[I am naturally good at this]

Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
Creating art
Multiple choice examinations
Problem solving

[I have become good at this through effort]
Public speaking
Getting out of harmful relationships
Looking good - do you know how to dress?
Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
Deriving practical benefit from Socionics
Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.

[I try but have difficulty]
Emotional stability
Setting goals and achieving them
Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday

[I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
Small talk

Some of the second category I really feel uncomfortable doing though I am not bad at it.