Well, maybe this is a typical F/T gender problem...

Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
That's the way ISFPs act when people get emotional around them. They try to be sympathetic at first, but can't handle so much emotional baggage. If you smother or try to try to trap ISFPs, they'll run or hide in a shell!
I once consider it, but this much sounds like T to me.
I especially do this when someone comes to me with the same problem time and again. The first time the sympathy may be somewhat real, but if they come back to me time and again I have a hard time with it.
I think this is the last things F prefer person speak out without joking, or it will be different in its tone; it'll have a strong vibe of irritation, and almost infecting.

And Ts tend to complain there's something bad with their F function, but Fs generally say their friend Ts aren't open up emotionally. It's just my observation, and of course, most Fs complained were girls chasing T boys, so it may have some inclination. But I think it's good with T at least.

Quote Originally Posted by original poster
For some reason needy people will attach themselves to me. Perhaps because I'll listen and not tell them to go away. Then they come back again and again and I have a hard time taking it, but I also don't want to hurt their feelings. Often I feel sneaky when I try to avoid them.
Me too. It seems, sometimes to some people, I look like an avatar of good will. I don't intend it and most of them are whom I know few, so I feel perplexed to guess what they hope to me, and often know it only when they say I betrayed them.
I don't want to appear evil, but also never hope such a exaggerated situation or relation. It will disappoint both me and them, and it is terrible to be hated without notice it.

Quote Originally Posted by original poster
I hate it when I think I've hurt someone's feelings or feel like I let them down.
It can be without strong F, since most people don't like to hurt. Just some people are immature at handling, forgetful or merciless to their enemy but the threshold to judge is too low. You can be quite T with consideration to others emotion.
Quote Originally Posted by original poster
I have a fear of responsibility and commitment.
Yeah, most people don't like a duty too, but there're slightly more people who love to take responsibility or commit everything than whom love to hurt.

Of course, having F as prefering function doesn't mean illogic.

Quote Originally Posted by original poster
I'm also good at figuring people out.
Me too! At least hope so...

Quote Originally Posted by original poster
The thing is that I don't know if that's because the ISFP seems like a nicer, kinder, gentler, person than the ISTP and I want to be more like that
I's quite possible, but also people can lean to ISTp attracted to be logical and independent. But, in my point of view, there's stll no strong evidence you're not T.