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Thread: What are you good at?

  1. #1
    pezzonovante's Avatar
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    Default What are you good at?

    I thought of an interesting exercise last night and have toyed with it until now.

    Read through the following list of 18 skills that are related to but not closely associated with the 8 functions. Then sort them into the 4 categories. List your type on the bottom.

    Emotional stability
    Public speaking
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Creating art
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Multiple choice examinations
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Problem solving
    Small talk
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics

    [I am naturally good at this]
    [I have become good at this through effort]
    [I try but have difficulty]
    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]

    Be honest

    "A conscience does not prevent sin. It only prevents you from enjoying it..."

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
    - Thomas E Lawrence

  2. #2
    pezzonovante's Avatar
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    Here are mine:

    [I am naturally good at this]

    Problem solving
    Multiple choice examinations
    Setting goals and achieving them
    1:1 Persuasion

    [I have become good at this through effort]

    Public speaking - Might belong in the above category, haven't had the opportunities to do this as much as I want to
    Looking good - Took a while to figure this out, especially what sizes "fit" but I have this one down real good
    Machiavellian practicality
    Writing essays - Took years but I can say I'm pretty good now...however it still takes me a long ass time to write anything high quality
    Small talk - Depends on the person though, there are some people who I can't talk to at all

    [I try but have difficulty]

    Expressing yourself through music - If I had stuck with my instruments I probably would have been good, but lost interest real quick.
    Teaching - I get very frustrated
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics - Maybe one day...
    Getting out of harmful relationships - I have a lot of trouble with this...with relationships I never know when enough is enough, and I am always unsure whether what I feel is real or imagined
    Emotional stability - I'm getting better at this, but I still have really high highs and low lows
    Cooking - Hahahaha good thing I don't mind burned food

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]

    Living a consistent lifestyle - To put it simply: Night and day are foreign concepts to me
    Creating art - I like looking at it, but I suck at creating something out of nothing
    Writing stories - Same as art

    "A conscience does not prevent sin. It only prevents you from enjoying it..."

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
    - Thomas E Lawrence

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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    Quote Originally Posted by pezzonovante
    Read through the following list of 18 skills that are related to but not closely associated with the 8 functions. Then sort them into the 4 categories. List your type on the bottom.
    1. I am naturally good at this:
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Multiple choice examinations
    Problem solving
    Getting practical benefit from Socionics

    2. I have become good at this through effort:
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Public Speaking

    3. I try but have difficulty:
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Creating art
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Emotional Stability
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty

    4. I am hopeless or I find this unimportant:
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Small talk

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    Default Re: What are you good at?


  5. #5
    eunice's Avatar
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    [I am naturally good at this]
    Emotional stability
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Multiple choice examinations

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Problem solving
    Small talk

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Public speaking
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Creating art
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday

  6. #6
    oyburger's Avatar
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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    [I am naturally good at this]

    Creating art
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday

    [I have become good at this through effort]

    Emotional stability
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Problem solving
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Multiple choice examinations
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty

    [I try but have difficulty]

    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]

    Public speaking
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Small talk
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  7. #7
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    [I am naturally good at this]
    Emotional stability (more stable than most people I know)
    Public speaking
    Writing essays - practical writing (this was good at since as a small kid, dunno how)
    Multiple choice examinations (just have to go by gut trying not to listen to logic)
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition (dancing, singing I can do rather well - never tried instruments)
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics (I think I have done this alot, but what do you mean by practical? I haven't derived any money but I have changed the people I hang out with, a bit)

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday (I can pull it off easily now because I understand the consequences of not doing it)
    Creating art (Mostly abstract though, but the feedback is good)
    Problem solving

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Getting out of harmful relationships (Depends. If some other girl cathces my attention whlist I'm in a bad relationship, I end it straight away. But otherwise, it can be difficult)
    Setting goals and achieving them (short-term I can do, long term not really)
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?(only during the summer)
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty (I can get a bit frustrated...need to cycle 150 kms before)

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    Small talk (Depends again - I am good at small-talk flirting with girls, but I can't small talk with guys. There is no incentive )
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc. (interviews okay, sales shitty - I am unable to be pushy - and I hate anybody trying to convince me)
    Machiavellian practicality (I would care if it was a shortcut to an easy lifestyle where I can do what I want, but I am clueless about it)

    Overall, I think persuasion 1 on 1 can be the most difficult for me, because I am too proud.

    I am good at destroying hierachies, does that count?
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  8. #8
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Just a small idea - why don't we also do a part - What would you like your partner to have more in the 4 categories?
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  9. #9
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    [I am naturally good at]
    Public speaking
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc. (more interviews than sales though)
    Multiple choice examinations
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Small talk
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics (to some extent - this isn't really a concern for me though)

    [I have become good at this through effort] (and I'll add "due to necessity")
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Problem solving
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Emotional stability (I get better at controlling my moods all the time though)
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimporant]
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations (No interest)
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Creating art
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  10. #10
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Mea - this is the first time we don't have identical responses! But I think that's mainly due to where we are in our lives. I have to have a daily routine and wake up at the same time and get to bed at the same time now because of my daughter, for instance. Also, as you get older you gain more confidence. It could be you're naturally good at more than you give yourself credit for. Or, on the other hand, maybe I give myself credit for being naturally good at more than I should.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    • Quote Originally Posted by pezzonovante
      Read through the following list of 18 skills that are related to but not closely associated with the 8 functions. Then sort them into the 4 categories. List your type on the bottom.
      1. I am naturally good at this:
      Getting practical benefit from Socionics - (if there were none, I wouldn't be here)
      Emotional Stability
      Writing essays - practical writing
      Multiple choice examinations
      Problem solving
      Getting out of harmful relationships

      2. I have become good at this through effort:
      1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
      Looking good - do you know how to dress?
      Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
      Small talk (Depends on if I like you, reward of interaction)

      3. I try but have difficulty:
      Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
      Setting goals and achieving them
      Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations (I do not find this important, but I am not bad at it)
      Cooking ( I don't know much, but what I do know I am good at)
      Public Speaking (Was going to put this at 2, but my results would probably come across as lopsidedly positive)

      4. I am hopeless or I find this unimportant:
      Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
      Creating art ( I do enjoy photography)
      Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events

    If I am living my "A game", then

    • Public Speaking
      Setting Goals & Acheiving
      Living a consistent lifestyle

    are all boosted up to #2
    (consider the 1 to 7 enneagram shift)

    I am even more inclined to Machiavellian practicality, because I generally seek to be in positions of control or importance with things that matter to me.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  12. #12
    he died with a felafel
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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    1. I am naturally good at this:
    Creating art
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?

    2. I have become good at this :
    Problem solving
    Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Public Speaking

    3. I try but have difficulty:
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Multiple choice examinations
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition(i can't do any of these actually...
    Getting practical benefit from Socionics

    4. I am hopeless or I find this unimportant:
    Emotional Stability
    Living a consistent lifestyle
    Small talk

    delta/gamma ??

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    [I am naturally good at this]
    Emotional stability
    Public speaking
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Small talk
    Multiple choice examinations

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Creating art
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?

    [I try but have difficulty]

    Setting goals and achieving them
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Problem solving

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]

    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics
    IEI subtype

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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    Getting out of harmful relationships - no experience

    [1 I am naturally good at this]
    Multiple choice examinations
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition

    (side note: i am not concerned with expression of emotions through music but i do find playing music to be generally enjoyable).

    [2 I have become good at this through effort]
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics
    Problem solving
    Public speaking

    [3 I try but have difficulty]
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Emotional stability

    [4a I am hopeless]
    Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.

    [4b I find this unimportant]
    Small talk
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine
    Creating art
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    setting goals and achieving them

    my type- INTp (?)

  16. #16
    pezzonovante's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kioshi
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Just a small idea - why don't we also do a part - What would you like your partner to have more in the 4 categories?
    I would actually have an easier time with the partner idea.

    I'm running into lots of internal conflict on some of these. Like there are some areas I lack confidence in and would say I do poorly, but others think I am being perfectionistic.
    You should classify them according to how good you are compared to most people.

    "A conscience does not prevent sin. It only prevents you from enjoying it..."

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
    - Thomas E Lawrence

  17. #17

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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    [I am naturally good at this]

    Problem solving
    Expressing yourself through music
    Multiple choice examinations

    [I have become good at this through effort]

    Looking good
    Writing essays
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Machiavellian practicality

    [I try but have difficulty]

    Getting out of harmful relationships
    1:1 Persuasion
    Public speaking
    Emotional stability

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]

    Creating art
    Small talk
    Living a consistent lifestyle
    Writing stories

    I was hard on myself as not to seem self-centered, hehe.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  18. #18
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    [I am naturally good at this]

    Problem solving
    Multiple choice examinations
    Machiavellian practicality
    Writing essays
    Living a consistent lifestyle (maybe. i get called a "creature of habit" quite often sometimes which i suppose is related to being consistent. i don't get up and fall asleep at the same time everyday, though.)

    [I have become good at this through effort]

    Public speaking (i feel better about this lately. i used to be horrified of giving speeches.)
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Getting out of harmful relationships (better @ this now i think.)
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics - i think we turn ourselves into a bunch of crosstypes eventually heh.

    [I try but have difficulty]

    Expressing yourself through music (i never think i am incredibly good at this.)
    Emotional stability (i don't know about this one. i almost put "have become good at this through effort" because i think i'm better than i used to be?)
    1:1 Persuasion (maybe. i know i suck at manipulation. sometimes i am proud of this?)

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]

    Looking good - not sure i'm so bad at this but i'm not sure i care.
    Creating art
    Small talk - yeah, i am a brick wall in conversations.
    Writing stories - i don't think i am so fantastic at this, but i can write/report about my own experiences quite well, i have been told.
    6w5 sx
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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    [I am naturally good at this]

    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Creating art
    Multiple choice examinations
    Problem solving

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    Public speaking
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics
    Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Emotional stability
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Small talk

    Some of the second category I really feel uncomfortable doing though I am not bad at it.

  20. #20
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    [I am naturally good at this]
    Small talk
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Multiple choice examinations

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    Problem solving
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Emotional stability
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Getting out of harmful relationships

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    Creating art
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Public speaking

    [I don't understand or no simple answer]
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  21. #21
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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    [I am naturally good at this]
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics
    Multiple choice examinations
    Problem solving

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Public speaking

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Small talk

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Creating art

    I couldn't place: Emotional stability, could be natural talent or something I have difficulty with depending on what it means. My "core" emotional stability is excellent but my daily moods tend to fluctuate. I don't know how to explain it Also I don't know if I'm all that bad at expressing myself through music because I have never trained it really. I can't play an instrument or sing but if I had the means I might be good at it. I have thought about learning that some day. However I know I'm very bad at creating visual art like drawing and painting etc.

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    lol, almost everyone thinks they're good at multiple choice exams, except like two people who thought they were unimportant. Is that really true, or is it one of those things like almost everyone thinks that they're a good driver?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  23. #23
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Multiple choice exams are easier than most kinds of exams - maybe that's why people think that. I always did better in multiple choice exams than I should have done for how well I knew whatever I was being tested for. That's why I put it high up. I did much better than I should have done.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    lol, almost everyone thinks they're good at multiple choice exams, except like two people who thought they were unimportant. Is that really true, or is it one of those things like almost everyone thinks that they're a good driver?
    I put it high because it is the kind of exam where I can get good results without understanding really anything. Perhaps it is like this for everyone. I think multi-choices should be banned if that is true

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    lol, almost everyone thinks they're good at multiple choice exams, except like two people who thought they were unimportant. Is that really true, or is it one of those things like almost everyone thinks that they're a good driver?
    maybe it's just really hard to be bad at multiple choice exams? i don't think i'm a good driver at all heh.
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    In almost all multiple choice questions, the possible choices for the correct answer can almost always be narrowed down to two options. And the multiple choice questions, you do not have to know what something is, you just have to know what it is not. But I've never liked multiple choice questions as often the meaning of the answer choices are often quite vague to the point where I could usually make a cohesive argument for several of the answers.
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Johari Box

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    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    In almost all multiple choice questions, the possible choices for the correct answer can almost always be narrowed down to two options. And the multiple choice questions, you do not have to know what something is, you just have to know what it is not. But I've never liked multiple choice questions as often the meaning of the answer choices are often quite vague to the point where I could usually make a cohesive argument for several of the answers.
    a-ha! thank you for putting that so succinctly. that's what i tend to do, go through and pick out what i know is definitely not right, then figure it out the rest through whatever method seems appropriate at the time.
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    lol sneg...

    you may not care about something like "multiple choice examinations" and all the others but are you good at them?

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    lol sneg...

    you may not care about something like "multiple choice examinations" and all the others but are you good at them?
    Well yeah, at some, but I tried to be as honest as possible. When I thought about it, I really don't care about any of that stuff I said I don’t.

    EDIT: Oh, and the ones I said I haven't tried, I really haven’t tried, so I can't really judge that.

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    giving results that say you don't care about anything aren't really very useful because you don't have a choice whether or not you wish to take multiple choice tests, for example. whereas it might be appropriate to say that "creating art" or "dressing well" are completely uninteresting to you and, thus, you simply don't do them, many of these are meant to measure capabilities as well as preferences, and thus it's not useful to have results saying that such activities as taking multiple choice tests, writing essays, speaking in public, etc. are uninteresting because everyone has to do them at some point or another.

    (if you indicated that you were hopelessly bad at most of these required areas, that would be a different story. but your commentary eliminates that possibility.)

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    You know, you're right.

  33. #33

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    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    In almost all multiple choice questions, the possible choices for the correct answer can almost always be narrowed down to two options. And the multiple choice questions, you do not have to know what something is, you just have to know what it is not. But I've never liked multiple choice questions as often the meaning of the answer choices are often quite vague to the point where I could usually make a cohesive argument for several of the answers.
    It depends what kind of multiple choice test you're talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  34. #34

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    In almost all multiple choice questions, the possible choices for the correct answer can almost always be narrowed down to two options. And the multiple choice questions, you do not have to know what something is, you just have to know what it is not. But I've never liked multiple choice questions as often the meaning of the answer choices are often quite vague to the point where I could usually make a cohesive argument for several of the answers.
    It depends what kind of multiple choice test you're talking about.
    even more importantly, it depends the tendencies of whoever wrote the test.

  35. #35
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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    [I am naturally good at this]
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Writing essays - practical writing (at least I was when I was in school)
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events (at least I was when I was in school)
    Multiple choice examinations
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Problem solving

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Emotional stability
    Public speaking
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Small talk
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Cooking (once in a great while)

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Small talk
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Creating art
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics
    Small talk


    Check out my Socionics group!

  36. #36


    lol things Joy isn't good at...

    making sure she doesn't list the same thing under two or three different catagories.

  37. #37

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    i find it rather difficult to believe that an ENTj wouldn't be good at deriving practical benefit from socionics (assuming, of course, that they know and understand the subject)

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    lol things Joy isn't good at...

    making sure she doesn't list the same thing under two or three different catagories.

    I did that on purpose

    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    i find it rather difficult to believe that an ENTj wouldn't be good at deriving practical benefit from socionics (assuming, of course, that they know and understand the subject)
    it's helped me in the past, but at this point I just find it unimportant

    Check out my Socionics group!

  39. #39

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    then why are you even here?

  40. #40
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    the friends I've made (and cause I'm too drugged up to get much accomplished with the new activity I got started on like a few weeks ago when I was posting between like one and five times a day for a couple weeks there... it's actually more fun imo lol)

    Check out my Socionics group!

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