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Thread: ENFp-IEE Subtypes

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    Default ENFp-IEE Subtypes

    I can't find any explanation of what exactly makes two subtypes different from each other. For instance, I am interested in the two subtypes of the ENFP. All the type descriptions, socionic and MBTI seem to describe the ethical subtype. The intuitive (quieter) subtype seems very un-ENFP like. What gives??

    Intuitive subtype Ne-ENFp (Ne-IEE)

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    Ne-IEE Appearance:
    The intuitive subtype makes an impression of a person somewhat torn away from reality, internally focused, and at the same time scattered. Inclined to unexpected contrasts in behavior: shyness and apathy are suddenly replaced by emotional elation, decisiveness, and activity, the melancholic look on his face changes to inspired and joyful. Thoughtful and impulsive, optimistic and suppressed, timid and energetic, he imparts very varied impressions on others. Internally inconsistent, vulnerable, easily offended, but hides his problems under a mask of being carefree. Tries to be friendly with everyone, strives to understand all people, to favor everyone with his smile. Attentive, soft and tactful, predisposing towards trust. Willingly delves into the problems of others, tries to find a way out of difficult position and to give useful advice. Defends his views emotionally. Can exert psychological pressure on his opposition. His movements are impulsive, not well coordinated, and somewhat angular. Gait is fast and a bit awkward. Chin is often pointed. Gaze is attentive, interrogative or surprised, penetrating and perceptive.

    Ne-IEE Character:
    Very perceptive. Has a good sense for hidden motivations of people. Especially acutely sees people's flaws, but tries not to show it to not offend anyone. Before him it is pointless to pretend. He hates falsity and hypocrisy. Forgiving towards various human weaknesses. Friendly and responsive, sympathizes with people, likes giving them advice in difficult life situations. Always see several varied solutions to the problem, and suggest a resolution or exit even in the most hopeless cases. He has the gift of persuasion, uplifts despairing people and inspires them to overcome the difficulties.

    Discerning of people's abilities. Gravitates towards talented and extraordinary personalities. Likes new experiences and impressions. Interested in all that is unusual and mysterious. Curious, reads much and reflects. This is a creative personality. Analyzes everything - tries to understand the essence of different phenomena. Feels bored if he doesn't find a use for his abilities: from routine his vitality wanes. Tends to periodically change jobs or his hobbies, to test himself in a new pursuits, until he finds an occupation that he sincerely enjoys. He is constantly experimenting, looking for new directions and approaches in his work. He is very demanding towards himself and towards others in creative sense. Always can find flaws and faults and is therefore never completely happy with what has been done. Becoming inspired by any idea becomes its active supporter. Persistently promotes and develops it, not sparing his time and efforts.

    Has a holistic, global approach to solving problems. Difficulties do not frighten him, but in the reverse they attract him. When he starts on one thing, he sees everything that is somehow related to it. Experiences difficulties in connection this, when there is a need to select the main important aspects and push aside all those secondary. Tries to finish the whole load of assignments and chores at once, as a result of which he overworks himself and loses faith in their own strengths. In such cases, needs a long rest and to focus his attention on something else. After this, gets back to work with renewed enthusiasm and completes his assignments. Cannot stand when he is subjected to a strict work schedule or when someone tightly manages his activities. Prefers to have independence that would allow him to live freely, by his own schedule, and to retain his individuality.

    Demonstrates follow-through with his projects and interests others with them. His faith in success, even in the most hopeless cases, gets passed on to those around him, while his enthusiasm is able to shake the confidence of even the most hardened skeptics. Passionately defends his beliefs. If he is confident in his correctness, exerts strong emotional pressure on others, disregarding any authorities. Quickly notices weak spots of his opponent and can easily put him into a dead end. But grows tired from discussions quickly. Prefers to communicate with like-minded people, and thus creates a social circle around himself of people who have similar views and are sympathetic towards each other.

    Able to see ahead, has a good sense for future development and prospect of affairs and relations. Perceives danger ahead of time, and tries to take measures to eliminate it in advance. Surprises people around him by his gift of prescience, as his predictions often come true. Having many options and choices of solutions, experiences difficulty with taking initiative. Unsure of himself, and especially in his own volitional qualities. Suffers due to his scatteredness and disorganization, and inertia of his character. Doesn't know how to protect his material and financial interests. However, in extreme situations he is decisive, determined, cool-headed and discerning, instantly orients, showing courage and resourcefulness.

    Reacts sensitively to rudeness, cruelty, injustice. Can lose his temper and flare up. Doesn't always control himself in his words and actions. Calming down, tries to rectify the situation, especially if he feels himself in the wrong. Otherwise doesn't compromise. Very impressionable and vulnerable. For a long time cannot get out of a stressed state. Even after many years, remembers what he had lived through and experienced down to the minutest details. Being disappointed in a person, forever crosses him out of his life. Not vindictive in little things. Able to forgive a lot to those whom he loves and respects.

    Tries to be responsible and keep his obligations, to not let others down. Might not keep his word only due to easily getting distracted. Does not like to make promises if he is not confident that he can fulfill them. Sometimes does more than what is expected of him. Dislikes being in debt, having to ask for help, to impose himself or show vested interests. Strives to keep his appearance, his living space and his workplace in order, but this comes to him only with great effort. Impractical and yielding in everyday household matters, modest and undemanding towards items, but strives to look attractive, sometimes even extravagant. Doesn't know how to take care of himself, but is in big need of both personal and physical comfort. Poorly tolerates overcrowdeding, large crowds of people, as well as absence of aesthetics in any of its manifestations.

    Ne-IEE Description by Victor Gulenko: Very sociable, temperamental, mobile person. Initiator of many things, characterized by a lot of restlessness and changeability. Very creative person, but at times he is scattered and lacks discipline. Capable of pouring out his dissatisfaction on his superiors, does not take relations of subordination into account. Outwardly, frequently has full rounded forms. In clothing can be demonstrative, bright, even gaudy.

    Sexual behavior of subtypes:

    Ethical subtype Fi-ENFp (Fi-IEE)

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    Fi-IEE Appearance:
    The ethical subtype is artistic, impatient, a little extravagant. Unpredictable in his actions and statements. Like to surprise or entertain people around him, and even insignificant events present as big sensations. Frequently becomes the soul of the company: he is self-assured, has a good sense of humor, independent, original, and very impulsive. Characterized by a kind of sincerity and spontaneity similar to a small child who doesn't hide his feelings. Can create familiar, homelike environment for communication even with unfamiliar to him people. Readily gives compliments, voices his admirations of people around him. Optimistic and amiable. Charming and coquettish, but too direct and rash in his statements and actions. This creates an impression of seeming availability or theatricality. At times assertive and pushy, periodically becomes focused. Looks directly at someone, attentively, not blinking. Movements are sharp and decisive. Gait is rapid and directed, assured, although somewhat angular. Often has a somewhat round face. Likes to dress originally, with taste, to impress others and to be liked by them.

    Fi-IEE Character:
    Single-minded, purposeful, determined, active and mobile. Clever, inventive, and resourceful in solving any problems. Believes in good luck no matter what happens. With his energy, optimism, and hard work he usually achieves his goals. He is able to overcome great obstacles. It is difficult for him to prepare for something in advance, he prefers impromptu improvisations. Sometimes he does even the incredible at the last moment, when seemingly there were no chances. Does not become lost under any circumstances. Even if he's unsure of himself, demonstrates courage and determination, with which he can psychologically disarm an opponent.

    Emotional, sociable, and welcoming. Knows how to find an approach to each person. Seems somewhat affectatious in his behavior. Readily gives compliments to people with a sincere desire to raise their mood and spirits, to do something pleasant for them. Tries to encourage everyone, to instill confidence in success. Charming and diplomatic. Of flaws and shortcomings speaks in a joking manner, so as not to offend. Talks of his own difficulties and troubles with humor, due to which some may come to view him as a carefree, light-minded, unproblematic person. Due to his desire to maintain good relations with everyone can overload himself with unnecessary contacts. Not accepting of conventions and prejudices. Trusting by nature: in a conversation can say too much, considering secrecy a sign of cowardice or insecurity.

    Tries to be the center of attention and to be liked by everyone. Likes to win over people, but usually doesn't go beyond this. Inclined to quickly become disappointed in the objects of his sympathy. Very much dependent on his moods, which sometimes affects his close relationships. Impulsive and straightforward, sometimes extravagant and unpredictable in his actions, but always interesting to people around him. Tries to be aware of the various events, so that given an opportunity he can stun others with original new, to tell them something extraordinary, sensational, spectacular. Has well-developed imagination, and in the course of telling a story adds interesting details, in which he himself may come to believe. At times confuses reality and imaginative fiction.

    Enthusiastically defends his views and opinions. An opponent of hierarchy and rank subordination. Doesn't become timid before his superiors, boldly defends his point of view and interests. Impressionable and easily takes offense. Can be hot tempered, unrestrained, at times even aggressive. However, easily moves on and forgives. Not envious, sincerely rejoices at the successes of others. Seems organic, natural, free and unconstrained in his behavior. Creates a trusting atmosphere in interaction and knows how to diffuse a tense situation.

    Energetic and enterprising in new ventures, although at times he doesn't have enough patience and follow-through. Restless, dislikes performing meticulous detailed work, to take care of documentation. Dislikes strict rules that hinder his independence. Can run late to events. Often doesn't complete his assignment in time, as he gets distracted by extraneous activities and conversations. In interaction, often changes topics of conversation, jumping from one subject to another. Feels upset and discouraged if at this he loses sight of something important.

    Energetic and enterprising in new business, although he sometimes lacks patience and consistency. Restless, he does not like hard work, documentation. He does not like the strict rules that hamper its independence. It may be late for the event. Often it does not have time to make the scheduled date, as distracted by extraneous things and talk. In conversation often changes the topic of conversation, jumping from one to another. It discouraged if it loses sight of something significant.

    Due to tendency to scatter his attention, prefers to receive information in a concise, clear, memorable form. He doesn't need lengthy explanations, understands everything from half a word. In important to him matters, he is conscientious, tries to be responsible at his job, works thoroughly and efficiently. Dislikes letting people down and becomes very upset if he fails to fulfill his agreements. Tries to fight irresponsibility in himself and atone for his fault in any way. Values the opinions of people in his circle. Feels offended if there are doubts of his abilities, his logic and business qualities. Self-critical, still the criticism of others wounds him deeply.

    Inclined to risky adventures, that improve his vitality, travels and makes trips with much pleasure. He is often not careful enough and reckless in his actions. Needs care and attention of people around him. Not indifferent to comfort, but is unable to constantly maintain order and organization. From everyday and household problems, as well as from any routine, gets tired easily. Not thrifty and economical, careless, negatively views any manifestations of greed. Likes beautiful things. Looks simple and natural, but if he wishes can dress elegantly and originally. Looks after his figure. A hopeless romantic: inclined to idealize people and relationships. Dreams of harmony and perfection. Feels upset by the inability to find them in real life.

    Fi-IEE Description by Victor Gulenko: Sees in other people hidden desires, inclination, and attachments. Prefers to work at a short psychological distance, unlike the intuitive subtype. Likes giving advice, gravitates towards psychoanalysis, in this case counting on manifestation of positive qualities in people. Can stand up for others, defend their interests, but finds it more difficult to stand up for himself. Outwardly is often somewhat thin and elegant. Prefers free sitting clothes and soft tones.
    Last edited by silke; 09-14-2017 at 09:05 PM. Reason: updated with translations

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