Here are mine:

[I am naturally good at this]

Problem solving
Multiple choice examinations
Setting goals and achieving them
1:1 Persuasion

[I have become good at this through effort]

Public speaking - Might belong in the above category, haven't had the opportunities to do this as much as I want to
Looking good - Took a while to figure this out, especially what sizes "fit" but I have this one down real good
Machiavellian practicality
Writing essays - Took years but I can say I'm pretty good now...however it still takes me a long ass time to write anything high quality
Small talk - Depends on the person though, there are some people who I can't talk to at all

[I try but have difficulty]

Expressing yourself through music - If I had stuck with my instruments I probably would have been good, but lost interest real quick.
Teaching - I get very frustrated
Deriving practical benefit from Socionics - Maybe one day...
Getting out of harmful relationships - I have a lot of trouble with this...with relationships I never know when enough is enough, and I am always unsure whether what I feel is real or imagined
Emotional stability - I'm getting better at this, but I still have really high highs and low lows
Cooking - Hahahaha good thing I don't mind burned food

[I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]

Living a consistent lifestyle - To put it simply: Night and day are foreign concepts to me
Creating art - I like looking at it, but I suck at creating something out of nothing
Writing stories - Same as art