Quote Originally Posted by Logos
I just know that most people who I have seen try and type her, do so with the intention of trying to keep her out of their type and quadra. So maybe if you could find a type that will usually like Ayn Rand, we may have a better starting point.
I know a real life ENTj who has said that he could have written her books himself. And even though I think that her philosophy -- "objectivism" -- is based on some false assumptions, I like her individualism, and I agree with many aspects of her political views, as I consider myself to be some sort of libertarian myself. In general I think that too much altruism is worse than too much egoism. I am also similar to her in that I believe in the existence of objective truths and objective quality, but those beliefs are not based on Rand's kind of "objectivism". I don't identify with her personality and temperament, which is think is very much Tj.