Quote Originally Posted by heath
hmm, for clarification: I mean they aren't desirous of a hot car.
My wife wants me to get a BMW but I'd rather get another Nissan even though we could easily afford the BMW.

Quote Originally Posted by heath
They are practical and realistic people, they probably want investments- a nice home, property, etc.
Would rather take the money I don't spend on a pricey car that I woudlnt' appreciate anyways and dump it into exactly that.

Quote Originally Posted by heath
But they don't freak out and buy the latest cell phone, car, etc etc.
Once upon a time I worked at a very well known "mobility" company and worked on cutting edge "mobile devices" with all the latest gadgets, cameras, streaming video, MP3, blah blah blah. And what kind of personal phone did I use while working at that job? An old-school NEXTEL design with no camera, no video, monochrome LCD screen, a big azz speaker, and a big azz battery. I loved it, but everybody looked at me sorta funny since it was so "low tech". But I had the last laugh because while their gadget clogged phones were always dropping calls due to all the junk stuffed in them, mine was clean as a whistle and could hold calls anywhere, LOL.

Quote Originally Posted by heath
They don't feel special driving a giant Hummer the way an ESFp would.
My wife is the trendy status conscious one among us, and she'd appreciate a luxury brand car 100x more than I ever could, so when the time comes to replace her car she can get something nice. This year I'll probably trade in my 8 year old 2 bodystyles out of date Nissan with 153k miles (250k km) for a new Nissan, even though I could afford something nicer. There's also a Mazda I like too. And the only reason I'm getting rid of it is because it's getting too old, has lots of little problems here and there, and I just don't have the time to give it the care it needs.

Quote Originally Posted by heath
Anyway, Steve is a man who actually has dated real women and has a career, I think he could better illuminate this subject then a bunch of asshole teenagers who are still under their parent's wing. cough. tard.
Ti hacks drive me crazy. I wonder how Ti hacks perceive INTp's.

Quote Originally Posted by heath
and by the way, I derived most of my imformation on the INTp/ESFp duality from Rick's Socionics Blog. He is great.
What you said made a lot of sense to me (far more sense than a lot of stuff I see on this site these days), so I'll definitely check that out.