Well, sucking up in the first paragraph is always appreciated.
I thought that might help things a little.

So most everyone is thinking ISFP, eh? (I'm the original poster, by the way.) I'll write a little more to hopefully to help you analyze the F/T thinkg a little more.

No, no ixtp, he/she's not a T type! That's the way ISFPs act when people get emotional around them. They try to be sympathetic at first, but can't handle so much emotional baggage. If you smother or try to try to trap ISFPs, they'll run or hide in a shell!
That's pretty much exactly how I am. (I'm a she.) I avoid people who I think will end up getting all emotional on me. For some reason needy people will attach themselves to me. Perhaps because I'll listen and not tell them to go away. Then they come back again and again and I have a hard time taking it, but I also don't want to hurt their feelings. Often I feel sneaky when I try to avoid them.

I hate it when I think I've hurt someone's feelings or feel like I let them down. I almost always apologize right away. Once I feel like they've accepted my apology, I let it go and don't think about it again.

I have a fear of responsibility and commitment. I often run from it. I try to find excuses to get out of things. Though if a commitment is put on me and there's no way out, I'll accept it and try to do my best, but I'll usually feel confined by it.

Though I read that ISFP's are often moody and artistic. I'm hardly ever moody. I would not at all call myself a moody person. The only time I really get moody is when I realize that my life or emotions are off balance somewhere and that really doesn't happen all that often. I'm almost always in a good mood. I'm not all that artistic either. I appreciate other people's abilities, but I'm not good at painting/drawing, writing, music, anything like that. I'm better at athletics.

I also have a definite logical/analytical streak and I like technical things like computers and electronic gadgets. I'm good at troubleshooting problems. It's weird how my mind works, it will go through all these logical processes of what can be wrong and in the end I will much of the time come out with the correct solution. If something doesn't work, I'll figure out how to make it work. I do that a lot with computers. If something doesn't work one way, I'll try all sorts of other ways to try to get it to work.

I'm also good at figuring people out. I'm a good judge of character. Often my first impression of someone is the right one. I observe people a lot and try to figure out what makes them tick. I find that I can see through people to their underlying motive a good amount of the time. I can often tell when someone is being a little bit fishy and is up to something.

So basically the F/T area is what I'm concerned about. I really can't tell which I am because I can see where it looks like I have areas of both. Though I do confess that I've been leaning toward the ISFP side. The thing is that I don't know if that's because the ISFP seems like a nicer, kinder, gentler, person than the ISTP and I want to be more like that, of if I really am an ISFP.