I'm a registered user here, though I haven't been here very long and no one here really knows anything about me. I'm not going to log in with my registered name because I don't want anyone to see what I think my type is. I always seem to test as one type, but when I read the descriptions for that type I don't always feel that they describe me completely, and I do feel that in at least one set of descriptions I've read, another type may describe me better. So I thought I'd let you highly intelligent and resourceful people help me out here. Seriously, you guys amaze me with your knowledge.

First of all, I will say that perhaps if I took the time to understand the functions, things would make more sense. The problem being that it makes my brain want to explode to try and figure all that stuff out. It's not that I couldn't if I tried, it's just that I don't want to put the effort into figuring it all out, I just want to know, I don't want to take the time to figure it out. (Perhaps even this confession will help with figuring out my type.)

I like people, but sometimes they overwhelm me. I like to go out with friends and have fun, but I also like my alone time. I have a large group of friends I hang out with 2 or 3 times a week, but I'll usually just go off to the side and talk with a couple of people. If we're eating out I'm always quiet and never the center of attention. I may talk to the people around me, especially if they're a closer friend, but usually I'm observing others in the group rather than talking. From time to time I'll make a comment to something someone is saying. Sometimes it will just be to add some knowledge I already have, other times it's to make a funny one line comment.

If I'm talking with someone for an extended period of time and they start getting into emotional territory some times I really don't know what to do. I'll try to sympathize, but often I feel it's fake. I like to think I'm pretty good at acting so I don't always think they realize it's fake, but unfortuantely, more often than not I feel that I'm being fake. I especially do this when someone comes to me with the same problem time and again. The first time the sympathy may be somewhat real, but if they come back to me time and again I have a hard time with it. I guess basically what I do is listen to them, and I try to be what they need me to be, act how I think they need me to act. Though I don't necessarily "feel" anything with them. And it's not like I don't care about the person, because I care about people a lot, especially those I'm really close to...it's just that I have a hard time when people get really emotional on me, it can wear me out. Though I will say that I'm always there to listen to a friend if they need me. Always.

As for my own emotions...sometimes something will be bothering me, but I won't really know what it is. There's something there, but I can't put my finger on it. I have to kind of get away and think about what's going on until I know how I feel. Sometimes after I've done something like this, and taken the time to really analyze how I'm feeling, I'll get depressed for a few days. Then when I stop thinking about it, I'm fine again. I'm not good at talking about my emotions with other people. Usually they have to dig it out of me and even then I'll not tell them everything, maybe just bits and pieces. When I don't know someone well, they'll get nothing but surface level emotions until I get to know them and feel that I can trust them.

When I go places I can either be 10 minutes early or 10 minutes late, you never know. For work I'll set my alarm for 6:45, but hit snooze until about 7:30, when I have to be at work by 8:00. I'll rush around, take a shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, dry my hair if I have time, I never eat, then leave my house in a rush. I only live 10 min from where I work, but I'm usually a couple of minutes late every day because of my crazy morning routine. I don't normally have a set plan made out for my day, week, month, etc. I wait for something to come up and then I'll react to it. I have a wednesday movie night with a friend of mine and sometimes I feel constrained by it because I feel like I can't get out of it and I feel really bad when I do have to break the commitment.

Ok...enough for now.