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Thread: What are you good at?

  1. #41
    Logos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    In almost all multiple choice questions, the possible choices for the correct answer can almost always be narrowed down to two options. And the multiple choice questions, you do not have to know what something is, you just have to know what it is not. But I've never liked multiple choice questions as often the meaning of the answer choices are often quite vague to the point where I could usually make a cohesive argument for several of the answers.
    It depends what kind of multiple choice test you're talking about.
    even more importantly, it depends the tendencies of whoever wrote the test.
    But such subjective tendencies will vary no matter the test format. It would also depend on "what kind of essays you're talking about" and the "tendencies of whoever wrote the test." So, you cannot say whether or not you are good at multiple choice tests or essay unless you assume that you are good at it with an implied natural ability or tendency to overcome the grading tendencies of the test maker/grader.
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Johari Box

  2. #42
    pezzonovante's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    lol, almost everyone thinks they're good at multiple choice exams, except like two people who thought they were unimportant. Is that really true, or is it one of those things like almost everyone thinks that they're a good driver?
    I saw that too and thought about it for a while. My conclusion is that anyone who would be interested in Socionics is someone with above average intelligence and a high need for cognition, which are correlated with good multiple choice examination scores.

    "A conscience does not prevent sin. It only prevents you from enjoying it..."

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
    - Thomas E Lawrence

  3. #43
    he died with a felafel
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    lol, almost everyone thinks they're good at multiple choice exams, except like two people who thought they were unimportant. Is that really true, or is it one of those things like almost everyone thinks that they're a good driver?
    i think i'm bad at multiple choice...and it really sucks as they're heavily used in standardized tests

  4. #44
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    [I am naturally good at this]
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Multiple choice examinations

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Public speaking
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Problem solving
    Small talk

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Creating art (VISUAL art)
    Emotional stability

    INFp Fe subtype

    Dress pretty, play dirty ღ

  5. #45
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    [I am naturally good at this]
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Public speaking
    Problem solving
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Multiple choice examinations
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition

    [I have become good at this through effort]

    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Small talk
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Emotional stability
    Creating art
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  6. #46

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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    [I am naturally good at this]
    Problem solving - for practical problems involving systems or effeciency
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics - I naturally seem to chew over what I learn and try to apply any insights to my life
    Cooking - I'm not inventive but I have a good feel for it.
    Multiple choice examinations - love 'em.
    Getting out of harmful relationships - It's always better to bite the bullet, I hate stagnation.
    Writing essays - practical writing - sometimes I feel like doing them just for fun.

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    Emotional stability - maybe not perfect but I've worked hard to improve this
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events - I'm quite good at this, but it is a bit of an effort.
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition - I'm pretty musical, studied singing and instruments when at school, now I just play around trying to use it expressively rather than for exams.

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Small talk - the horror. I see the need so I do try but find it very uncomfortable unless I have taken a particular interest or liking to the person.
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty - I would certainly try but I doubt this is something I'd excel at.
    Looking good - do you know how to dress? - I know what looks good on me, but can never find anything that resembles what I want.
    Public speaking - people tell me I'm good at it but I find it stressful.

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    Problem solving - for problems involving abstract or lateral thinking or things I'm not technically familiar with. I have INTPs for that.
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday - you'd think an ISTJ would be better at this but I just do whatever I feel like. What difference does it make.
    Setting goals and achieving them - getting too wound up about this is a disadvantage when one's health is poor, one must learn to go with the flow.
    Creating art - not that art isn't important, but I rarely have the impulse to make anything abstract.
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations - I'm useless at that sort of thing
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc. - ditto
    female ISTj, sensory subtype

  7. #47
    mustachio's Avatar
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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    first and foremost, i'd like to specify that i am good in everything. now that we've cleared that up...

    [I am naturally good at this]
    1.Creating art (goes without saying)
    2.Writing stories (i speak better with a pen than with my tongue )
    3.Problem solving (when opportunity knocks i always answer! )
    4.Teaching (if you mean leading then yes! )
    5.Machiavellian practicality (my left hand made me do it! )
    6.Multiple choice examinations (don't give me the answer! )

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    1.Public speaking (extremely shy)
    2.Writing essays (extremely impatient)
    3.Looking good (extremely nonchalant)
    4.Setting goals and achieving them (extremely lazy)

    [I try but have difficulty]
    1.Emotional stability (i either lack restraint or warmth)
    2.Small talk (hate it though it's efficient -- never leave home without a few made-up conversations)
    3.Cooking (because marriage is out of the question)
    4.Persuasion (i hate people)

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    1.Deriving practical benefit from Socionics (? -- if you've lived enough socionics only confirms your assumptions)
    2.Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday (become boring? no way never!
    3.Getting out of harmful relationships (people can always be put to good use; what's the point of making enemies?)
    4.Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition (tedious)

    SLE to the max...
    IEI - the nasty kind...

  8. #48
    Exodus's Avatar
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    Why not, I'm bored:

    [I am naturally good at this]
    Problem solving
    Emotional stability (It depends on what you mean by this. I think compared to most people I'm pretty stable.)
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition (Strangely. I love playing the piano, and I've even been teaching myself lately)
    Multiple choice examinations (seriously)

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    Writing essays - practical writing (if I have a lot of time to go back and revise it)
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty (practicing for being a professor)
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics (i.e. forming better relationships)
    Getting out of harmful relationships

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Public speaking
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday (when left to my own devices)

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    Small talk (ok, I'm hopeless, but I *do* try)
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc. (suck at interviews)
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations (I guess I've never really had the chance)
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Looking good - do you know how to dress? (I go by the KISS principle )
    Cooking (I never want to do this)
    Creating art (although I'm good at poetry)

  9. #49
    star stuff April's Avatar
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    Default Fun :)

    [I am naturally good at this]
    Creating art
    Multiple choice examinations
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Problem solving
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    Emotional stability
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Public speaking
    Small talk

    [I find this unimportant]
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations

  10. #50
    Expat's Avatar
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    [I am naturally good at this]
    Emotional stability - I am more stable than most people, unless I am really annoyed
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Multiple choice examinations
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Problem solving

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics I don't know how you can be naturally good at this in particular, unless it's meant that you're naturally good at deriving a practical benefit from anything
    Public speaking
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc. But not with everyone or any situation. I persuade via arguments, when they don't work that's it.
    Getting out of harmful relationships

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations Actually I try not to get shot down; I don't want to rise by unethical means since I want to be able to look myself in the mirror without vomiting.
    Cooking Well I don't try too hard
    Getting out of harmful relationships

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Creating art
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Small talk
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  11. #51

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    Default Re: What are you good at?

    [I am naturally good at this]
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc. not so much sales since I've never been into that field, but 1:1 I can usually persuade anyone to do
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Multiple choice examinations
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Looking good - do you know how to dress? IMO I dress well…
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Problem solving
    Small talk I can talk to someone for an hour starting with an Orange peel, from there I'll probably end up talking about bicycles or styrofoam cups at some
    Cooking my momma was a cook...

    [I have become good at this through effort]
    Emotional stability I think I am stable but there have been times that have tested it and I don't know if I made the right decisions so I bumped it from the [naturally good at] category
    Public speaking as long as I know what I'm talking about, it's no problem...
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events

    [I try but have difficulty]
    Creating art -My brother and mother were the artists in my family...
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics I can see where it would apply but don't use it since I don't actually try to learn it enough.

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition Can't say I ever really tried, unless I'm in my car

    hahaha, I just went through and read this thread... Why do I feel like I have way too many in the "being good at things categories"

  12. #52


    [I am naturally good at this]

    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Public speaking
    Problem solving
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    Multiple choice examinations
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events
    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    Small talk
    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics
    Emotional stability
    Creating art
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Getting out of harmful relationships

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]


  13. #53

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    lol @ bionic

  14. #54
    pezzonovante's Avatar
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    Thanks guys for your responses. I haven't had the time to go through all the data but I will soon and post my observations.

    "A conscience does not prevent sin. It only prevents you from enjoying it..."

    "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
    - Thomas E Lawrence

  15. #55
    Raver's Avatar
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    [I am naturally good at this]

    Writing stories - fiction or narratives of true events

    [I have become good at this through effort]

    Deriving practical benefit from Socionics
    Multiple choice examinations
    Teaching - to someone who is having a lot of difficulty
    up/sleeping at the same time everyday
    Problem solving
    Public speaking
    Emotional stability

    [I try but have difficulty]

    Expressing yourself through music - singing, instruments, composition
    Getting out of harmful relationships
    Setting goals and achieving them
    Looking good - do you know how to dress?
    1:1 Persuasion - includes sales, interviews, etc.
    Small talk
    Writing essays - practical writing
    Living a consistent lifestyle - having a daily routine such as waking
    Creating art

    [I am hopeless or I find this unimportant]

    Machiavellian practicality - rising to power in organizations
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

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