Quote Originally Posted by NFp-
This is an old topic but I'm reliving it just momentarily.

Rocky, if you follow the WWE, can you please try to determine the types of Kurt Angle and Edge based on their movements?
Sorry, I don't follw the WWE much any more. I used to watch back when there were The Rock, Stone Cold, Mankind, Goldust, Shamrock and all those good names.

I would say that:

Hulk Hogan- ISTP
Shawn Micheals- ESTP
The Rock- ENTP

I don't have a vivd memory of the old guys, but these might work:

Vince McMahon- ESTP
Stone Cold Steve Austin- ESTJ
Goldust- INFP
Shamrock- ISTP
Kane- ISTJ

^^ just don't hold me to these.

Also, most wrestlers seem to be ESTP, ISTP, ESFP or ENFP.