Jack London, LIE, ENTj (Meged, Ovcharov, subtypes)

Logical subtype: The Reformer.

Appearance: the impression of a rolling, but strict and businesslike person. His face is not very emotional. He likes to look straight in emphasis, studying. Looking for a long time fixed for the person or objects. A bit shy, though he tried to hide it. Is somewhat suspicious, critical and too categorical. It is difficult to distract from his plans is trying to bring everything to the end. Despite the habit of reflection, he is resolute and impulsive in words and deeds. Prone to long conversations. His is the tension in communication because of the desire to appear steadfast, cautious and serious. His apparent slowness can turn an unexpected haste. In most cases, his stocky figure and angular motion. Trying to stay confident and with dignity. If the jokes, he does so with a straight face, almost smiling corners of the lips.

Character: Diligence and mobile, readily engaged on the business, bringing real benefits. Usually well-informed and authoritative. In advance all plans, gathers all necessary information for business, strives for clarity and precision in all matters. Pragmatic: for useless work will not start. With leery of proposals that are not backed up by convincing evidence. Cautious in his new endeavors, prefers to test a new idea into practice to prevent errors. Convinced of the prospects of this idea is taken to introduce it to life with great passion and enthusiasm.

He never meets the real situation, constantly looking for ways to transform and improve the existing one. Has a critical mind and a penchant for controversy. He likes to develop new projects and future plans. Task divides into stages and consistently perform them, trying to bring to an end. Do not like being distracted from his work and interfere to concentrate or to impose other methods and approaches. Quite principled in their beliefs and convictions. It is difficult to distract or reassure.

Strives for order, logic and common sense in everything, although it is not always possible to achieve this. Interested in the practical value of things. Stimulate others to work their personal example as well as agreements on mutually beneficial terms. Bad moves tricks and ruses, and respects people's words and deeds. Not afraid of difficulties. It is interesting to test themselves in extreme conditions, to overcome all obstacles and get out of the fight the winner. Under any circumstances demonstrates restraint, optimism and endurance.

In the fundamental questions for him can be tough and uncompromising attitude in defending the ideals of justice and humanism. Negative attitude toward liberty and violence. Polite and restrained in his statements, he tries to create a relaxed atmosphere of its democratic dialogue and humor. A good storyteller, describes in detail the events. Willingly shares with others their experiences and feelings. Keeps seriously and with dignity, demonstrating good manners, politeness and courtesy. Can not stand if he is treated disrespectfully, can flare up.

He impressed a serious, reserved in communicating people in whom he sees strong support in the future. Reliable friend and an assist effectively in difficult times. Critical of the mistakes and shortcomings of others, but the comments and reprimands makes a gentle manner, even if sincerely sorry. Poorly versed in the feelings of his partner, mistrustful, afraid to be wrong, put yourself in a ridiculous position. Therefore, careful confessions, trying to do them in a joking manner. Its location prefers not prove by words but by deeds. Tends to a strong, stable relationship.

Experiencing, if not confident in its appeal, and therefore tries to look aesthetically pleasing and appreciated in other aesthetic taste and good manners. Could solve their domestic problems. Practical and economically, much can do with their hands. Reluctant to visit doctors, a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. If you happen to fall seriously ill, tend to use unconventional methods of treatment, patient treated with different health systems. His persistence, inexhaustible optimism and the will to live helped him overcome any obstacles to the goal.

2. Intuitive subtype: Strategist.

Looks: pleasant in communication, courteous and polite. Is gentle, cheerful, has a developed sense of humor. Often becomes the soul of the company. Very mobile, neusidchiv and scattered, always in a hurry trying to get done a lot. Inspired, energetic and optimistic. Very adventurous, boldly goes to the risk, has a lot of ideas. It is difficult for a long time to focus on one thing. Has several points of application of the forces. Diplomatic and gallant with all, especially with women, but may be familiarity become more familiar. Because of the tendency toward liberty, he often changes tact, and he performs ethical lapses, which are also rapidly trying to fix with the help of jokes and miscellaneous services. Behave simply, relaxed and at ease. In a conversation sometimes likes to touch buddy, hug, kiss, joke. Gestures and gait denied emphasized solidity, it is very natural.

Character: This is a man of action with the development of creative start. Has a lively practical intelligence, very curious, feel free to experiment. Often builds far-reaching, but specific plans. Impulsive, cheerful, enterprising in the new endeavors, he quickly turns to the work, carrying others with their enthusiasm. Tackles the introduction of new ideas to life, as well see their future prospects. Brave, resourceful and farsighted. Instantly versed in extreme situations and formulates an effective plan of action. If you are not passionate affair - misses his vitality drops, but he quickly finds the use of their abilities in all spheres of activity.

A few scattered, tend to be distracted by minor things, because of what may lay most of the work for later, but after a while anyway back to it. Impatient by nature, so it can be neglect in trifles. Does not like to compete, be vested interests demand due to him by law. May give up their positions more insistent partners. For the sake of justice or protecting the idea, which believes, may sacrifice their own interests.

Varies with the choice of solutions, because of what it can be easily dissuaded from his plans. Because of internal doubts and conflicts, is often unpredictable in their behavior. Hard going through the collapse of his hopes, but with his characteristic optimism is not averse to start all over again, without looking back. Tends to new experiences and change, often change their hobbies, trying his hand in various spheres of activity. A romantic at heart, loves travel, the thrill, sometimes at risk to experience their own destiny. Faithful in relationships, but not averse to flirting. Therefore, his personal life is rather complicated and changeable.

Emotional, fussy, neusidchiv. Tries to do everything on time and very worried when he sees that does not have time for the scheduled deadline. Often in a hurry and the hurry of others. Condemns the slackers who seek comfort and pleasure. Excitement in the discussions. In conversation lively, welcome. Always candid and direct, has to trust. Attentive to people delve into their problems, give advice, offer their services, tries to cheer, laugh with jokes. If in the interest of the case has put pressure on the other, trying to do it in inoffensive form, although it may be too straightforward and pushy. Sometimes he changes tact, and he may inadvertently offend his interlocutor, but then tries to correct the situation. Has a docile nature: it is difficult to quarrel with him.

Interested in uninvestigated and unsolved phenomena, trying to grasp the essence of various phenomena. Reflects on the scientific or moral philosophy. In his heart a little bit suspicious and superstitious. At home nepriveredliv can do little. Loves children and animals. Little attention to their appearance. Wants to be loved, not for looks but for their inner qualities. Needs a man who can prevent him from reckless action.

source: ???? ?????? (??????, ???????, ???????)

Dreiser, ESI, ISFj (Meged, Ovcharov, subtypes)

Ethical subtype: moralist.

Appearance: Ethical subtype usually gives the impression of a humble, sensitive and gentle man, but in the soul of principled, demanding and mistrustful. It is difficult to convince than ever. Can be stubborn and intractable. Vulnerable, squeamish and does not like to impose myself. Internally critical, suitable for all with high moral yardstick, though not always expressed. If you offend his principles, he suddenly can show the character, becoming harsh and unyielding. Industrious and practical. Scrupulous and kropotliv work. Demonstrates good manners, trying to be graceful and elegant. Dresses with taste, but a few monotonous. Look soft, sometimes skittish, inquiring. In communicating with others - it's sincere, friendly, caring and courteous people.

Character: restrained, tactful and polite. Well versed in human relations. Constantly analyzing their actions and condemns the violation of moral and ethical conduct. Principled in matters of morality and duty, but may vary categorical ratings. Tries to be tolerant, so not just its attitude if it is negative, but remember other people's mistakes for a long time, and on occasion can take advantage of their dossier. Very observant: always sees advantages and disadvantages of other people. However, at a distance can idealize those who are sympathetic to him.

Painfully endures injustice, are very vulnerable and impressionable, but shares his feelings only with relatives. Courteous and polite. Appreciate the comfort, both in work and in relationships. Needs praise and compliments, but not like this show. His attitude is not so much words as the tone and look. Constant in their habits and affections. Values friendship and does not forgive betrayal.

This is a man of duty. Spares no effort and time to create order and maintain stability in their work. Very conscientious and is mandatory. Punctual, everything is prepared well in advance, does the job consistently and well, overcoming any difficulties. Compliant in a relationship, may postpone its affairs, giving priority to addressing partner. Tries to be all cautious that any surprises are not caught him by surprise.

The events do not usually late. Inclined to stay up late at work, trying everything to finish. Forcing himself to do even uninteresting, but necessary work. Accurately maintains documentation. But the responsibility entrusted to them prefer to share with others. Shy and indecisive, did not like anything to impose an outsider. Modest and nedemonstrativen, tries not to stand out. He dresses simply, but tastefully.

Cautious and mistrustful, afraid to err in something or other sum. Does not like to make promises, if not sure to meet them. Its location proves not only words but deeds. Helping others cope with the work that they do not have time to make the deadline. Sam usually plans its activities without delay daily business for later. Painfully endures criticism of their abilities.

2. Sensory subtype: traditionalists.

Appearance: Pretty strict, critical and ironic. Categorical conclusions and uncompromising in the decisions. Intrinsically vulnerable and emotional, but tries to appear strong, cool and confident person. Serious, closed and secretive. Conservative in outlook and habits. Conscientious work, but sometimes he lacks perseverance. It seems at times arrogant, unapproachable, prickly. Look is penetrating, a person acquires sometimes wary expression. Friendly and attentive, but kept at a distance. Very nedemonstrativen not like to be treated. Afraid of other people's ratings and are very particular about appearance. He dresses elegantly and tastefully, but strictly. If confidence in their appearance, can afford the accessories. Has several chekanyaschuyu gait.

Character: Respect the established order and upholds moral values. Dedication to protect the interests of both itself and close friends. Has a strong will and endurance, stubborn, strong and neustupchiv in principle for it matters. Has good administrative skills. Is able to subdue the will of others, having to produce and to his high demands. Does not tolerate slackers and hacks. In his argument was based only on facts. Business and entrepreneurial. In a conversation with people trying to determine their abilities and opportunities for practical application in any area.

A good economist knows how to rationally deal with finances, does not like debt. In matters of initiative, even pushy. Intolerant of unreliability and disorder, requires adherence to established rules. Periodically need emotional discharge. Difficult life situations stimulate him to seek a quick exit from the situation. Energetic and rastoropen in practical matters, can do several things at once, shows exceptional performance.

Observant and witty at the right time can get in most vulnerable place of the enemy or opponent. On good and evil meet the same. Tends to divide people into "us" and "them." Quickly gets used to the new situation, if it impresses him, but in a society unfamiliar or unsympathetic people he feels awkward, sometimes it can go unnoticed. Does not forgive rude and tactless, these factors may lead to rupture of relations.

In the circle of relatives and friends talkative, likes to joke sometimes asks tricky questions, tends to draw, trying to cheer up others. Emotion dominates the situation: among gay gay, among dark - is serious. Readily comes to helping people in difficult moments for them, provide various services. He rarely takes the initiative in dating, but the gap exhausted relations can go first.

Tries to objectively evaluate people, regardless of their sympathies to them. But it is difficult to determine individual abilities or hidden motives of others, because of what often has problems with colleagues or in the upbringing of children. Is too mistrustful and suspicious. Do not like it when someone puts the evaluation of its quality, as internally it is not always sure of himself. Anger and hatred, not to show, but not everyone can withstand the scrutiny. Seems a bit unapproachable and alert, does not like unexpected visitors - to quickly get tired of them.

A little suspicious, do not tolerate uncertainty, it is difficult to wait for him on important issues. Often vary in the choice of goals, but at a critical time can make the right decision. Feels bad time, nervous, ready for anything, not afraid to be on time. Does not like change, worried, going on the road. Cherishes stability over all, supports the established tradition in his own circle. Chistoploten, punctual in everything and demands it from others. Has a developed aesthetic sense, tends to dress originally.

source: ??????? (??????, ???????, ???????)