Quote Originally Posted by dudeins View Post
do you think that an IEE (female) and ESE (male) could work out, in regards to a romantic relationship?

i was hanging out with this guy over the summer and i never get super attached, but with him, i want to get involved. the problem is, he's going to school on the other side of the US and has told me he really wants to stay in touch/see me when he returns for break.

but i'm cautious, because i know how quickly i can "stray" and get all negative and think things will never work out (on several different levels).

what do you think? have any of you ever been in a relationship with an ESE that worked out?
somewhere it says that relations of benefit are the second most common configuration for marriage. for myself, i've found the best expression of these relations are at work. you see benefit partners supporting each other all the time, even in the face of obvious faults and flaws in each partner. it's like there's a blind spot though that your partner in benefit can't see your weakness all that well or something.

infpman was married to his benefactor for 30 years, but as he says, "it ran it's course."

having said all that dudeins, i think it's a relationship worth pursuing. why not.