Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
Supervision is the most common relationship between long-term couples you know? Wow. Almost all long-term couples I know are either duals or mirrors. I'm surprised how many mirror long-term couples I know. Anyway, that's another issue.
Perhaps one of us has problems reliably typing people (lol, meaning it could be either one of us). Or it is just a coincidence since my set is statistically pretty small.

Anyways with my current typings I know ISTj(m)-ESFp(f) couple, ESTj(m)-ISFp(f), ESFp(f)-INFj(m), another ESFp(f) - INFj(m), ISFj(m)-ESTp(f), probably another ISFj(m)-ESTp(f). Hmm...was that all...then of course here in the forum you have oyburger living in a relations of supervision, Kristiina in a relations of supervision, and Herzy's parents in the relations of supervision. I bet there are more. So it seems not to be that rare for reason or another.

At socionics.com it says:
"Supervision partners often look like good friends. The reason for this is that in these relations both partners can sense their social value: the Supervisor as a "guardian angel", without whom the Supervisee will get into trouble, and the Supervisee as the object of attention."

The fact that they have well defined roles in the relationships makes it more stabile than many other relations. E.g. I'm not sure if supervision couples fight really that much when they are left alone. While not alone arguments and fights are much more common. And of course the supervisee has to sort of "submit" to their inferior role but this seems not be a problem because they often respect the supervisor's abilities to easily do what is hard for them. So they learn to submit willingly in these issues. Ok, some people might never submit to this inferior role but it seems many don't mind it after the initial establishment period of the relations. Especially women seem to think it is safe to make children with their supervisor because they are somehow so capable in difficult issues which they are afraid of. Brings a sense of security. Or I have just mistyped everyone