Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
Being involved in lots of sports, I thought that was helpful. And what you said about STs rings true for me.
You know know have the A-Rod (ESTP) type. I have to admit, the people I posted pictures of above are all P types, maybe I'll posted some of the J types later.

Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
Excellent presentation Rocky,
I have always noticed peoples movements and Im sure I factor that in when I try to describe someone but only indirectly. The process of energy conservation and energy expenditure in intro/extroverts is one of the ways I decide what a person is. I will tac on some of these suggestions to my observations and see what more I can discover about the people around me. Thanks.

One of the big reasons I posted something like this is that it is another thing you can use to type people. I tried typing people before this way, but I was misunderstood and others didn't seem to get it. I hope people will start to see (like you did) that this is a legitimate way to type people.