles to prove to you that you don't use Ne."

    Yet, I identify with both Se dom traits, and NT temperament.

    The enneagram 8 would also be a nice fit.

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    i say you are much more likely than destroypuppy to be LIE

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    Watched a few of your videos.

    First time I have ever heard another say something along the lines of preferring to fit in but can't help but stand out as it's just something uncontrollable that always happens to you.

    Have you ever found this standing out to be a negative experience such as being picked upon by others?
    Last edited by Hays; 05-27-2012 at 07:02 AM.

  31. #31
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    for some reason i'm a lot cooler with your being ENTj than either ENTp or ESTp.

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    Does no one else not see how negativist this person is? How can he be ENTj if what you're doing is offering reassurance (positivist feedback)?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Sorry I'm late to the party.. my two most meaningful relationships have been SLE and ILE who tests as SLE (with 2 EIEs in between, which were comfy but Fe-ego in a male is just not a turn on).

    ILE bf tested as ESTP on MBTI, though intuition and sensing were equal. On enneagram he's an 8, which IMO also corresponds to ESTp. But I really can't see him as SLE, especially compared to my first, VERY obvious, massive-jawed, diminutive forehead-ed, testosterone-oozing SLE. Even if you want to avoid stereotyping, I would say SLEs have a big (though not always bulky) frame. My bf has a lean, wiry frame; waist and hips are almost as small as mine, though his shoulders are broad; jaw and chin are pointy but not large; between strength and stamina, he falls into the stamina category; he carries his weight steadily sometimes (like SLE), but most of the time needs to shift his weight back and forth and sideways, giving the impression of bouncing on his feet.

    He doesn't show interest in acquiring and dominating space, but definitely wants to acquire and realize different ideas; he doesn't care about style, and will wear pretty much anything; will act aggressor-ish towards me when I initiate it, but is generally more infantile; he hit it off pretty well platonically with my former SEI roommate. BUT according to tests, his N and S are equal.

    TL;DR: ILEs may project themselves differently when forced to take silly personality tests by their work/gf (my opinion) OR the tests are flawed (his opinion). The only true way to tell them apart is to put them in a room with an IEI and SEI who are single and of equal physical attractiveness, and see what happens.

    Luckily the SEI I lived with was overweight and engaged, or who knows what would have happened.
    IEI 4w5

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    Quote Originally Posted by octo View Post
    Not questioning your bf's typing, but my SLE bf is E7, lanky and tall like an overgrown teenager, can't put on muscle, has a pointy little face, has a neck that's skinnier than his face, was a long-distance runner. I don't know how to describe his walk... it's very slow and loping, like he's dragging his feet (which is possible, since he has bizarrely large feet and wears big clumsy skate shoes). I originally didn't type him SLE because he didn't fit the stereotype at all, but it's kind of obvious now. I suppose he has characteristics which do fit the physical stereotype, such ashis very quick reaction time, and his skill and confidence in anything that involves dexterity.
    Interesting... I've known some lanky SLEs too, and in general I don't rely on VI for figuring out someone's type.. it's more like, I'll figure out the type and then see if their physical characteristics match up or not.

    I really don't think my bf is SLE, though I am beginning to think XLE might be a legitimate typing for some people who just don't fit into one or the other (or don't want to fit in; my bf has that stubborn "everyone is different, no can be categorized" attitude).

    I also think there's some validity to the idea that there are "pure" types, and more "mixed" types... there's the same idea in palmistry, in which there are 5-6 pure hand types with distinct characteristics, and the mixed hand, which has a little bit of everything (like the enneagram "generalist").

    brick shithouse-style jock
    lmao. and that was the type that broke my heart... smh
    IEI 4w5

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    I agree that SLEs come in all sizes and shapes, and some are very petite and some are totally skinny. I think the version of Fe I see in at least some SLEs can make them seem ridiculously childish and pranksterish (age 10 forevah). Occasionally an ILE will seem more habitually edgy to me than an SLE does.And I find ILE responds to me being positive/affirmative/validating in what I would call an Fe-ish way, but not so much that they are zinging all over the place themselves Fe-wise. YMMV.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

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    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Yeah, but he describes it like an N. His descriptions are really generalized and lack strong qualia.
    Sorry, I'm not that experienced with such kind of analysis. But I assume it's because his goal was not describing in detail. Let's see what he says heh.

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    Ok so, could I be an ENTj? That would explain why my INTj brother told me, "I would burn a thousand bibles to prove to you that you don't use Ne."

    Yet, I identify with both Se dom traits, and NT temperament.

    The enneagram 8 would also be a nice fit.
    You again sound like me. -.-

    Btw, "NT temperament", do you mean keirsey or what? I would not rely on that at all.

    However, did you compare EP and EJ temperaments?

    PS: I'll be happy to help your brother burn those thousands of bibles.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    I read that before, but how does it apply here? I see nothing about him based on this.

    If you do, can you point out a few examples for me?

    (PS: I don't have a chance to watch the videos here now, so I only read the thread and his other posts etc. So examples should be from there)

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    ILE: geek
    SLE: jock

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    Quote Originally Posted by labster View Post
    ILE: geek
    SLE: jock
    ^ in this regard, you're looking more like an Ne/Ti type; how do you come to conclusions like this; this is essentially reduction of character traits down to basis assessment of personality, one which is defined and narrowed by

    It is an idea.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by labster View Post
    ILE: geek
    Some ILEs are more in the "nerd" category. Then, you have some who are in-between, as in, geeky nerds. Then some ILEs are also in the "douchebag" and "jerk" categories. (Of course, my categories are obviously more true and correct. hahaha. ) (I'm just playing with you, obv.)

    Quote Originally Posted by labster View Post
    SLE: jock
    Some SLEs are also in the "jerk" and/or "douchebag" and/or "tard" category, and some aren't really jocks (my dad, for instance, was a musician-type).
    Last edited by jet city woman; 05-28-2012 at 01:27 AM.

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