Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
Quote Originally Posted by Monica
I'm an INFJ and the statements about NF's were accurate for me also.


These guys have best control over the elbow, wrist, hand, fingers, neck and eyes.
Ok, that makes sense. I've noticed that some ST's ( ESTP/ESTJ males that do this) tend to "stare" at people. Even Dimitri Lytov posted something on his discussion forum about this. They don't try to but when they focus on something or someone it appears as if they are staring at it.

The male ISTJ's and ISTP's that I know do this situationally. But my INFP sister and I know quite a few male ESTJ's and ESTP's (all logical subtype) who always have the "stare". When I look in their eyes, their eyes don't move and appear to be emotionless. But when we appeal to their emotions their eyes soften and they temporarily look very vulnerable. It's kinda of weird because it makes us feel "powerful"...
YES! I've been told that I do that a lot too. I think ESTp people do it more than the ESTjs, though.

Speaking of that, there's this one guy I know (a year younger than me), and he's also an ESTp with a logical subtype. I've seen him do that "stare" that's character of the ESTps too. It's very easy to lock eyes with him.
JD mentioned the same thing about ISTPs. She said we have a habbit of stopping and looking into peoples eyes while speaking. She said it makes her "shiver into a shell". I guess all ST types have intimidating eyes.