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  1. #281
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    I've just read the descriptions on Dmitri's site for the first time in a while. They seem quite good, imo. Anyways, I got to wondering if I actually could be some sort of Gamma hybrid (this actually sounds rather attractive to me), so I decided to go through the descriptions. Here's the first one:

    Quote Originally Posted by ESFp
    1. Kindness is power. He takes pride in his influence with people, their love and respect, of his own popularity, gladly leads others. No. I do not respect popularity at all and do not take pride in my "influence". He is assertive and kinky in expressing his sexuality No, not at all, and people who act like that make me uncomfortable, but aloof in dealing with the objective world I'm more aloof with the subjective world than the objective world, mistrustful towards new scientific ideas and in general towards everything things objective, which he perceives as too impersonal I prefer impersonal and respect science. He feels much more confident and therefore has a clear conscience, only in the field of manipulating people. What?

    2. Restless activity, greed for practical actions. He never hides his feelings – en contraire, he takes special pride in them I hide my feelings more often than not. It is easy for him to sound sincere, when he expresses his true feelings I sound quite awkward when I express my true feelings. He expresses his admiration both verbally and with a look in his eyes I do not like to compliment people and feel uncomfortable giving or receiving compliments. He is always an adherent of love in all its aspects, both carnal and psychological, if he needs it. Even when a feeling is of a passing nature, he knows very well what he desires from his lover, has no intention to adapt – only to dictate Sounds too impulsive. I'm generally not sure what I want and would rather my partner "just know" this so I don't have to find a way to tell him. He is arrogant, optimistic, before a complicated situation he does not go shy but tries to resolve it immediately in a few decisive moves Yes, this sounds more like me.

    3. He pays a lot of attention to the esthetic and order in his surroundings. No, not me ar all. Frequently he is the possessor of inborn taste, knows how to dress well and demands the same from his partners. No. He is attentive to “physical parameters” of his partner. In all his activities he shows a lot of initiative. However, he lacks a sense of measure: he is ever unsure that he has done all he could. lol sounds like a waste of energy

    4. Less nagging and more living! His life may be poisoned by the demands of those close to him to think his actions through, to act “rationally” No, people don't tell me to act "rationally"... they tell me to be more sensitive sometimes, or that I need to relax... but not that I need to act "rationally". This is too much for him to withstand, such demands only make him want to act more irrationally, and brush reason aside altogether to spite everyone lol No... sounds very foolish (much like several ESFp friends I've had). In fact, he acts cleverly and logically until someone starts to demand of him to do so, i.e. as long as he is “respected” and “reckoned with” If I feel I am not "respected" or whatever, I will simply stop caring what that person thinks of me, if I ever did to begin with. The last thing I'm going to do is act like an idiot out of spite. It is useless to dispute his logic: one can influence him only by challenging him to set aside his goals in favor of other ones, more noble and harder attainable lmao I don't think anyone's ever suggested that I should have goals which would be harder to attain. If they did I'd think they were foolish... the point of having goals is not to have a challenge, it is to accomplish something.

    5. Laws are cowards’ inventions. His initiative and passion for new undertakings are so great that no criticism, even permanent grumble of his dual (Balzac, The Critic) who condemns almost each display of enthusiasm, can spoil his mood True. Moreover: criticizing calms him down, for him it signals that his activities did not pass unnoticed and that he must have done enough. This makes no sense... done enough? Anything that I'm enthusiastic about is going to be a very large, long term goal. The whole "done enough" thing makes it sound like the individual was working toward the goal for the sake of expending energy or something.

    6. Disappointment. Due to his initiative and demanding nature he frequently feels disappointed with his loved ones: they turn out to be “not what they seemed to be”, not perceptive enough of his whims This is too emotional and unstable. I value nothing more than a stable and emotionally smooth relationship. Those kinds of ups and downs are not typical of my relationships. Even ones that aren't good are stable. The bottom line is that he needs a partner who is easy to adapt to without adapting at all (without changing his own nature) I don't know, I prefer being with someone who inspires me to grow. If such a partner is not nearby, he gets up to mischief in order to draw such a person’s attention. lol.... is there alcohol involved?

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  2. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by INTp
    1."Imagination directs me". He possesses a powerful, intellectual imagination. A representative of this type, Honoré de Balzac, in his series of novels, The Human Comedy "painted" the portraits of more than 2000 people who appear hyper real: "he is comparable perhaps only to the city controller's office" - wrote of him Andre Maurois. Similarly, the phantasmagoric world of Gabriel García Marquez is impressively precise in every detail. While I don't have any direct argument for this, I don't really relate to it either. Due to this quality The Critic can forecast the future quite well. From empirical observations of how a man acts at various times he creates something like a functional model in his mind. In general, he tends to know everything in advance. If he did not have to warn other people about possible dangers (opportunities interest him less), he most possibly would feel himself redundant. Opportunities are my life.

    2."A priest's calmness and restraint". He almost never expresses emotions and protects from them his family and friends. This is more true than untrue... however, I would say "somewhat rarely" as opposed to "almost never". He sincerely believes that passions, too strong, will lead one to his doom. If this is in reference to emotions and not to goals, yes, this is true. Honoré de Balzac has constantly demonstrated throughout his literary works how passion spreads like a devastating cancer that eats away the souls of men until it finally suppresses all else. This holds totally true in the case of his dual (Caesar, The Politician), a hyperactive person that easily gets carried away. Nope.

    3.A profound analyst. He is convinced that living is impossible if one disregards the natural laws that regulate the world. I'm not sure that "impossible" would be the best way to describe it. Perhaps impossible for me. One who ignores reality is heading for disaster. Of course. I'm more future orientated though. The Criticist believes that it is better to be somewhat too cynical then be a hypocrite. Sure? Hearing of a situation, he very soon thoroughly understands it and begins to tell to the bewildered interlocutor the details and aspects that the latter had overlooked. Yep. His analysis is devoid of any self-encouragement. "You shouldn't have a different attitude towards life than you have for the kitchen - the same amount of stinking odor; if you want to cook a dish, you'll have to get your hands dirty, just make sure you'll be able to wash the dirt off once you are done; that's the entire moral of our day and age." - So speaks Vautrin, a hero of Balzac's books. Such misanthropy can kill the anybody's spirits, except his dual (The Politician)! uhh... I'm not nearly so negative.

    4."First and foremost, he is kind". In spite of all his "negativism", he is really a very kindly person in nature. Yes. The above phrase about Honoré de Balzac belongs to George Sand who knew him very well. He likes strong people who know their way in life, who demand concessions (yes, but not as a partner): such people release him from the necessity to invent goals, while using methods invented by him (he is a master of inventing methods.) I'm goals > method. He is capable of pouring a bucket of cold water out on the head of an enthusiast. I'd rather encourage them to go in the right direction than dampen their spirits. I think enthusiasm for goals is admirable. But on the other hand, he is likewise capable of easing one's despair, when they are unlucky, when things go the wrong way, when destiny seems to be hostile. Yes.

    5.Unapproachable and thus desired. Haha so I've been told. A girl-student by the name of Laima (The Politician) gave a good description of this type when she tried to describe the hero of her dreams: "He must be handsome and smart, with big and sad eyes, not talkative. I'm more talkative than not. He does not tell compliments, and by that he creates an impression of his inapproachability. Yes. He is taunted by myriads of problems, which, in my opinion are nothing to be bothered with. I am attracted by his sadness, seriousness, so I try to amuse him, to raise his spirits, to make him happy. Sounds annoying. If such a boy is present at a party, I wouldn't be bored." This is a vivid description of this personality type, who is constant in his feelings, does not like adventures, and desires total dependence of his demanding partner. Not really.

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  3. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENTj
    1. "Time does not wait!". He is untiring in working, science or anything else that brings objective results in the future. Yes, not so much with science though. But I live for objective results in the future. He makes everything very rapidly, work “boils” at his hands. No, I don't do everything quickly. I prefer to find quicker ways of doing things, but sometimes I get over focused and end up spending too much time on something, particularly cleaning. Even his gait is very specific, bouncing, and if he can, he prefers to run. I walk much faster than most people, but I don't like to run. A representative of this type the great writer Jack London had changed in his life a lot of occupations: delivery man, worker, prospector, sailor, writer. This was his self-sacrifice in the name of Art and Success.I've had many different occupations, most of which were meant to lead to starting a business and paying others to work there and going off to start another business. I wouldn't say any of it was for the sake of art though.

    2. Romantic. Very often he practices alpinism, tourism (one of Jack London’s favorite topics was the struggle against the merciless nature). One of my main goals in life is to spend a lot of time traveling. I dislike camping though. He is attracted by faraway places; often he is the first who gets drawn into various dubious undertakings. Often he invents romantic adventures and believes in them himself. I'll always be looking for investment/business opportunities in my travels. However, these inventions usually have real prototypes in life. He loves to demonstrate his own courage. Even the negligence of his appearance is challenging to others’ sense of propriety. lol unfortunately that's probably more true than untrue.

    3. "An absent-minded professor". Due to his well-developed abstract thinking he is not always attentive to his appearance. True. If he cares of his dressing himself, he is always bedraggled, this is why he completely relies upon his partner’s taste and allows him to take charge of routine problems. I would friggin love it if someone took care of my laundry and laid out a couple outfits for me to pick from in the morning. Yes, I believe I'm going to add this to my list of goals. I'll pay someone to do it. Especially the laundry part. For the same reason he does not tolerate when others stare at him Yes(this is why his dual The Guardian often avoids to look directly into his interlocutor’s eyes Not so much), just because he, due to his inattention to his surroundings, is uncertain of how he appears to others. He is always insecure about his appearance and somewhat worries about his imaginary plainness. I don't really worry about that... I'd rather be plain than attractive most of the time so I don't get hassled. He needs a partner who possesses a well-developed aesthetic feeling, whose taste may be quite reliable; he needs to feel: my partner likes me even in spite of her well-developed, fussy and even pretentious taste. I don't really relate to this last bit. I want my partner to have fussy aesthetic taste when it comes to our surroundings, but not specifically when it comes to me.

    4. Optimistic. He quickly reacts to everything that brings emotions, especially positive. I try to encourage people... but I want them to be confident and optimistic, not "happy". He is as if preprogrammed for rising spirits of his dual (The Guardian) who always looks somewhat scared or angry. Lol this is very true. He permanently irradiates friendliness, positive emotions, and smiles. Hmm... When I'm at my wellest, definitely yes. But again, this is in regards to optimism, not "happiness". And I don't like to smile a lot except with a good friend or in business, in which case I smile a lot. I try to avoid interaction with most people though. I get paranoid about getting hassled. I friggin hate being hassled. He tries to make his partner laugh, shakes and hassles (lol) her in all possible ways, until she finally reacts, either positively or negatively, otherwise he will not have information about his condition (of course, in this sentence HE and SHE pronouns may be used vice versa). Peter and I tease eachother a lot, but he teases me more than I tease him. He likes to relate and to discuss what he has read and heard. Yes. It is easy for him to start up a conversation with a person he has never been familiar with. Yes, but again, for the past few years I've done what I can to avoid coming into unnecessary contact with people unless it's for business.

    5. Love for life. Definitely He searches permanent and constant human relations. Yes! He does not understand very well feelings and attractions of other people; this is why he is careful in this field and is afraid of being funny. Funny? I'll assume that's a poor translation for something else. So uh... yes, in every relationship I've been in I've cared more that the person won't cheat than everything else put together. He much values human life: a woman of this type, if having to choose the lesser evil, will rather choose to become a single mother than to make an abortion. Definitely. Not sure if that's type related though.

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  4. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    you have a death stare too?

    heh... I have a death non-stare... like, I pretend someone's not there
    I can picture it lol

    Yes I have one, but it only works on Patrick it seems (sometimes it is needed to get points across, just saying things to Patrick doesn't always sink in)
    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  5. #285

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    Stop reading type descriptions.
    No one is a type description.
    They just confuse you to no end.
    And then you start half-consciously modelling your behavior after them.
    No good.
    "Arnie is strong, rightfully angry and wants to kill somebody."

  6. #286
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    While this has certainly been the case in the past to some extent and definitely isn't a good thing, at this point I have too much going on (good stuff lol) to concern myself with fitting into a description.

    To be honest though, I did find the ESFp description disturbing... the wasteful energy, the foolishness, the lack of direction... these are traits that describe a lot of friends I've had, but I've never been anything like them. The INTp description is fine except that it's just too damn negative and unambitious.

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