If I'm ISTp then, would be my hidden agenda, to be loved. Could you explain about this hidden agenda more in depth. What is it like? I do worry alot about what people think of me, but I don't think its the same thing. Or is it?
Actually, it'd be To Love. I tried to explain it a little when McNew was doubting his type. Here's what I wrote, keep in mind that INTPs and ISTPs have the same hidden agenda.

If you have ever felt that people don't appreciate or understand you you might be an INTP. If you have ever felt that people should be more empathetic towards you you might be an INTP. If you have ever done, or not done something that could have done easily, that made you feel like you didn't appeciate someone and felt like an ass about it afterwards you might be an INTP. If you have ever not said something about youself to someone because you thought that person might be able to hurt you in some way you might be an INTP. If you have ever been annoyed by show-boaters drawing all the attention to themselves you might be an INTP.

--> This applies to me somewhat.

Well, ISTPs can be very touchy and sensitive. Anything that makes an ISTP feel not wanted would hurt pretty bad. An ISTP might also be touchy about jokes that seem to depricate them.

--> These things I would find hurtful. Could you give some examples of such jokes?

IxTx, probably more ISTp, hee hee