Quote Originally Posted by April
Even if it does have something to do with her own husband's opinion of short hair, she's still upset about what your husband said. So I think that your husband should say something. If I feel like somebody has disrespected me, I don't forget it. But if somebody apologizes, I'm likely to forgive quickly. That's why I don't think the "let it blow over" idea is a good one. I mean, it's been several weeks, and she's still mad? She probably will get over it with time, but that won't be fun for her and her friendship with your husband could suffer. As long as the apology is genuine, it's likely to go over well.
Im agree. He should say something short and sweet. Even if he has to practice it to say it right. ISTPs like to communicate things indirectly when it comes to these matters but sometimes they should bite the bullet and say 'Im sorry'. It wont be the end of the world for them and in this case the INFJ would know it how difficult it is. More than likely she would forgive him and he would gain her respect. To err is human, to forgive Divine.