Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
Quote Originally Posted by UDP II
Without being sure of what is true (static IJ), or what is real, I cannot develop principles.
Not entirely true, since an IP ILI can also develop principles. And some principles are more fundamental than knowing what is true, for example having a scientific attitude towards questions of truth.
I didn't mean to imply that IJ is the only temperment that can be that way. I just thought it was more an example of what Expat was talking about in terms of Static IJs. But that is more of an estimated guess than anything else.

Quote Originally Posted by UDP II
Key Motivations: Want to be self-reliant, to prove their strength and resist weakness, to be important in their world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of their situation.
I can relate to all of that.
Here you express a very J attitude -- another side of the same coin. INTps want to be self-reliant, prove their strength and resist weakness too, but they don't wan't to dominate the environment. Instead they have a tendency to flee from it if necessary.
Hmmm.... I am not exactly keen on 'dominating' my environment for the sake of it. But I won't tolerate being in an disadvantageous position. Sometimes, when I know the situation is not to my benefit, I will pull out and go elsewhere.

Quote Originally Posted by UDP II
Well, INTjs DO NOT resemble 8s by any stretch of the imagination - maybe they wish to
I can understand where you are getting at that from a Socionics LII perspective. But it should also be remembered that I feel very strongly about being an MBTI INTJ.
UDP, you are a prototypical example of an INTj/INTJ. We should all use you as a reference example of an INTj.