bah, am I the only one thought this person is T?
Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
If I'm talking with someone for an extended period of time and they start getting into emotional territory some times I really don't know what to do.
Weak , maybe in 4th or 6th.
Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
I especially do this when someone comes to me with the same problem time and again. The first time the sympathy may be somewhat real, but if they come back to me time and again I have a hard time with it. I guess basically what I do is listen to them, and I try to be what they need me to be, act how I think they need me to act. Though I don't necessarily "feel" anything with them.
Can foresee coming troubles (), be aware of danger and easily cope with them (), notice rules or system () or watchful of surrounding and literal gut sense (), and wonder others can't do. Maybe 1st function.
Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
As for my own emotions...sometimes something will be bothering me, but I won't really know what it is. There's something there, but I can't put my finger on it. I have to kind of get away and think about what's going on until I know how I feel. Sometimes after I've done something like this, and taken the time to really analyze how I'm feeling, I'll get depressed for a few days. Then when I stop thinking about it, I'm fine again. I'm not good at talking about my emotions with other people. Usually they have to dig it out of me and even then I'll not tell them everything, maybe just bits and pieces. When I don't know someone well, they'll get nothing but surface level emotions until I get to know them and feel that I can trust them.
Weak , maybe in 3rd or 5th.

So, I thought IXTx, perhaps N, but not negative for ISTx. Am I wide of the mark??