I thought of an interesting exercise last night and have toyed with it until now.

Read through the following list of 18 skills that are related to but not closely associated with the 8 functions. Then sort them into the 4 categories. List your type on the bottom.

Emotional stability
Public speaking
1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
Creating art
Writing essays - practical writing
Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
Getting out of harmful relationships
Multiple choice examinations
Setting goals and achieving them
Looking good - do you know how to dress?
Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
Problem solving
Small talk
Deriving practical benefit from Socionics

[I am naturally good at this]
[I have become good at this through effort]
[I try but have difficulty]
[I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]

Be honest