Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
Relax. He never stood up to the plate like other men I've been with, that's all I'm saying. Sex doesn't have to have some huge meaning behind it. And no, I will not have a pussy as a boyfriend who cries in front of me because I forgot to call him that day. There was nothing to HIM that made me want to invest anything other than sex. That's all.
Yeah. ISTp + INFp relations are not good things. Jessica what your saying is right, in the end when the relationship didn't work out you had nothing but sex between you, and then that failed.

Misutii made a pertinent point about you having incompatible sexual styles. He was looking for you as an agressor and you were approaching him sexually with your careful style. I suspect thats part of the reason the sex dried up. INFps are quite deep people, and much like ENFp's if the rest of the relationship isn't there we couldn't give two shits about sex in the long run.

I must admit that after the initial honeymoon period i get a little bored of sex. I think it partially has to do with me telling that the relationship is starting to fail. Of course its always pretty fun but once im over that initial zang its definately not enough to base a relationship around. Still, i've never slept with a careful sexual style, so hopefully that will keep the candle burning so to speak :wink: